Zhang Liang made another suggestion: "Of course, the most important thing is that the guest secretary of the guest secretary department also needs His Majesty to grant the holy position, which is what they care about the most." "

The four of you said a word, and soon the system and structure of the Guest Secretary Department were complete, and the details were very complete.

The guest secretary division is divided into nine products, the highest product of one and the lowest of the ninth product.

The first-class guest enjoys the holy position of the third pin, but enjoys the grace of the first pin, and cannot be hereditary, does not hold real power, does not obey the dispatch of the imperial court, and only obeys the orders of one person.

If the imperial court wanted to dispatch them, it could only take the order of the government.

That's high enough, hanging high.

Independent of the imperial court, do not listen to the imperial court, see, this is high enough, right?

But there are also substantial benefits, and there is a holy position bestowed by the government, which is what they see the most.

Ying Zheng was basically listening from beginning to end, and after listening to it, he stroked his palm and laughed: "Very good, let's find another director for the guest secretary department." "

As soon as the eyes of the four people were stunned, a figure appeared in front of them, and when they saw it clearly, they found that it was an old man with a clear face and a good beard under his chin, and from his facial features, it could be seen that the old man's young face was definitely a beautiful man, and the old man was dressed in a green robe, with a light and elegant temperament.

The old man bowed his head slightly and saluted: "Your Majesty." "

"Let me introduce you, he is Donghuang Taiyi."

This is the leader of the Yin-Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi?

The four people opened their eyes wide, looking at this most mysterious person in the whole world, it was rumored that every generation of Donghuang Taiyi wore a mask, but they didn't expect that after the mask, it was such an old man.


Gai Nie had been waiting outside, and when he heard Ying Zheng's voice, he immediately came in, bowed down and waited for Ying Zheng's orders.

Huan Zheng said lightly: "You should have heard everything that was discussed by the cabinet just now, pass the word to Zhao Yi." "



"Hak-chancellor... Enjoy the Holy Seat too? "

Ghost Guzi, Chu Nangong, and Xun Cheng's heartbeats suddenly began to accelerate, which was simply the most suitable position for them.

These three people must have wisdom, wisdom, and strength, and it is easy for them to take a seal in which country before Daqin dominates the world.

But none of the three have experience in the ranks, and in the end, people don't like to be bound.

And now this guest secretary system is simply a tailor-made system for them, and not listening to the orders of the imperial court means that there are not so many constraints.

Look at the life of our first emperor except . Don't listen, the pressure is high enough.

For Xun Chuang, there was no need to experience the humiliation that those juniors of Confucianism put on their heads.

Xun Cheng let out a long sigh: "Convinced, convinced, I suspect that the roundworm in my stomach was raised by His Majesty the First Emperor, and this guest secretary is in line with my heart." "

"I'll write a letter, let those old guys in Confucianism also move, if you don't move, you will fall behind."

The current Daqin is like a speeding car, and Ying Zheng is the controller of this big car.

Originally, this big car was very slow, Chu Nangong, Ghost Guzi, Xun Cun and these people walked on their feet, walking side by side with the big car, and sometimes they could surpass the big car.

Suddenly, one day, the big car accelerated, and soon they couldn't even see the shadow of this big car, and they were envious and jealous of the person who got into this car.

In fact, not only the three of them were envious and jealous, but around the car, there were many shadows showing envious looks, but there was no way to get on the car, and they were helpless.

Fortunately, the three of them had a way to get into the car, find someone to deliver a message to the controller of the car, and with the consent of the controller of the car, they could finally get on the car.

Chu Nangong shook his head slightly: "I also know some old guys, these old guys are probably envious and jealous now, so they have some friendships, and they also write some letters to them." "

Oniyako shrugged: "It is estimated that these old guys will rush to farts when they receive your letter, I heard some news, a pavilion master of the empire has made people fight for their heads, including many grandmasters and innate masters." "

Chu Nangong froze in the art room, and smiled bitterly: "Before the Holy Court, we may not all be able to see the seal in our hands, and innately, the grandmaster master, no matter where he goes, he will be valued, not to mention the pavilion chief, even the county guard may not be able to see it, and now he actually fights for a pavilion master." "

For the current Daqin, some people are used to calling it an empire, and some people like to call it a holy court.

"It did."

Gai Nie on the side nodded slightly: "But now even a pavilion chief needs to be appointed and dismissed by the inner Shitai, but it is not the appointment and dismissal of the county guard in the past." "

The Inner Shitai is the central authority of the empire under the Prime Minister, which is jointly controlled by the left and right ministers, and is in charge of the appointment and dismissal, examination, promotion, award, transfer and other affairs of the officials under the heavenly court.

"Master, two seniors, I will leave first."

Saying that, Gai Nie gave up slightly.

Letters came out from Xianyang, and many Chu Nangongs in the world, Xun Cheng, and the old guys of their generation all received their letters.

Among them, there are the most Confucian old guys, there are more than a dozen of them of the same generation as Xun Cheng, the strength is not to say how high, but at least it is innate and above, and they can be called a generation of learned Confucians in terms of knowledge.

Taoist, Tianzong Chisongzi led the disciples of Tianzong to the Renzong, and Xiaoyaozi frowned when he saw him: "Senior brother is probably ready to surrender." "

"Why not?"

Chi Songzi's expression was solemn: "Xiaoyaozi, what are you going to stick to?" As the head of the Human Sect, everything you do is to go in a direction that is beneficial to the Human Sect, rather than being angry. "

"What does Daqin represent now, you can't not know, now Daqin represents the new world!" New era! And you, the old world will eventually be replaced by the new world, and sticking to the old world will only be slowly decayed and die with the old world. "_

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