
As if glass had suffered a strong blow in vain, fierce ripples spread out on the Loulan Enchantment, centered on the Kun bombardment point, and one after another straight and rapid cracks expanded extremely rapidly, spreading in all directions.


A few seconds later, the Loulan Enchantment shattered, revealing a scene completely different from the outside world.

Looking at the enchantment from outside the Loulan enchantment, it is the same desert barren scene, but after the Loulan enchantment is broken, the scene of the barren desert in the enchantment disappears like a moon in the water, replaced by a large oasis,

In the oasis is a city, the city is boxy, different from the city of Daqin, the four-square city wall is like a stone oversized gray-white stone, the two are combined to form this city.

In front of the city, there is a large lake, if ordinary people want to enter the city, the lake is the only way.

As for the back of the castle, there are mountains stretching, and there are even many buildings on the mountains.

This is a very gorgeous world, with mountains and waters, cities and guo, antique exotic buildings, pavilions, cornices and carved beams, but there are many similarities with Zhuxia.

Some have dragons and unicorns on the ridges, some have colorful phoenixes on the ridges, and there are male lions, foxy, and statues come to life.

There are lakes in front and majestic mountains in the back, and it is difficult for the enemy to attack Loulan.

In Loulan City, the Loulan High Priest suddenly felt that the Loulan Enchantment was broken, and her face became shocked, and then her majestic voice with panic spread throughout Loulan: "Loulan Elder Courtyard gather!" "

Pedal pedal!

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed, and one by one Elder Loulan appeared in the sacrificial hall, everyone stood solemnly and with a serious expression, while the high priest stood with a scepter in his hand, his face solemn.

An elder asked, "High Priest, what happened?" "

Seeing that all the elders had arrived, the High Priest took a deep breath: "I sensed that the Loulan Enchantment was broken by someone. "

The changes in the Loulan Enchantment were only able to be sensed by her.

The faces of more than a dozen elders changed drastically, and their eyes were full of horror: "How so... The Loulan Enchantment was arranged by the Nine Heavenly Xuannu, how could someone break it? "

The High Priest said in a deep voice: "If the Nine Heavenly Xuannu has just placed the enchantment, of course, no one can break it, but the enchantment has existed for thousands of years, and the strength is far less than before. "

Her eyes flashed, and her words changed: "But it's not the time to think about this, what is the target of the comer, obviously, it must be the Soldier Demon God." Back then, the Nine Heavenly Xuannu sealed the Soldier Demon God in Loulan, and let our Loulan clan guard the Soldier Demon God, in order not to let the evil existence use the Soldier Demon God to destroy life. We in Loulan must raise our clan to resist. "

"What broke the Loulan Enchantment is an existence that is enough to destroy Lan, so, I now announce that the highest war authority of Loulan is opened, who is against it?"

The existence of the comer is unknown, but being able to break the Loulan Enchantment must be extremely powerful, and in the face of an unknown and mysterious powerhouse, any urgent decision cannot be exaggerated.

It was clear that the High Priest had thought of things in the worst way, and the atmosphere in the hall was heavy and could be heard, and more than a dozen elders were lost in thought about the High Priest's announcement.

The High Priest glanced at the elders and slowly said, "The highest war authority, the lifting of the forbidden soldier demon god, it seems that no one opposes." "

Everyone's faces changed, their eyelids jumped wildly, they all understood what it meant to lift the ban on the Demon God, even if they could destroy the enemy, Loulan was walking a tightrope, and one accidentally would die together.

You know, the Soldier Demon God is a war weapon created by the Fallen Stars when Qian You and the Yellow Emperor were fighting for hegemony in this land thousands of years ago, and each Soldier Demon God is an existence of martial arts heavenly strength, and there are eighty-one.

After thousands of years of defeat of Qian You, Emperor Qian Huang announced that he had destroyed eighty soldiers and demon gods, but in fact, none of them were destroyed, and he wanted to use them for his own use.

However, the Nine Heavenly Xuannu was afraid of greed and used the Soldier Demon God to do evil things, so she sealed all the Soldier Demon God in Loulan and let the Loulan people guard it for generations.

And eighty of the Xuanyang Demon Gods were destroyed, and one was sealed.

The High Priest said that the declared war authority was to be able to unban all eighty-one soldiers and demon gods, which was the real great killing weapon.

The most important thing is that Loulan cannot completely control the Soldier Demon God, and can only barely control them not to attack Loulan, but if there is any mistake in the middle, then the attack of the Soldier Demon God will be indistinguishable from the enemy.

Some elders agreed with the lifting of the ban on the Demon God, while some elders believed that the High Priest was worried about the transition, and could first understand the enemy's purpose before choosing whether to lift the ban or not.

In the end, the result of the discussion was that some of the elders went to the place where the Soldier Demon God was banned to wait for the result, and some of the elders followed the high priest to face the enemy, and once the enemy could not resist, they would immediately lift the Soldier Demon God.


"Is this Loulan Kingdom? Sure enough, it was a paradise. Yuan Tiangang stood above the void, looking endlessly, sweeping the Loulan Kingdom to the bottom.

With the enchantment guard, for thousands of years, the Loulan Kingdom has not suffered any natural disasters and man-made disasters, compared to the war-torn summers, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is heaven and earth.

Kun said lightly: "Your Majesty told me that it is said that the Loulan Enchantment was arranged by the Nine Heavenly Xuannu, and the task of the Loulan clan is to guard the Soldier Demon God created by Chi You, and the purpose of my coming here is to take away Pixiu, and the other is to take away the Soldier Demon God." "

"Soldier Demon God?" Yuan Tiangang's face showed doubt.

Kun explained: "Your Majesty said that the Demon God of Soldiers is a war weapon created by Chi You, and was sealed here by the Nine Heavenly Xuannu. "_

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