In the back, Ying Zheng even directly opened dozens of books, his eyes swept over, and he had already read these folds, and then he saw the ink splashing and the instructions completed.

The fold is flipped by the invisible hand, and closed by the invisible hand.

Although the speed of the instructions was fast, it was orderly and without the slightest clutter, which made Zhang Liang, Chen Ping, Kuantong, and the four of them stunned.

Suddenly, the internal attendant reported, and Zuo Xiang Feng Hao asked for a meeting.


"Your Majesty..." Feng Hao walked in and saw the speed of the folds and folds instructed by Ying Zheng, only to see the twists and turns flying in the hall, and the mountains of twists and turns decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Huan Zheng did not raise his head, and waved his hand: "Excuse me, say something directly." "

Feng Hao did not talk nonsense, and directly reported: "Your Majesty, the school palaces of all the counties of the forty-two counties of Daqin have been cultivated, and they are all built according to a unified architectural style. "

"School palaces in various counties are also under construction, and decrees have been issued that children over the age of six, male or female, can be enrolled, whether they are from a wealthy family or a wealthy family."

"The Xuegong offers subjects majoring in geography, celestial phenomena, law, morality, mathematics, Qin seal......... Minor in martial arts. "

"It is planned that each county has at least one county school palace, each county has at least three county school palaces, each county school palace must be able to accommodate at least one thousand meters of students, and each county school palace can accommodate at least tens of thousands of students."

"All students are free, the Qin people can provide food and board, and comprehensive, the countrymen only provide food, it is also free, and those who are excellent in the assessment can be rewarded by the imperial court."

Feng Hao paused: "Your Majesty's move to open the wisdom of the world is an ancient move, but the finances of various places will be tight because of this, and some originally rich places can be persisted, while some barren places may be difficult to sustain." "

Ying Zheng pondered for a while: "This matter is the ancient plan of the empire, you can't snub, maybe you can't see the results now, but you can see the results in ten years, twenty years, and a hundred years." "

"Those rich places, you can let them bear it themselves, those barren and unsustainable places, let them count for themselves, how much they can bear, how much they need imperial support, when the time comes, it will converge here, you go and connect with Xiao He."

Feng Hao suggested: "Your Majesty, with the increase in the number of school palaces built, the burden of the empire is too heavy, why not change the school palace free to a small fee, and cancel the free food and lodging?" "


Ying Zheng shook his head decisively:

Originally, there was a gap between cold disciples and wealthy disciples: "If it is a fee, there will definitely be many parents of cold disciples who do not talk about sending their children to study because of short-sightedness." "

"If it's free, and the room and board are free, even short-sighted parents will send their children to school because it reduces their stress."

"Hanmen and wealthy families are both one of the empire can not be ignored, Hanmen can also produce heroes, Baiqi, Mengqi, Zhang Wei are all born in the cold door, I wonder if the cold door will also give birth to heroes like them in the future?"

"The four people in the cabinet, except, are all born cold, do you still think that the cold door can be ignored?"

Feng Hao gently breathed a sigh of relief: "The minister understands. "

Ying Zheng nodded slightly: "The school palace side cannot slack, the school palace fee is to block the rising road of the cold people, cut off their hopes, how many heroes, talents will be buried?" "

"You stand down."

"The minister retreated."

Zhang Liang handed over two books: "Your Majesty, this is the twist and turn of the military department and the Ministry of Defense. "

It turned out that this was the preparation of the military academy prepared by the military department and the Ministry of National Defense, and it was ready for the official start when the instructions of the government could officially begin.

Xuegong is a major in literature and a minor in martial arts.

The Bingjia Academy is to major in martial arts and minor in literature, which is also a supplement to the martial arts examination.

Minor texts including the art of war, military theory, astronomy, and geography are also covered.

With a wave of his hand, Ying Zheng instructed the two books and ordered them to be executed.


Suddenly, the heavenly dome shook, thunderclouds gathered, divine light, and fairy light descended from the sky, all converging in one direction.


Huan Zheng suddenly raised his head, his figure flashed, and he had already arrived at the place where the divine light and immortal light gathered.

It was the palace where Concubine Yan was.

Ying Zheng raised his head, and saw the infinite divine light of the heavenly dome, and the immortal light surged towards the palace, and he couldn't help frowning slightly:

"What is the situation?"

Huan Zheng walked into the palace, Concubine Yan was looking at her lower abdomen at a loss, seeing Huan Zheng come in, her pretty face was puzzled and afraid: "Your Majesty, the concubine seems to be pregnant, but this..."

Huan Zheng stretched out his hand to gently stroke Concubine Yan's lower abdomen, and said with a smile: "Concubine Yan, you are pregnant, and you are going to give birth to a prince for me, the prince of Daqin." "

"What's with these lights?" Concubine Yan looked at the divine light that was still pouring into her lower abdomen, the fairy light, and she was very puzzled.

Ying Zheng was also puzzled, and suddenly, his expression changed greatly, and he thought of something bad, and his divine thoughts swept Yanfei's lower abdomen.

For a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief, okay... It's not the so-called reincarnation, crossing and the like.

He suspected that some powerful being had reincarnated into Concubine Yan's belly to cause these visions.

These powerful beings have the memories of past lives, and when they cultivate, they can achieve twice the results with half the effort, and they can become powerful in a short time.

However, how could Ying Zheng allow it, his son is his son, it is not rare for a powerful existence to be reincarnated, and he does not allow the so-called powerful existence to take away his son.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?" Concubine Yan looked at Ying Zheng nervously.

Huan Zheng took Concubine Yan into his arms: "It's okay, our prince is very healthy, he has such a divine image before he is born, and he is likely to be born holy after birth."

"Really?" Concubine Yan looked at the slowly dissipating divine light, and her face was full of surprise.

Huan Zheng immediately straightened his face and pinched Concubine Yan's face: "What I said is still false?" "

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