The heavens changed again, and there were bells and drums in the void of the heavenly dome, and the fragrance was fragrant, and it seemed that there were immortals and gods celebrating.

Immortal music floats, bells and drums are like thunder, and heaven and earth seem to submit to the feet of Ying Zheng.

At this moment, all the people of the Great Qin Territory heard the last voice of the Victory Dynasty, and went straight to the depths of their hearts:

"Me! Winning! Tell the heavens and the earth! From now on, it is not respectful to heaven, disrespectful to the earth! Establish Daqin as a holy court! "

In the depths of the void, there seemed to be fairies dancing, and fairy gods were singing, celebrating the birth of the Great Qin Holy Court.

"My Emperor! Hooray, hooray, hurray! "

"My Emperor! Hooray, hooray, hurray! "

With an uproar, all the subjects knelt down in unison, shouting, one wave after another, wave higher than wave.

If someone stood above the void, they could see that in the forty-two counties of Daqin, almost all the people knelt on the ground and bowed down to the shadow of the government that appeared on the heavenly dome.

At this moment, everyone's faces are reverent, admiring looks, at this moment, originally Han, Yan, Zhao, Wei, Qi, Chu, some of the people who missed the people, at this moment, they are all the people of Daqin!

Suddenly, the clouds rolled again, and only Huan Zheng saw that a large amount of qi luck rushed out from the Tai'a Sword and the Nine Dragon Jade Seal, spreading the forty-two counties of Daqin.

This is a gift from the Great Qin National Fortune.

It can be seen that tens of millions of large and small qi luck threads have fallen, and almost all of them have been divided.

A lame and retired Daqin soldier, full of excitement, let go of his crutches and bowed down to the infinitely high shadow of the heavenly dome, tears flowed for a long time, he shouted without feelings, and his voice was hoarse: "My emperor! Hooray, hooray, hurray! Long live Daqin! "

Beside him, his son and wife also knelt down, and after a few kneeling steps, the wife and children lifted him up.

"Son, you must remember that you are a Qin person, a descendant of the old Qin people! Born to be a Daqin person! Death is the ghost of Daqin! Everything we have now is given by His Majesty the First Emperor! If one day you dare to betray Daqin, you Laozi will not let you go! "

His son was not old, only fourteen years old, and compared to the soldier's lame but still burly body, he was not so strong, but like a cheetah, he looked fast and powerful.

The young man lifted the soldier up, looked at the newly built house, and although helpless, he still respectfully said: "Father, I know." "

This sentence, my father told him countless times, his ears were calloused, and he could recite it backwards.

When the soldiers were less than twenty years old, they became soldiers before the current emperor succeeded to the throne, and later their left leg was cut off on the battlefield, and their right leg was also seriously injured, and they could only retire back to their hometown.

Fortunately, he became a relative before he became a soldier and gave birth to a son, although he was lame, his wife still did not give up, and they ran this family together, although they were bitter, they could still live.

A few months ago, the imperial court suddenly found him, built a new house for his family, and gave him money, saying that the soldiers had contributed to Daqin in the first place, and Daqin would not forget him.

Their family's life has changed drastically.

Not long ago, the imperial court built a military academy and specially sent someone to inform him that his son was enrolled.

Lifting his father up, the boy turned around to take the crutches and handed them to his father.

At this time, a fortune far greater than ordinary people fell from above him.

The moment he turned around, the young man's eyes almost popped out, looked at the soldier dumbfounded, and stammered and pointed at the soldier: "Father......... Father...... Kiss...... Yours...... legs..."

The soldier frowned: "What's wrong with my leg?" "

The wife also noticed the change in the soldier, her mouth opened wide, and she couldn't close for a long time: "Miracle! "

The soldier looked down and saw that his calf that disappeared from under his knee actually had flesh and blood, meridians, and bones emerging out of thin air, and it was only a few breaths, and his lower calf actually grew out.

The soldier was stunned, touched his calf possessed, and became short of breath: "It's true!" My leg! "

He threw away his crutches at once, ran barefoot on the ground, felt the temperature of the earth, and said in ecstasy: "My legs have grown again!" "

"Miracle! Miracles! The wife muttered.

"What a shit miracle!"

The soldier stopped and became furious: "Didn't you listen to His Majesty the First Emperor!" Disrespectful to heaven, disrespectful to the ground! If there really is a shit god, Lao Tzu did not send a miracle when he was lame before, but today he sent a miracle, it must be the appearance of His Majesty the First Emperor! "

After speaking, he snorted coldly, and his eyes were full of fanaticism: "Even if there is a god, it is a miracle in the face of His Majesty the First Emperor!" "

On this day, there were too many miracles in the forty-two counties of Daqin.

The dying old man was suddenly ten years younger.

The patient who had been in bed for a long time suddenly became refreshed and energetic.

Low back pain, leg pain, headache, almost all pathologies, disappeared at once.

The ninth-grade martial artist suddenly broke through the innate, the innate master became a grandmaster, and the grandmaster became a grandmaster.

"Old fellow! You..."

The gifts of national fortune received by the imperial court ministers were even more incredible, and Feng Hao inadvertently glanced at Wei Yanzi, this was incredible, and he was shocked when he saw it:

"Your white hair is gone! You old boy, you turned out to be so handsome when you were young? "

Wei Yanzi was also surprised: "Feng Hao, you have also become younger, at least thirty years younger!" But you old boy wasn't as handsome as me when he was young. "

Feng Hao snorted coldly: "Sell yourself and boast!" Who doesn't know that when I was young, Feng Yao was a famous beautiful man, and the family of the family who raised my relatives stepped on the threshold of my house. "


Wei Yanzi looked at Feng Hao with an incredulous face, as if he knew him for the first time: "I just knew that you were actually so narcissistic?" "

Feng Hao's eyes widened: "What narcissism, I'm confident!" "

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