"Have you found that although the previous Great Qin was a little stronger than the Six Kingdoms, it was only that, and after the First Emperor came to power, the Great Qin underwent various changes, so that it could unify the summers in a short period of time, without the First Emperor, I don't think there would be the current Great Qin."

The six-fingered black man looked at the core figures of the Mo family, and his eyes flashed with wisdom: "We started from the Yan Kingdom... No, Yandi to Xianyang, spanning most of the summers, haven't you noticed any changes? "

Listening to the six-fingered black man's reminder, everyone in the Mo family silently recalled and thought in their hearts.

The thief immediately said: "Along the way, in Yandi, occasionally you can see the ruffians, people who have nothing to do, and beggars, but I don't see people who starve to death, the closer to Xianyang, the ruffians, the fewer and fewer beggars, even if it is Yandi, the faces of the people no longer have vegetables, their eyes, there is something that cannot be seen clearly, the way is unknown, that is..."

Jing Ke said in a deep voice: "That's hope. In the past dynasties, there were people who died of famine, starvation, disease, and food because of disasters, even if there was no famine, because the summers fought one after another, and the people were squeezed dry. And now, when the people of Yandi are able to eat, they have hope. "

"The land of Han and the land of Zhao, which are close to Xianyang, were the first regions to be conquered by Daqin, and the first to enjoy the benefits that Daqin gave to the people. Since we entered the Qin Land, we have obviously found that the people of the Qin Land are obviously different from the people outside the Qin Land. "

"Their faces are rosy, their clothes are not patched, their children have books to read, and the slightly richer families have meat for their meals, even if they are poorer, they eat three meals a day and do not go hungry."

Jing Ke pointed to a notice in front of the city gate: "Children over the age of six can be sent to the palace to study, male or female, food and accommodation are all included, all are free." "

"And here, major illnesses can be seen for free in the medical center, and all expenses are borne by the imperial court."

Jing Ke suddenly sneered: "It's not that I Jing Ke's disrespect, what King Wen of Zhou, what Confucius, Mencius, or the ancestor of the Mo family, when they see the situation in Daqin today, will they feel that they are worthy of the title of saint!" "

Jing Ke's words were disrespectful to the ancestor of the Mo family, but none of the people in the Mo family refuted it, and they all sighed.

"Confucius once said, old age has support. Early childhood education. Poor dependency. Hard to help. Widows, widows, lonely and sick people all have some support, but it is Daqin who gradually realizes this sentence, which was originally regarded as a violent Qin by all the countries of Zhuxia! "

"I know that some of you still have different intentions and think that you should rebel against Daqin, but the world's suffering, from ancient times to the present, how hard it is."

The six-fingered black man sighed: "The First Emperor used iron fists to end the war, cut off the haze in the world, sweep away the evil and evil, and seek the welfare of the people, which is a blessing under the world." "

"I am the giant son of the Mo family, I still remember the Mo family, the family comes from the people, rooted in the people, I will not allow anyone to destroy all this!"

His voice gradually became stronger: "My sword, blunt!" "

Immediately afterwards, he pointed to the restored bronze giant: "Actually, I also know that you can't make any waves, but I don't want some of you to go up."

But said that the Mo family and the peasant family entered Xianyang one day apart, and after the six-fingered black man and the hero Tian Guang met with Ying Zheng, as promised before, Tian Guang directly served as the deputy minister of agriculture, while the six-fingered black man took the core disciples of the Mo family into the Shenji Division and became the deputy director of the Shenji Division.

Inside the Qilin Hall, the Great Qin Dynasty gathered together.

Huan Zhengduan sat on the dragon chair, and the internal attendant shouted: "Something has started!" "

Meng Wu, the head of the military department, took the lead in the list: "According to His Majesty's will, the soldiers in the army have been re-registered, and according to statistics, there are currently 1,813,500 soldiers in Daqin. "

"Among them, there are 760,000 soldiers who are the first to cultivate the Tiger Demon Refining Bone Fist and the Bull Demon Powerful Fist, the lowest is already the sixth grade, and the highest is already innate."

"There are 298,000 soldiers who were recruited by the second batch, and they have also cultivated the Tiger Demon Refining Bone Fist and the Bull Demon Powerful Fist, and the lowest is already the fifth grade and the highest is the ninth grade."

"There are 499,000 soldiers who were recruited by the third batch, and they have also cultivated the Tiger Demon Refining Bone Fist and the Bull Demon Powerful Fist, and the lowest is already the fourth grade and the highest is the ninth grade."

"The rest were recruited after the unification of Daqin, and they have not yet experienced the baptism of the battlefield, "Tiger Demon Refining Bone Fist" and "Bull Demon Powerful Fist" are in the entry stage, the lowest second grade and the highest sixth grade."

Meng Wu glanced at Meng Xiao: "Among them, it does not include the Golden Fire Cavalry, the Hundred Battles Armor-piercing, and the Wolf Smoke Essence Rider, the Wind God Guard, and the Dragon and Elephant Guard." "

"The lowest seventh grade of the Golden Fire Cavalry, the highest innate."

"The lowest seventh grade of a hundred battle armor-piercing soldiers, the highest innate."

"Wolf smoke essence rides the lowest ninth grade, the highest innate."

"As for the Wind God Guard and the Dragon and Elephant Guard, without His Majesty's will, the military department cannot be counted."

Huan Zheng smiled gently: "Bai Gong, come in." "

Bai Qi walked in with a sonorous armour, hugged his fists and said, "Minister, Bai Qi, meet Your Majesty!" "

Huan Zheng slowly got up: "Let's go, let's go and see the Wind God Guard and the Dragon Elephant Guard." "

When Ying Zheng established the Feng Shenwei and the Dragon and Elephant Guard, he placed great hopes on them, but it is a pity that the Dragon and Elephant Guard and the Wind God Guard did not bloom their demeanor in the war to unify the summers.

At the beginning, in front of Qunchen, Ying Zheng had divided half of the Lingwu rice to Long Xiangwei and Feng Shenwei, and Qunchen was also curious about how strong Long Xiangwei and Feng Shenwei were now with so many resource supplies.

Now, it doesn't hurt to let them know. _

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