"Does Your Majesty have any instructions, how to deal with the Loulan family?" Yuan Tiangang asked.

Kun shook his head slightly, looking indifferent: "His Majesty only gave me two instructions, and as for the Loulan family, he didn't say how to deal with it." "

Kun Mai walked towards Loulan, his voice was cold and bloody and cruel: "But under the whole world, it is not the royal land, and it is not the royal minister who leads the soil to cure the disease, if the Loulan Kingdom is submitted, if it is not submitted." "

"Then exterminate the race!"

Kunben is not a Terran, but a Beamon race, and in his world, in order to ascend to the throne of the golden King Beamon, his hands are at least stained with the blood of a hundred races.

In his heart, what he submitted to was only victory, the Terrans were not a race with him, and there was no psychological burden to kill.

All the bad people, including Yuan Tiangang, shivered coldly, and they could hear that Kun was not saying cruel words, but really doing it.

In Loulan City, because of the order of the High Priest, tens of thousands of Loulan Kingdom soldiers with strong cloaks had already gathered, and suddenly, a blurry black shadow in the distance had already carried a deafening sonic boom, dragging a rolling wave of air across heaven and earth, and in the blink of an eye, it was approaching Loulan City.

"What's that?"

The general who commanded these tens of thousands of Loulan Kingdom soldiers shrank sharply, his pupils dilated, staring at the blurry figure, and then he opened his mouth and roared, almost breaking his voice: "Enemy attack!" Enemy attack! Wary! "


The Loulan Kingdom soldiers had just become vigilant, and as if approaching a great enemy, the figure became clear, and with a boom it stayed above Loulan City, looking down at the Loulan Kingdom soldiers.

The soldiers of Loulan Kingdom swallowed their saliva and looked at the figure above with a little fear.

That figure stood in the void, with long golden hair like a wild lion, more than a zhang in size, burly and majestic, showing a sense of violent power, standing there, like a giant beast roaring up to the sky, its breath was extremely fierce, so that tens of thousands of soldiers could not help but breathe, all of them felt a life-level shock, and their bodies trembled.

General Loulan subconsciously clenched the spear in his hand, his face trembled violently, took a deep breath, and roared: "This is Loulan Country, outsiders are not welcome!" Who is coming! Get named! "

Kun stood with his hands in his hands and said indifferently: "The Great Qin Empire, His Majesty the First Emperor under Kun, on the order of His Majesty the First Emperor, brought Pixiu and the Demon God of Soldiers back." "

Kun did not hide anything, and said his purpose nakedly.

What a wildness!

How overbearing!

The general of the Loulan Kingdom was stunned, thinking that the visitor was actually "refreshing"

"Wishful thinking!"

Just when the soldiers of Loulan Kingdom were panicking, an angry shout resounded throughout the name, and immediately after, a flaming petite figure quickly flew in, and in the blink of an eye, it reached Kunmian .

This is an extremely beautiful woman, wearing a very exotic high priest's dress, in fact, noble and elegant, her expression is as cold as frost, her eyes contain frost, her breath is very powerful, and she is a martial arts celestial.

Seeing the appearance of the High Priest, the soldiers of Loulan Kingdom seemed to have the backbone of their hearts, and they rejoiced one by one: "It's the High Priest!" "

"The High Priest is finally here!"

From here, you can see the reputation of the high priest in the Loulan Kingdom, and the originally frightened Loulan Kingdom soldiers have a fearless meaning at this moment, it seems that as long as the high priest comes, everything will be solved.

"You are the High Priest of Loulan Kingdom?" Kun looked at the High Priest indifferently.

"Yes and how?" The High Priest said coldly.

Kun's expression was ancient, and he said slowly: "I am ordered by His Majesty the First Emperor, and I only have two purposes here, one is to take away Pixiu, the second is to take away the soldiers and demon gods, hand them over, hand them over to me, Loulan Kingdom will submit to Daqin again, I will leave immediately, you can also be safe, how?" "

Kun's tone was flat, but between the lines was a commanding look, it seemed that Loulan Kingdom's submission to Daqin was their blessing, which immediately made the high priest furious, she took a deep breath, her eyes looked at Kun with unprecedented solemnity, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth:

"The Soldier Demon God was handed over to our Loulan clan to guard by the Nine Heavenly Xuannu back then, and Pixiu is also the guardian beast of our Loulan clan, and it will not be handed over to you if it dies!"

Kun's eyes lowered: "So, there is nothing to discuss?" "

"Fear to death!"

Kun sneered, took a few steps in the air, and thundered out with a punch.

Boom rumble!

The space within a radius of more than ten miles exploded, emitting a huge sound like shaking the earth, and the clear sky and blue clouds were directly scattered by Kun's punch.

Rumble! Rumble!

The qi wave erupted, and the mighty will rushed into the sky with an incomparable strong force.

Kunfang Baizhang was blasted into a vacuum by him, and ten miles away, a mountain peak on which Loulan Kingdom City leaned rumbled and shattered.

A majestic mountain peak thousands of meters high was blasted by Kun from the mountainside, and the entire mountain let out an overwhelmed groan and slowly fell towards Loulan National City.

If a mountain fell, the entire Loulan Kingdom would be destroyed, and the Loulan clan would also be killed and injured, and the High Priest would be blinded.

At this moment, Kun Wu pointed a finger, and the slowly collapsing mountain suddenly stopped, and he looked at the high priest indifferently: "Now, can it be discussed?" "

At this time, Yuan Tiangang and his party finally arrived, and Yuan Tiangang hurriedly shouted: "Lord Kun, show mercy to your subordinates!" "

Yuan Tiangang is not a soft-hearted person, if he is on the battlefield, he will kill 100,000 people, and he will not blink his eyes for millions of people, but most of the people in Loulan Kingdom are civilians, and they should not die innocently like this.

Moreover, if the Loulan family really belongs to Zhuxia, it was only when he was selected by the Nine Heavenly Xuannu as the Guardian Demon God, and he lost contact with Zhuxia. _

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