Chisongzi said bitterly, but Xiaoyaozi was just silent.

"Daqin's guest secretary system is very good, there is no need to be bound by the imperial court, only need to obey the orders of the first emperor, which is also easy for me and others, which is very suitable for us."

Chi Songzi sighed faintly: "Junior Brother, the Dao of Heaven has changed, and conforming to the Dao of Heaven is the Dao." "

Xiaoyaozi looked firm and spoke: "Senior brother, you go, I am a remnant of the old world, and the new world does not have a ship that can carry me." "

Chi Songzi looked at Xiaoyaozi fixedly, his face was full of anger and did not argue about his misfortune, and then he flicked his sleeves heavily and turned around to leave, dropping a sentence: "Disciple of the Renzong, following you is the greatest misfortune!" "

Xiaoyaozi's body shook and shook: "Senior brother! "

Akamatsuko turned to look at him: "You changed your attention?" "

Xiaoyaozi shook his head slightly, turned to look at all the disciples of the Human Sect: "From now on, the Taoist does not distinguish between the Heavenly Sect and the Human Sect, senior brother, you take all the disciples of the Human Sect away." "

"Senior Brother!"


"Master, I'm not leaving! I'm going to follow you! "

The disciples of the Human Sect all exclaimed, some with joyful faces, some hesitant, and some more determined.

Xiaoyaozi handed Xueji to Chisongzi and took a deep breath: "If you should be the head of the Human Sect, just listen to my last order and go with Senior Brother Chisongzi!" "

Chisongzi took a deep look at Xiaoyaozi: "Junior brother, you let me know another Xiaoyaozi." "

Xiaoyaozi smiled "hehe", containing all kinds of inexplicable emotions: "Someone always needs to be buried with the old world." "


In Yingchuan County, Fan Zengzheng was excitedly and curiously fiddling with the "Ten Thousand Realms General Talisman" in his hand, called out the light curtain, searched for Xiao He, Minister of Finance, and the figure appeared Fan Zeng's low exhale: "Brother Xiao, it's really you." "

Both studied with Wei Yanzi for a while, accumulated a deep friendship, and although they became officials, the two still maintained a correspondence exchange.

Xiao He's face was very dark, his forehead was faintly bruised, he took a few deep breaths, and a smile squeezed out of the corner of his mouth: "Brother Fan, how are you doing?" "

Fan Zeng, who was excited, did not notice that Xiao He's mood was wrong, and was about to gush, when suddenly, a lazy voice sounded from the light curtain over there: "Husband, it's so late, let's talk about something tomorrow, it's time to sleep." "

Immediately, a woman's face and a smooth and fair arm appeared on the light curtain.

Fan Zeng's face froze, and when he looked again, he finally knew why Xiao He's face was faintly wrong, the couple was doing something, or Xiao He was in a state where the arrow had to be sent on the string, but he disturbed him, Xiao He did not make a rage, and it was already considered a recuperation in place.

Xiao He's wife, he knew, it was the eldest lady of the Wang family, the two of them were talented and beautiful, or His Majesty gave the marriage.

Fan Zengxian smiled: "Brother Xiao, I just sounded, I still have something, so I won't disturb you first." "

The light curtain dimmed, but Fan Zeng's interest still did not disappear, he thought about it and searched for a name at random.

"Sorry, the name you contacted doesn't exist." There was an emotionless voice from the light curtain.

"Does not exist..."

Fan Zeng's frown searched for a name again, it still didn't exist, and changed a few more names, and the light curtain prompt was finally connected, but there was no image over there, and a thick voice came out: "Hey, which colleague?" "

The light and shadow can be displayed or not, and it is clear that the people over there choose not to show it.

? Now only Daqin officials are equipped with the Ten Thousand Realms General Talisman, and in a sense, Wei Yanzi and a pavilion chief can be called colleagues.

Finally the right one, Fan Zeng's spirit lifted: "I am Fan Zeng, the magistrate of Xinzheng County, I was very curious after getting the Ten Thousand Realms General Identification Talisman, and I messed around for a while, searched for a few names at random, and found you." "

"It turned out to be Lord Fan of Xinzheng County, I am Liu Bang, the head of the Surabaya Pavilion in Pei County, don't hide Lord Fan, I'm also tinkering, but I'm not embarrassed to think about it."

"Peixian? I do know a friend, also from Peixian, called Xiao He, I don't know if you know? Fan Zengdao.

"Hahaha, of course I know, Imperial Finance Minister Xiao Hema, when he was still in Peixian, we often drank together."

As soon as these words came out, the two sides suddenly became close, and chatted for a while, one was knowledgeable, the other had a bold personality, and the two chatted very speculatively.


Xianyang Palace, the corners of Ying Zheng's mouth twitched slightly, could it be that the Ten Thousand Worlds General Knowledge Ball was going to become a large-scale dating center?

However, he did not expect that Fan Zeng's contact with Liu Bang.

For Liu Bang, Huan Zheng did not pay attention to it, if he wanted to kill Liu Bang, he would have been able to kill Xiao He, Fan Yu and others from Peixian when he was "invited".

At this time, Zhao Gao came to Lu Buwei's mansion without the slightest concealment.

It stands to reason that Zhao Gao used to be a subordinate of Lü Buwei, and after Lü Buwei offered Luo Wang to Ying Zheng, in order to avoid it, it was best not to have contact with Luo Wang, but the two were in dignified contact.

"Lord Lu." Zhao Gao bowed slightly.

Lu Buwei said lightly: "I want you to go to Peixian to kill someone." This person's name is Liu Bang, live to see people dead or see corpses, and, remember, the lion fighting rabbit also does its best, if you can, send all the elite of Luowang out, no people and nonsense, one hit will kill. "

"Liu Bang?"

Zhao Gao's face was full of doubts: "What kind of master is this person?" Do you have any other information? What is the person's age, height, and strength? "

Lu Buwei pondered for a few seconds: "About twenty years old, he is the head of the Surabaya Pavilion in Peixian County. "

His words changed, full of killing intent: "Live to see people, die to see corpses!" Zhao Gao, I know that you are embarrassed, but I can tell you that killing this person is not a personal grudge, and you can blame me for all this matter. "

Zhao Gao did not suspect that Lu Buwei was a private grudge, and if it was a private grudge, he could completely take action by himself, which was more safe.

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