Ying Zheng put the Tai'a sword on his chest, and his voice resounded loudly, resounding in all directions: "Humanity is heaven, seal the gods and demons, and now the government is enchanted, with the immortal body of the Great Qin Dynasty, to announce the emperor Tianhou Land, Zhao, rule the summers, merit is high and virtuous, benefit the world, make the four seas belong, and be the lord of the Holy Court, the Nine Nine Supreme." However, Daqin, standing under the heavens and on the earth, thanks to the grace of the emperor and the queen of heaven, should be worshiped three times by the subjects of Daqin! "

"One heaven!"

Lees said in a long voice.

Ying Zheng slowly knelt down, stretched out his arms, and bowed for a long time.

On the altar, the old empress dowager Huayang, Concubine Yan, the courtiers of Daqin, under the altar, the people of Daqin, all knelt down, followed the direction of Huan Zheng's kneeling and bowed, and bowed for a long time.


Ying Zheng knelt down again.

"Three worships, three emperors, five emperors!"


After three prayers, Ying Zheng slowly got up, and everyone slowly got up.

In an instant, the sky changed color, and the heavenly pillars around the Heavenly Platform, which symbolized the three emperors and five emperors, slowly lit up with different colors, and the heavenly dome changed, the layers of clouds were piled up, and the earth was empty.

The light on the Heavenly Pillar was like ripples, shrouding the Heavenly Sealing Platform, and then spreading in all directions, spreading to everyone around, and quickly spreading towards the entire Daqin.

Where the light spreads, countless qi luck rises from Xianyang, from the counties of Daqin, from the bodies of the people of Daqin, and their will, mind, and qi luck converge into a great river, running through the void, converging in the direction of Xianyang, pouring into the Tai'a sword, and pouring into the Nine Dragons Jade Seal.

The Nine Dragon Jade Seal slowly levitated, and Huan Zheng let go of the Tai'a Sword, and the two levitated, and at the same time, in his mind, a wave of qi luck that was hundreds of millions of times greater than the gathering of the people of Daqin poured into the Nine Dragon Jade Seal and the Tai'a Sword.

The Yun Dynasty is divided into Dynasty, Imperial Dynasty, Imperial Dynasty, Celestial Dynasty, Divine Court, Holy Court, and Heavenly Court.

With the current national fortune of Daqin, it has become an imperial dynasty.

And Ying Zheng borrowed hundreds of millions of times the luck of the current Great Qin Kingdom in the space of luck, which is enough for Great Qin to cross the Imperial Dynasty, the Celestial Dynasty, and the Divine Court, and directly achieve the Holy Court.

The general Yun Dynasty, to improve the level of the Yun Dynasty, is how much money and how much money to ride.

And Daqin, first get the qualification to go to the Holy Court, get on the car first, and talk about buying tickets later.

Huan Zheng stood with his hands in his hands, flanked by the Nine Dragon Jade Seal and the Tai'a Sword, becoming more solemn and solemn, and spoke loudly: "When the earth first opened, the sky was above, the earth was below, and the Terrans were desolate beasts and fish meat, and they were allowed to be slaughtered." "

"Fortunately, three emperors and five emperors rose in the calamity of the Terrans, led the Terrans and the desolate beasts to fight, and finally let the Terrans have a place on the earth, and finally expelled the desolate beasts, set rules, divided the turbidity, and the Terrans monopolized the land."

"After the Great Zhou, the summers were in turmoil for hundreds of years, continuously, and the people were deeply poisoned, and the reform of Daqin increased the national strength of Daqin a hundredfold, destroyed the six kingdoms, unified the summers, and proclaimed himself the first emperor."

"Today, we will establish the platform of sealing heaven, gather the luck of billions of living beings in the forty-two counties of Daqin, promote the glory of the heavenly way, establish gods on behalf of heaven, and seal authority, from now on, we will not be the Son of Heaven, do not respect the heavens, and disrespect the earth, but for the first emperor, the emperor of the human race!"

The light of the Heavenly Pillar has spread throughout Daqin, running through the territory of Daqin, and every inch of the place has a light that is confused, and at this moment, tens of millions of people in Daqin have looked up at the layer of light film visible to the naked eye in the sky.


The Great Emperor shook and made a sound, and the surrounding area of the Heavenly Sealing Platform rose and gathered, turning into a list with a pale golden light, as if heaven and earth converged, and gradually solidified the three indescribable seal characters on it:

"God Sealing List!"

The subordinate brush of the Feng Shen List was drawn, and the territory of Daqin appeared in it, but it was reduced countless times.

Qi luck continued to flow in, but now it was divided into three points, one into the Tai'a Sword, one into the Nine Dragon Jade Seal, and one point into the God Sealing List.

The two meritorious artifacts of the Tai'a Sword and the Nine Dragon Jade Seal and the Zhenguo Artifact devoured the vast and majestic aura, suppressing them and not dissipating.

Gather national luck, gather land luck, gather heavenly luck, gather world luck, and open up the dynasty!

The light was still thinking about the spread of the heavenly dome, and soon, the light actually lit up the stars in the sky, and one after another the stars lit up, the light was brilliant, and the light fell, falling on the heavenly platform.


A dragon groan sounded, resounding throughout Daqin, and then everyone in Daqin saw an unforgettable scene.

The Tai'a sword turned into a black dragon, it was a dragon head larger than a mountain, and the dragon horn was like two peaks, piercing the heavenly dome and spanning nine days.

That pair of dragon eyes is like two rounds of golden-red sun, and the eyes of the true dragon are like the sun and the moon, and the majesty hits people's hearts.

The pair of sun and moon-like dragon eyes were extremely majestic, but all the people who saw him could not be afraid, as if this black dragon would not hurt them, they only had admiration for this black dragon.

Because this black dragon will guard them.

Rise! Rise! Rise! Rise! Rise! Rise! Rise! Rise! Rise!

Another nine huge dragon groans sounded, and from the nine dragon jade seals rose nine golden dragons that were thousands of feet long, surrounding the black dragon, although it was ten times smaller than the black dragon, it was still a behemoth.


The black dragon opened its mouth, and the dragon's groan fell down with the overwhelming purple qi, like a galaxy waterfall, drowning the victory.

The purple qi submerged Ying Zheng, the looming Ying Zheng was like a god, he looked down, a smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth, spread out his palm, the God Sealing List fell on his left hand, and then the Nine Dragon Jade Seal fell on his right hand, and he gently printed the Nine Dragon Jade Seal on the God Sealing List.

"Me! Winning! Tell the heavens and the earth! From now on, it is not respectful to heaven, disrespectful to the earth! Establish Daqin as a holy court! "

Before his words fell, a big "Qin" character appeared on the list of consecrated gods, and then disappeared, and then a big "First Emperor Zhengzheng" appeared, and then disappeared. _

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