"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

Kun, Yuan Tiangang, and all the bad people bowed in front of Ying Zheng and bowed their heads slightly.

A thousand-meter mountain peak, being played with like a toy by Ying Zheng, this scene is destined to be imprinted in the minds of everyone in Loulan Kingdom, and I am afraid that it will not be forgotten for the rest of my life.

At this time, the eyes of everyone in Loulan Kingdom, including the high priest and the elders, fell under that black and gold dragon robe, and the majestic Kun standing in front of him before was like a docile little beast, and just standing there, he revealed an aura that seemed to be able to suppress ancient and modern times.

This is a kind of peerless style that is subdued, belonging to the First Emperor of Great Qin, and the government is victorious!

Everyone in Loulan Kingdom held their breath, in just a few seconds, they experienced a process from life to death to survival, at this time, looking at Yingzheng, it was like looking at the fanaticism of gods, for them, Yingzheng was no different from gods.

The High Priest watched as Ying Zheng slowly walked down the void, which was a sonorous and powerful step, and the void trembled slightly.

"You are the king of the Qin Kingdom?" The High Priest looked at Ying Zheng solemnly, and now, he suddenly believed Yuan Tiangang's words a little.

A thousand-meter peak, like a toy in his hands, a mountain with a weight of hundreds of millions of tons, fell on the base of the mountain, and the ground did not even feel a trace of vibration, proving that this mountain peak could not cause him any pressure.

"Is this a powerhouse who has surpassed the Shattered Void Realm? Why can transcendent broken voids remain in this realm? "

One question after another flashed through the High Priest's mind.

She is a martial arts celestial powerhouse, but her martial arts celestial people are not cultivated by herself, but belong to the inheritance of the Loulan High Priest.

After all, she is only a little over twenty years old, and at this age, her qualifications are heavenly, and it is almost impossible to become a martial arts celestial.

For example, when Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang became grandmasters at the age of less than twenty, they were already peerless geniuses, while Martial Dao Tianren and Grand Grandmaster were simply two worlds.

As a Martial Dao Celestial, he felt unprecedented pressure on Kun's body, and he could be sure that Kun was definitely a broken powerhouse, and Kun was far inferior to this person.

She only knows that Yingzheng is far stronger than Yingzheng, but she doesn't know how strong, and Yingzheng is an unfathomable abyss in her perception.

"I am the emperor of Daqin, and I am a good government."

Ying Zheng stood with his hands in his hands, and he was also a citizen of Zhuxia, and he didn't want to see Loulan Charcoal, so he gave you one last chance to hand it over. "

Saying that, Ying Zheng slowly raised one hand, just one raised his hand, but it made the great sun dark, and an unconcealable majesty qi rose up.

Ying Zheng raised his hand and pressed down, and it seemed that the entire heavenly dome was pressed down in unison.


Ying Zheng's hand moved down another inch, and the next moment, the earth around Loulan Kingdom rumbled and exploded, and cracks spread from Loulan Kingdom in all directions, cracks were ten miles long and tens of meters wide, like an endless abyss, which made people palpitate.

"With this palm of mine, I can erase the country of Loulan Kingdom!"

Ying Zheng looked indifferent.


It is indescribable about the power of this palm, the light of the entire Loulan Kingdom has dimmed and the entire heaven and earth have fallen into darkness, and only a giant palm that exists in illusion and reality has appeared.

Yuan Tiangang spoke: "High Priest, the Soldier Demon God is just a war weapon in the hands of the empire, do you think that with His Majesty's strength, if you want to cause slaughter, it is necessary to use the Soldier Demon God?" "


Kun roared violently, a long body swelled up sharply, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a thousand-meter-tall golden beam, the whole body was filled with golden light, majestic and powerful, standing there, as high as the mountain, but with the divine power that surpassed the mountain and suppressed everything, exuding a suffocating wild aura.

"This... This...... This...... This..."

The people of Loulan were stunned to look at the thousand-meter-tall berserk behemoth, trembling one by one.


Kun lowered his head, opened his mouth and roared violently, and the air flow was turbulent, like an eighteenth-level wind blowing Loulan Country.

The corner of Yuan Tiangang's mouth hooked a smile: "High Priest, do you think, who is more terrifying between the Soldier Demon God and Lord Kun?" "

"What else do you need to say?"

The high priest glanced at Kun, who was as high as the mountain, silently lowered her head, and after a few seconds, she looked at Ying Zheng and slowly said, "Your Majesty the First Emperor, please come with me." "

Ying Zheng withdrew his hand and smiled slightly: "Very good, High Priest." "

The High Priest glanced at Ying Zheng's smile, and shivered coldly, not daring to imagine that Ying Zheng, who was now smiling mildly, and the previous grim expression said that he wanted to erase the Loulan Kingdom's Ying Zheng with a palm.

"Sure enough, it's not a family that doesn't enter a house, what kind of king there is, what kind of courtier." The High Priest said silently.

Loulan Guo said that it is a country, in fact, it is just a city, but this city is very large, not inferior to the original Xianyang City, of course, it is smaller than the current expansion of Xianyang City.

The city of Loulan Kingdom accommodated about less than 300,000 people of the Loulan clan.

The architecture of Loulan Kingdom seems to have been born out of Zhuxia, combined with the architecture of the Western Regions, and has a unique beauty.

At a glance, most of the buildings in Loulan Kingdom are white stone buildings, some milky white, some gray white.

As if sensing the doubts of Yue Zheng, the high priest explained softly: "There is a mountain next to Loulan Kingdom, which produces this kind of stone, and the shape is relatively regular, mostly boxy, the large one is more than a dozen zhang large, the small one is the size of a palm, and it only needs to be simply polished to become a building material. "_

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