"Tian Guang? How is it considered? "

Ying Zheng looked at Xia Kui.

Tian Guang seemed to have thought about it: "Then I dare to ask, the Mo family can enter the Divine Machine, so how is His Majesty the First Emperor of my peasant family going to arrange?" "

Ying Zheng did not hesitate: "Ministry of Agriculture! Deputy Minister. "

"Ministry of Agriculture?"

Not only Tian Guang, but everyone present showed doubtful eyes.

Daqin, there is no Ministry of Agriculture.

Huan Zheng said lightly: "Since the beginning of the Shang Martingale Reform Law, Daqin has implemented the policy of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business, which is enough to prove how much Daqin attaches great importance to "agriculture", and from today onwards, the Minister of Agriculture is equivalent to the past Jiuqing, and the peasant family regards Shennong as the ancestor, and the ancestor tells Shennong, advocating persuasion to cultivate and sang, with enough food and clothing." "

"And the farmer is proficient in the art of five grains, isn't it like a fish in water to join the Ministry of Agriculture?"

After hearing this, Tian Guang breathed a sigh of relief and bowed and said, "Minister, Tian Guang thanked His Majesty the First Emperor for his love on behalf of the peasant children." "

Huan Zheng said humbly: "Very good! "

"As for the rest of the Taoists, Confucianists, famous scholars, novelists, healers... You can all go, in the territory of Daqin, you can preach your own school of thought, but if you find that you have preached ideas against Daqin. "

Ying Zheng's expression was serious: "Send people to perish!" With that said, go for it. "

Tian Guang and the six-fingered black man also retreated: "I need to integrate the disciples later, and then go to Xianyang." "

Soon, only Huan Zheng and Kun were left in the Jia Wolf Mountain, and then Huan Zheng swam around Chudi on a dragon before returning to Xianyang.

In the Qilin Hall, the ministers were deliberating on the change of the self-proclaimed title of Yue Zheng.

In the past, it was "lonely", but now that he has changed from a great king to an emperor, his self-proposition naturally has to change.

Taking advantage of their discussion, Ying Zheng carefully looked at the Nine Dragon Jade Seal, which from now on will be the meritorious artifact of Daqin, the Great Seal in one place, shaking in all directions, collecting a country's qi luck, gathering the world's qi luck, suppressing a country, suppressing a dynasty, suppressing the world.

As for the Tai'a Sword, it is Daqin's suppressive artifact.

The courtiers deliberated for a long time, and finally the title of the emperor changed from "lonely" and "widow" to "朕", and "朕" became the exclusive property of the emperor, and no one else could use it.

Of course, many of the corresponding rules have to change, too much complexity.

"Li Si, your final task next is to establish the Heavenly Sealing Platform, and everything will be passed on to you, so you must not make a mistake."

Li Si is now one of the Nine Qing's Fengchang, in charge of the temple rituals.

"Seal the Heavenly Terrace?"

Li Si silently rejected these three words, although he did not understand, nodded: "The minister understands." "

Could it be that His Majesty wants to sacrifice to the heavens?

Qunchen was slightly puzzled.

Huan Zheng slowly got up, his expression became solemn, and he glanced at the group of ministers who were slightly puzzled: "If the next unification is today, the time is ripe, and I want to condense the world's qi and fortune into a fortune dynasty, ignite the national fortune of Daqin, establish the holy court of the world, turn nine five into nine nine, and make the great Qin immortal!" "

Qunchen was even more puzzled.

Holy Court on Earth?

Great Qin Immortal?

Although Qunchen had confidence in himself and was even more confident in Yingzheng, he never thought that Daqin could be immortal.

Maybe it can be a thousand years, ten thousand years, but Daqin will eventually have the day to perish.

And His Majesty actually said that he could make Daqin immortal?

Also, what is the condensation of the world's qi luck to ignite the national fortune of Daqin?

What are ninety-five and ninety-nine?

These words can be understood when they are separated, but they cannot be understood when they are put together.

But I don't know how strong it is.

It is worthy of His Majesty to be so solemn, but I am afraid that it is really a very important thing.

Wei Yanzi slowly spoke: "Dare to ask Your Majesty, what is the Yun Dynasty and what is the Holy Court?" "

Ying Zheng said in a deep voice: "The Yun Dynasty was originally a dynasty, followed by the Imperial Dynasty, the Imperial Dynasty, the Celestial Dynasty, the Divine Court, the Holy Court, and the Heavenly Court. "

"Heavenly Court?"

Qunchen's heart was shocked, and Wei Yanzi's breathing became slightly rapid: "Could it be that the Yun Dynasty that His Majesty said can eventually become the Heavenly Court?" "

Qunchen who does not know the Heavenly Court, it is a mythical story handed down from ancient times, and it is said that it is the supreme ruling center of immortals and gods.

And the ruler of it is the Heavenly Emperor, and as for the Heavenly Emperor, there are many theories, some say that it is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Let people, this East Emperor Taiyi is not the Yin Yang Family East Emperor Taiyi.

There is said that the Jade Emperor.

It is also said that it is Haotian the Great.

The Heavenly Emperor dominates the immortal gods and rules the Heavenly Court.

Moreover, the heavenly court is also the highest center of power to rule the three realms (heaven, earth, and underworld), the six paths (reincarnation), the five elements (the heavens), and yin and yang (life and death).

The Heavenly Emperor is even more casual in his words, and he can make a mortal become an immortal with a single word, and he can also degrade an immortal god to a mortal with a single word.

According to legend, the Heavenly Court is located in the highest heavenly position among the thirty-six heavens, Da Luo Tian, and the highest place in the Miluo Palace is the Emperor Pole Lingxiao Hall, in which His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor rules over the heavens and immortal Buddhas.

Even the Thirty-Six Palaces of the Heavenly Court and the Seventy-Two Treasure Hall are recorded in myths, as if they were true.

The Heavenly Court has the Sun and Moon Wandering Gods, the Sun Star Lord, the Taiyin Star Lord, the Sun God, the Time God, the 108 Star Lords, the Four Heavenly Masters, the Twenty-Eight Star Lords, the Nine Yao Star Officials, the Three Qing, the Four Emperors, the Five Directions Revealed Truth, the God of War of All Sides, and so on.

As soon as Ying Zheng said the Heavenly Court, the group of ministers directly thought of the Heavenly Court, and everyone in the Qilin Hall was breathing rapidly, and their eyes were staring at Ying Zheng deadly, how much they hoped that Ying Zheng would nod.

As they wished, Ying Zheng nodded slowly: "The ultimate goal of every emperor who establishes the Yun Dynasty is, of course, to achieve the Heavenly Court, and to condense the fortune of the world and ignite the fortune of the Great Qin Kingdom, naturally he also wants to make the Great Qin become the Heavenly Court." "

Everyone was shocked, and there was an incredible expression in their eyes.

They were still immersed in the joy of Great Qin's domination of the world, but Ying Zheng suddenly told them that he wanted to take him to become immortals.

This surprise was like a pie falling from the sky that almost stunned them, and they were all ecstatic. _

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