"What's that?"

On this day, everyone in Xianyang City suddenly saw dozens of behemoths flying from the west, covering the sky one by one, like meteors falling to destroy Xianyang City.

The behemoth flew very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it reached the surroundings of Xianyang City, and then fell around Xianyang City in the eyes of everyone, eighty-one bronze giants that were thousands of meters tall and as high as the mountains stood on the ground, with a majestic breath, guarding Xianyang City.

Then a grand voice sounded in everyone's ears:

"This is the Great Qin War Weapons Demon God, everyone does not need to panic."

Hearing Ying Zheng's body, the people of Daqin, who were slightly panicked, inexplicably settled down in their hearts.

Returning to Xianyang, Ying Zheng directly entered the retreat, his inscription realm was complete, and he began to sublimate, and to break through to the next realm, he shone all over, his body was brilliant, and he began to transcend the inscription realm.

The four realms of moving blood, cave heaven, transforming spirits, and inscription patterns are all for many living beings, because even if they spend their lives chasing it, it is difficult to break through!

This is like four big mountains, one mountain is higher than the other, the more you go forward, the more difficult the road becomes, like a path carved into the cliff wall, it is difficult to go to the blue sky.

In the perfect world, the array realm after the inscription is already the realm of the king, even if it is a genius, when he reaches this realm, his youth is absent, and the years pass, and it is rare for such a person as Ying Zheng to break through the array realm at the age of less than nineteen.

This realm is the longest breakthrough time among all the realms of Yingzheng, and this realm is very special and complicated, because the array needs to imprint the array in the body.

Most people in this realm have some simple treasure magic formations, and even if they succeed. Only a very small number of people sublimated in this realm and combined into an endless killing formation.

By that time, the combat effectiveness will be the difference between heaven and earth.

Therefore, in the same formation, at the end of the end, the gap is very huge.

The government was closed for more than half a month, and during this time, the Great Qin Empire was running in an orderly manner.

During this time, a great impact happened in Daqin, that is, the conduct of the martial arts examination, compared to the cultural examination, the martial arts examination is "wu" and "soldier"

"Wu" is martial arts, and "soldiers" is the art of war.

Before the implementation of the liberal arts examination, Kuantong once mentioned a drawback of the imperial examination, which is an easier way to become an official than the battlefield battle.

There is no need to carry your head to the battlefield to fight, you don't have to work the battlefield to have the opportunity to be a high-ranking official, you can read hard for ten years, in order to be on the list, you have to read every day, where there is still time to ride and shoot.

Everyone wants to read instead of opening the soil, will it cultivate a group of readers with the power of chickens?

So Wuke Ju came into being.

Of course, Wu Keju is not to screen out husbands, but to screen out a group of generals.

In the past, the treatment of soldiers was actually extremely low, but the reform of the military system in the Great Qin Dynasty, the treatment of soldiers was greatly improved, as long as one member of the family became a soldier, he could enjoy the privilege of free work and rest.

This is all to avoid the Great Qin, which started with a strong martial style, become a big Qin with a strong literary style, "the merchant girl does not know the hatred of the country, and sings the flowers of the backyard across the river".

Of course, the exams in Wuke Examination have various military, geographical, astronomical, hydrological, climatic and so on.

These are all factors to consider on the battlefield.

The martial arts examination is also divided into several levels.

If you can cultivate to the third grade and pass the assessment of the martial arts examination, you can become a Daqin certified warrior and enjoy certain privileges, if you go to join the army as a soldier, even if you do not hold an officer position, its treatment is equivalent to ten people.

If you cultivate to the sixth rank and pass the assessment of the martial arts examination, you can become a Daqin-certified martial artist, and there is a high probability that such a person will join the army and become a hundred people.

And if you cultivate to the ninth rank and pass the assessment of the martial arts examination, you can become a martial general certified by Daqin, and there is a high probability of becoming the commander of thousands of people.

Wu Keju has already announced that it immediately set off great fluctuations in the Daqin realm, and as many as a hundred thousand people signed up.

In the end, more than half of the people who were evaluated at the county level were screened, which meant that a small half of the warriors who had obtained Daqin certification.

The assessment at the county level was screened for most of the time, and in the end, less than 10,000 people entered Xianyang, of course, these less than 10,000 people all obtained the title of Daqin-certified martial artist.

In the end, only more than 300 people successfully passed the military general assessment, and these more than 300 people were jointly supervised and selected by the military department, the Ministry of National Defense, and the military.

In the end, Wu Keju's champion, Bangyan, and Tanhua argued endlessly, because the champion candidate was obvious, but if he was a champion, it seemed that his age was very inconsistent, and all the arguments were endless.

"If you are a champion at his age, does it make the imperial martial arts examination look like a joke?" Meng Wu shook his head, disagreeing with the man to be a champion.

Wang Yan nodded slightly, agreeing with Meng Wu's words.

Huo Quying's expression was flat: "Since we can't convince each other, let His Majesty make a decision." "

The two looked at each other and nodded heavily: "Good!" Let His Majesty make a decision! "

As soon as Ying Zheng came out of the customs, he saw the three people waiting outside, and he was inexplicable: "At this time, aren't you in charge of the martial arts examination?" "

Huo Qubing stepped forward and explained the ins and outs of this matter.

Huan Zheng was slightly stunned, raised interest, and said with interest: "When you say so, you are somewhat interested." "

"Your Majesty, please."

In the Dragon Gate Hall, the military department, the Ministry of Defense, and the military looked at each other, waiting for the final order, not long after, Ying Zheng walked into the Dragon Gate Hall, dozens of officials got up in unison, and Ying Zheng waved his hand: "Excuse me." "

He looked at the three people, directly at the champion identified by Huo Qubing. _

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