"Grandma! You're a lot younger! "

Concubine Yan looked at the old Empress Huayang in amazement.

The old Empress Huayang was originally not very old, more than fifty and less than sixty, at this time she was twenty or thirty years younger, and she looked at most thirty years old, and she could vaguely see the appearance of his young girlhood, although she was young, she had a maturity and nobility that could not be concealed.


The old empress Huayang saw that all the ministers had become much younger, and when she saw Concubine Yan looking at herself in surprise, she touched her face, and was pleasantly surprised.

"Hey, I broke through!" Suddenly, the old empress Huayang jumped directly from innate to a grandmaster.

As the Empress Dowager of Daqin, the gift of qi luck obtained by the old empress Huayang was second only to Ying Zheng, similar to Concubine Yan, and under this gift of qi luck, his realm directly crossed the grandmaster and achieved the grandmaster.

As for Concubine Yan, although she received a huge gift of qi luck, she was originally a martial arts heavenly person, and the gift of qi luck could only allow him to go further among the martial arts heavenly people.

The Manchu Dynasty's culture and martial arts, the strength has made a big progress, such as Feng Yu, the left phase, originally just the first step into martial arts, the strength of the small third product, leapt into the innate.

Langyu jumped from innate to grandmaster.

Flower shadow from the eighth product to innate.

The breath of breakthrough rises and falls, you sing and I appear, less victory but years of achievement, more victory for decades.

Of course, it is very rare for an innate such as the old empress Huayang to directly become a grandmaster by crossing the grandmaster, or to directly become a congenital master like Feng Yu.

After all, they received the gift of qi luck, and there were not many people in the entire Daqin who could compare.

As for Mengqiao, Wang Yi, he had already had the Seven Force Fruit given by the Victory Administration, and he had achieved the martial arts heavenly people, and the huge gift of luck was not enough for them to break through.

Enjoy the endless kneeling below, Ying Zheng looked at the list of consecrated gods, and as soon as his mind moved, the territory of Daqin appeared on the list of consecrated gods, Yingzheng looked at Yingchuan County, Yingchuan County immediately enlarged, and looked at a certain county, a certain township, a certain village in Yingchuan County.

He could even clearly see what someone in that village was doing now.

As long as it is the territory of Daqin, when Ying Zheng's mind moves, everything will be reflected on the list of consecrated gods.

The gift of luck lasted for a long time, about an hour, and Ying Zheng had also studied all the functions of the God Sealing List at this time.

And the Feng Tiantai has also undergone tremendous changes, more solemn, and the statues of gods carved on it are lifelike, as if they can come out at any time.

Ying Zheng's eyes were deep, his expression was majestic, and Zhou spoke in a deep voice: "Establish the Great Qin Holy Court, condense the Great Qin God Sealing List, and rank the ministers and workers can naturally leave their names on the God Sealing List." "

Huan Zheng stretched out his hand, Feng Shen Zhan, in an instant, the less than a foot long Feng Shen List turned into a ten-meter huge banner in the wind, and the blue light on it turned into clouds, changing thousands of times, surrounded by dragons and phoenixes

"Wei Yanzi!"

"The minister is here!"

Ying Zheng had already told them about the utility of the God Sealing List, and in mythology, the God Sealing List was also the divine martial arts of the Heavenly Court's Sealing Star Immortal Official, and it was beneficial and harmless to enter the God Sealing List.

It's actually harmful.

After entering the list of consecrated gods, a touch of true spirit remained on the list of consecrated gods, and life and death were controlled by Ying Zheng.

However, this harm does not exist for the Great Qin Qunchen, as long as they are loyal to the Great Qin and loyal to the Zhengzheng, and the Zhengzheng will use the Feng Shen List to erase them if their brains are broken.

"You have made great contributions to the Great Qin Prime Minister, assisted the reform of the Great Qin, worked hard, and made great achievements, and I will not forget you!"

With a flick of his fingers, a touch of true spirit flew into the list of consecrated gods, and the name of Wei Yanzi was immediately left on it.

"Humanity is heaven, the emperor is the immortal god, and now the government is in power, in order to rule the body of the first emperor of the Great Qin, he is specially given a holy position of one pin, four hundred times the speed of cultivation, the true spirit is not extinguished, you are not extinguished!"

Feng Tiantai and Feng Shen List were generous and brilliant, straight to the heavenly dome, the sky changed color, thunderclouds rolled, and a touch of purple qi fell from the thunderclouds into the top of Wei Yanzi's head.

The purple qi around him immediately rose, and Wei Yanzi only felt a Xuan and Xuan power washing all over his body, and with each flush, his qualifications changed to a higher level.

There is a gap in people's qualifications, and it is difficult to change them the day after tomorrow.

The qualifications of people are probably fools, inferior qualifications, intermediate qualifications, superior qualifications, geniuses, wizards, and the only six qualities of the ages.

The fool in this world, is to let him learn a set of basic boxing techniques, how can not learn, people will also be lazy, afraid of hardship, this is a matter of personality, even if he is given pills, hair washing, strength enhancement, will not achieve much.

And the inferior qualifications can practice martial arts normally, and the general boxing martial arts can be learned clearly, but it can be connected to the highest level, and the most in the world is this kind of person.

And the medium-qualified personality is somewhat intelligent. Even if he is born ordinary, he will walk out of an extraordinary road, this kind of person can get ahead wherever he goes, he can become an official by studying, he can become rich in business, and he can achieve three grades in martial arts.

And there are not many people with superior qualifications, these people are formed by the spirit of heaven and earth, and their character is tenacious, so that people can know at a glance that they are not idle, as long as they practice well, they can basically achieve innate and even grandmaster.

As for geniuses, as the name suggests, I was born with talent, amazing talent, Gai Nie and Concubine Yan are definitely geniuses in martial arts, such a person can achieve great master, and there is a great possibility of becoming a martial arts celestial.

As for the Wizard of the World, it is rare in hundreds of years, there will be great achievements, it must be earth-shattering, Han Xin, the qualification is this class, but not in martial arts, but in the art of war.

And the only one in the ages is the collection of heaven and earth. This kind of character, any martial arts can be learned as soon as it is learned, and it is refined as soon as it is learned, and it does not even need any learning, seeing the flaws in the other party's martial arts, and defeating with one blow, Xiang Yu is this qualification.

With the blessing of the Great Qin Yipin Holy Position, the root bone of Wei Yanzi's qualifications are changing drastically, and he has leapt directly from a medium qualification to a wizard. _

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