With a wave of his sleeves, the ministers were swept up by Ying Zheng, and in the blink of an eye, they came from the Qilin Hall to the Garrison Valley.

After landing, the group of ministers glanced at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes, and a question appeared in their minds:

Your Majesty, how strong is it?

This is an eternal question in their minds.

"Now Dragon Xiangwei and Wind God Wei Xu let Bai Gong command."

Huan Zheng looked at Bai Qi: "Bai Gong, now you should know the most about the situation of Dragon Elephant Guard and Wind God Guard, and introduce the situation of Dragon Elephant Guard and Wind God Guard with the ranks." "


Bai Qi came out and introduced to the group of ministers face to face: "There are 20,000 people in Dragon and Elephant Wei and Feng Shenwei, His Majesty who cultivates Feng Shenwei gave "Electric Light Wind God Legs", and Long Xiangwei cultivated "Dragon Elephant Earth Hidden Dragon" given by His Majesty. "

"The cultivation of "Electric Light Wind Divine Leg" is extremely fast, the innate realm can withstand the wind, cultivate to the grandmaster realm and walk in the sky like walking on the ground, "Dragon Elephant Earth Hidden Dragon" cultivation is extremely powerful, and the ultimate can have the power of ten dragons and hundred elephants. The power of one elephant is 10,000 catties, and the power of one dragon is 100,000 catties. "

"There are 5,300 people who can protect the wind from the wind, and the rest can walk in the sky as if they were on the ground."

Zhuxia martial artists must reach the realm of grandmasters to fly, and they can't last long, because flying consumes great true qi, even if they reach the realm of grandmasters, they are still a little short of walking in the sky.

This meant that nearly five thousand people in the Wind God Guard had reached the Grandmaster realm.

Bai Qi shouted a wind god guard, and saw that the wind god guard took a step, chased the wind, stepped on the tip of the wind, and walked in the sky.

He ran faster and faster, racing towards the mountain, dragging a phantom behind him, and there seemed to be a wonderful upward force under his feet.

Qunchen also has many people with advanced martial arts, and it can naturally be seen that the Wind God Guards the sky and consumes very little new true qi.

Generally, Grandmaster Flight is to use True Qi to lift themselves to fly, but Feng Shenwei only uses very little True Qi to pull the ubiquitous wind, stepping on the wind, and letting the wind lift them to fly.

As a result, they fly extremely fast and consume very little.

"The four thousand three hundred people of the Dragon and Elephant Guard have the power of three elephants, and only the rest have the power of more than three elephants, and the most people have the power of nine elephants."

Generally speaking, the innate strength of the first entry is about 10,000 catties, and the strength of the grandmaster has more than 30,000 catties, and if it reaches 100,000 catties, it is already almost more than the strength of the grandmaster.



The voice of the group of ministers swallowing saliva is very clear, the legion formed by the first division, this is in a dream?

They thought that the wolf smoke spirit horse, the golden fire cavalry, and the armor-piercing soldiers of a hundred battles were enough, but they did not expect that there were more elite legions.

Feng Hao was squealed, almost moaning: "My mother, it's all innate and grandmaster, you pinch me to see if I'm dreaming?" "

Wei Yanzi's face was strange: "Are you sure?"

"Pinch me!"

The middle finger of Wei Yanzi's index finger flexed, clamped a small piece of Feng Hao's arm flesh, and rotated it one hundred and eighty degrees, and then everyone heard a pig-killing scream.

Facing everyone's gaze, Feng Hao blushed, gritted his teeth and whispered, "Old fellow! What are you doing! "

Wei Yanzi glanced at him: "Didn't you let me pinch you?" I have never seen such a request in my life. "

Feng Hao was suddenly speechless, but he was still unconvinced: "I let you pinch, but I didn't let you pinch so hard." "

Qunchen was shocked, but Ying Zheng thought it was normal, Lingwu rice, tiger wolf pill, all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasure supply, if they could not achieve this effect, Long Xiangwei and Feng Shenwei simply disbanded.

The Dragon Elephant Guard and the Wind God Guard shocked them beyond words, and if they knew about the Nightmare Unicorn and the Golden Dragon, they would faint with excitement.

Back at the Qilin Hall, the group of ministers took their places, and Huan Zheng looked at Li Si: "How is the Ministry of Rites preparing to fight?" "

Li Si, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, said: "According to His Majesty's will, the Heavenly Sealing Platform has been completed, and the sacrifices to the heavens have been prepared, please ask Your Majesty to set the date of the sacrifice." "

The ninety-nine-meter Feng Tiantai, eight ninety-nine-zhang Heavenly Pillars, and the materials used to form them often took several tons, tens of tons, and some hundreds of tons to build such a majestic building as the Fengtian Terrace.

And those eight heavenly pillars, even the Great Grandmaster could only call for help, and Ying Zheng only gave the Ministry of Rites the authority to mobilize the Demon God.

"Very good, everything is ready to open up the Yun Dynasty."

Ying Zheng nodded:

"I have told you before that I want to use the luck of the world to ignite the fortune of the Great Qin Kingdom and establish the Immortal Fortune Dynasty."

The group of ministers suppressed the surprise in their hearts, and shouted in unison: "Long live my emperor!" Banzai! Hooray! "

"Three days later, I want to seal the sky!"

With a flick of his hand, the courtiers stood up one after another.

After retiring from the dynasty, Ying Zheng left, and the courtiers could no longer suppress their inner ecstasy.

Establish the Immortal Fortune Dynasty.

Daqin Holy Court!

Emperor Feng Qu Chen!

Such as the Heavenly Court sealing the Star Immortal Official!

Enjoy eternal life!

This thing, they couldn't wait to turn into werewolves and roar up to the sky.


Three days passed in a flash, especially the Ministry of Worship, which was responsible for all matters of the heaven sacrifice, everyone was sleepless for three days, and Li Si led by example, checking every process over and over again to ensure that there would be no mistake in the sacrifice of the heavens.

On this day, Xianyang was empty, and almost all the people of Xianyang, from the powerful and powerful, nobles, rich merchants, and then ordinary people, went beyond Xianyang, excitedly looking up at the majestic Heavenly Terrace and the towering Heavenly Pillar.

Golden Fire Cavalry, Hundred Battles Armor Piercing, Wolf Smoke Spirit Horse, Wind God Guard, Dragon and Elephant Guard, these five Daqin absolute elites have all appeared.

There are also Xianyang guards to maintain order. _

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