In fact, Wang Yan and Meng Wu also believed that his status was not controversial, but that he was too young.

"See Your Majesty."

The three turned around and bowed slightly to Ying Zheng, who looked at the fourteen and fifteen-year-old boy in the middle, slightly surprised: "You are eight years old this year?" "

The boy bowed his head slightly, and his voice was very immature: "Yes, eight years old." "

"You look up."

The boy's figure shook slightly, raised his head, and Huan Zheng saw his eyes at a glance, slightly surprised: "What is your name?" "

"Xiang Yu."

Xiang Yu?

That the only Xiang Yu in the ages? Actually came to test the empire's martial arts examination, but also to become the empire's martial arts champion?

The script did not dare to write so.

Huan Zheng smiled dumbly: "You are only eight years old, why do you want to come to the martial arts examination?" "

Xiao Xiang Yu's immature face was full of firmness: "I want to prove that although the Xiang clan has lost, it is not a weak person!" "

A smile appeared on Huan Zheng's face: "The descendants of the Xiang clan, not bad." Huo Qubing, his grandfather died in your hands, you actually chose him as a martial artist? "

Huo Qubing looked ancient: "Life and death are impermanent on the battlefield, and there is no selfish grudge." "

Xiao Xiangyu nodded: "Father also told me that if it weren't for King Chu's persecution, grandpa wouldn't have died!" "


Huan Zheng touched Xiang Yu's head and looked at Wang Yan and Meng Wu: "In person, Gan Luo can make great contributions to the empire at the age of twelve, why can't Xiang Yu become the martial artist of the empire at the age of eight today?" Since he deserves this martial artist, then he is, and the imperial examination pays attention to eclectic talents. "

"The minister understands."

"What are you two called?"

"Zhang Chong."

"Xiahou Wufeng."

Of course, Ying Zheng knew who Xiahou Wufeng was, he was Dugu's disciple who sought defeat, and the person who was suspected to be a traverser.

"What do you have to do with Zhang Handan?"

Looking at the similar faces of Zhang Chong and Zhang Handan, Huan Zheng had some guesses in his heart.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Wei is my father." Zhang Chong said respectfully.

"Father Tiger has no son, Zhang Wei is Xuan's henchman, I hope you don't fall for his prestige."

Huan Zheng nodded slightly and looked at Xiahou Wufeng.

Xiahou Wufeng's heart thumped wildly, and the people in the Dragon Gate Hall looked at him clearly, as if they felt that Xiahou Wufeng was too nervous.

Yan didn't know that Xiahou Wufeng was even more nervous than they thought, in his heart, Ying Zheng was a god-like existence.

Just as Ying Zheng's gaze fell on him, he only felt a chill in his spine and palpitations, and Ying Zheng's calm gaze seemed to pierce him inside and out.

He saw through me!

He knows where I'm coming from!

Will he kill me?

How can I escape?

In an instant, 10,000 years of thoughts flashed in Xiahou Wufeng's heart, and he suddenly regretted coming to participate in the martial arts examination, and he already knew that he would face the first emperor face to face, and he would not participate in the martial arts examination if he was killed.

Since coming to this world and hearing about the government, the prestige of the first emperor has become heavier and heavier in his heart day by day, especially seeing the changes in Daqin, the image of the first emperor in his heart has become more and more unfathomable.

He didn't dare to imagine what kind of existence the First Emperor would be if he could make such a change in the Great Qin Empire.

And when the First Emperor ascended on the dragon and erected eighty-one bronze giants around Xianyang, the majestic image of the First Emperor was completely unshakable in his heart.

Fortunately, the next moment, Huan Zheng withdrew his gaze, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I know you, you are a disciple of Dugu seeking defeat, I don't know how many percent of his sword technique have you learned?" "

Xiahou Wufeng breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart, and said respectfully: "Master also said a few days ago that my sword technique has the power of three percent of him. "

"Yes, there is the power of the sword demon, it can be called a small sword demon."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

In Xiahou Wufeng's anxiety, Huan Zheng only said a few words, and let them retreat, and he was still in a dream, step by step as if stepping on the clouds, fluttering lightly.

I met the First Emperor?

The First Emperor also praised me?

I became the martial artist of Daqin?

Also the same session as Xiang Yu, the first general of the ages?

If Lao Tzu can go back, will anyone believe these experiences?

Xiahou Wufeng glanced at Xiang Yu and sighed in his heart: "It is worthy of Xiang Yu, he is only eight years old, and he has the ability to overwhelm the crowd and become a martial artist handpicked by the First Emperor." "

Thinking like this, he suddenly felt a little happy: "Xiang Yu is a martial artist, I am a martial artist, it proves that I am only a little worse than Xiang Yu, I don't know if I can mix the title of a famous general of the ages?" "

Immediately, he fell down again: "It seems to be difficult, the famous generals of Daqin gathered, Meng Xiao, Wang Qi, Huo Qubing, Meng Tian, Wang Bian, and Ji Bu, Ying Bu, Xiahou Ying, Fan He, all of them are the existence of Qing Shi's name, and there is a Xiang Yu next to me, and it is not easy for Laozi to make a name for himself." "

He looked up at the harsh sun: "But it's good to hold these thighs." "


Zhangtai Palace.

The twists and turns piled up, and the cabinet members sorted out the folds, and after classifying them, they presented the important ones to the government, and they were busy.

The twists and turns in various places have been piled up for half a month, and they have not been dealt with since the retreat of the government.

The right given to the cabinet is that they can give some unimportant decisions, but in the end, the decisions they have given still need to be reviewed by the government.

In the Great Qin Empire, there are too many things, the appointment and dismissal of officials, the record of merit, civil supervision, pedaling, and many things need to be dealt with.

Feedback from all over to the heart of the empire, the Zhangtai Palace of Xianyang Palace.

Zhangtai Palace was the place where the imperial entity was handled.

Fortunately, Ying Zheng's cultivation is incredible, and the handling of affairs is extremely fast, a book of folds is swept by ten lines at a glance, and the content of a book can be read in less than ten seconds, and then the fingers flick, the ink vibrates and bounces, forming the instruction font of Ying Zheng on the folds. _

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