Kun glanced at him indifferently: "Your Majesty's order, I am in charge!" "

The High Priest's heart sank, staring at Kun deadly, and every word was like spitting ice scum: "What do you want?" "

Kun frowned and said, "I have already said, hand over Pixiu and the Soldier Demon God, submit to Daqin, and everything will rest!" "

"Impossible!" The High Priest blurted out.

Kun's eyes became more and more grim: "You can refuse, but the price is the lives of everyone in Loulan Kingdom." "

Kun condescendingly announced his ultimatum, and then looked at the crumbling mountain, everyone in Loulan Kingdom suddenly had cold hands and feet, and their scalps were numb.

The high priest's face changed wildly, he gasped rapidly, looked back at the mountain, his eyes were angry, surprised, and all kinds of emotions were different, gritting his teeth: "Heartbroken!" Do you think you can threaten me? You think I'll let you threaten? No way! "

She didn't believe that Kun dared to kill hundreds of thousands of Loulan people unscrupulously.

Kun did not speak, the atmosphere was frozen into ice, but Yuan Tiangang knew that his patience had reached the limit, and quickly persuaded: "High Priest, handing over the Soldier Demon God and Pixiu is not a loss for your Loulan Kingdom, on the contrary, these two things are the things that bind your Loulan clan here. "

"I know, you are afraid that the Soldier Demon God will be controlled by evil people and set off a monstrous slaughter, but now that the summers are unified, the whole world is my Daqin's, and the Soldier Demon God is in the hands of Daqin, it will only be used to guard the four directions, and it will definitely not be used to slaughter the people of the summers, in that case, what are you afraid of?"

The high priest sneered: "The three emperors and five emperors have never unified the summers, just by virtue of the so-called Great Qin?" Don't think that we and I are busy Loulan Kingdom have no understanding of the outside world, your Qin Kingdom is just a small border barbarian country, how can you unify Daqin? "

Yuan Tiangang: "????? ............"

"You guys... How long has it been since you went out? Yuan Tiangang asked.

"What do you ask this for!"

The High Priest snorted coldly: "Four or five hundred years ago, at that time, the summers were already in turmoil, and we were afraid of affecting Loulan, so we never contacted the outside world again." "

Yuan Tiangang smiled bitterly: "At that time, Daqin was indeed a barbaric small country, but at this time, unlike in the past, Daqin had indeed unified the summers and completed the great cause that the three emperors and five emperors had not completed..."

The High Priest interrupted him coldly: "No need to bother to deceive me..."


Before the words fell, Kun suddenly withdrew his hand, and the mountain collapsed towards Loulan Kingdom City without his support.

The terrifying roar resounded throughout the heavens and the earth, if there was no block, this mountain of billions of tons was enough to destroy half of Loulan Country City, coupled with the habitual shock wave, it can be imagined that Loulan Kingdom will survive, and most of the Loulan family will be killed and injured.

"You dare!"

The High Priest's pupils shrank, his eyes were cracked, he never expected that Kun would really dare to be so frustrated, so lawless, and compromise at all.

Hundreds of thousands of Loulan people, this is not a number, but hundreds of thousands of living people, anyone who faces hundreds of thousands of living beings will hesitate, but Kun would actually be so unscrupulous, regard hundreds of thousands of people as grass mustard, and be indifferent to the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

She wanted to make a bet on hundreds of thousands of people, but she lost!

Seeing that after a few breaths, that mountain peak would fall, completely destroying the Loulan Kingdom and destroying hundreds of thousands of people, Yuan Tiangang also sighed, took a step forward, and handed over his hand: "Lord Kun, it's better to give them another chance." "

Kun shook his head and said indifferently: "It's night, now I can't stop this mountain from falling." "

He was able to interrupt this mountain, he was able to stop it just after this mountain peak, but now the inertia of the mountain falling was no longer something he could stop.

Kun's voice was heard by everyone, and a chill spread from the soles of their feet to their hearts, an indescribable cruelty, ruthless, like dense ice blades cutting their skin, chilling everywhere.

At this point, they thoroughly understood Kun.

He is not human.

Rather, it is a golden king of Beamon.

His thinking is different from human thinking, and he will not be bound by people's moral concepts, and cannot be speculated by human common sense.

No person's morality, ethics, does not exist for him.

He only knew that Ying Zheng had given two orders, and he would accomplish these two goals in the most direct way.

Beyond anything else, Kun's way is the simplest and most straightforward, but also the crudest.

The next moment, the High Priest quickly flew towards the collapsed mountain, and she now had only one idea, to stop as much as possible and leave a little more life for the people of Loulan Kingdom.

At the same time, more than a dozen figures flew up in Loulan Middle School, bursting towards the collapsed peak.

Although compared to the collapsed peaks, they are grasshoppers and trees, but now, they have to make a move, and they are not afraid of life and death!

"Loulan Guo, it's over." Yuan Tiangang shook his head slightly.

Suddenly, a sigh sounded in everyone's ears: "Kun, you are a little impatient. "

Yuan Tiangang's eyes suddenly widened, and he blurted out: "Your Majesty!" "

The next moment, Ying Zheng appeared in everyone's field of vision, took one step, from Xianyang to the Western Regions, stood above the void, looked at the collapsed mountain, and then grabbed it with one hand.

The space seemed to freeze.

That grasp seemed to include the nine heavens and ten lands, and the eight wilderness and six combinations.

The void gave birth to dense cracks that spread from the sky to the ground, and the collapsed mountain actually stopped, making everyone in Loulan Kingdom stunned, as if in a dream.

Ying Zheng's arm flicked slightly, and most of the peaks that had left the base of the mountain fell on the base in a slight vibration, fitting perfectly together, as if everything that happened before was an illusion. _

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