Lu Buwei has been in the Dragon and Snake World for a long time, and he naturally knows everything about the history that would have happened, and he also knows that Zhao Gao and Li Si, the two culprits who tampered with the edict and directly led to the demise of Daqin.

But now Li Si and Zhao Gao, one is the minister of the Ministry of Rites and Worship, the other is the person in charge of Luo Net, they are both heavy ministers of Daqin, and they are big-hearted and use them, and Lu Buwei naturally will not move them.

However, that Liu Bang Lu Buwei, who replaced Daqin according to the historical process, will not let go, and the fact that Ying Zheng does not care does not mean that Lu Buwei does not care.

Even if he punished Lu Buwei, he also wanted to kill Liu Bang.

In later generations, there was "Huang Han", and Lü Buwei was exactly "Huang Qin".

Zhao Gao thought for a while, left Lu Buwei's mansion, gave the order, and then... Wait for the information to come back, go and plead guilty.

This was just a small episode, but a few days later, when Fan Zeng, when he wanted to contact Liu Bang to chat, he found that this person could no longer be searched for in the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman.

And Ying Zheng faced Zhao Gao, who pleaded guilty, and smiled dumbly, and figured out the cause and effect in an instant.

Obviously, Lu Buwei was very angry after reading history, if it were not for Li Si and Zhao Gao being heavy ministers of Great Qin, I was afraid that Li Si and Zhao Gao were his killers.

He only punished Zhao Gao and Lu Buwei for one year, but when he turned back, he ordered people to reward the two with thousands of gold and a hundred catties of Lingwu rice.

Punish them for breaking the laws of the imperial court, and they deserve the punishment.

Rewarding the two is to see the good intentions of the two, at least Lu Buwei's starting point is good, and he is selfless, and he should be rewarded.

The fact that Ying Zheng did not kill Liu Bang was not that he had a big heart, but that he did not put Liu Bang in his eyes at all.

The situation creates heroes, the overthrow of Daqin is the situation, without the overthrow of Daqin, Liu Bang is still that Liu Bang, a small pavilion chief.

He is the emperor of Daqin, the first emperor, the person who single-handedly opened the holy court of Daqin, and Liu Bang is a person from two worlds.

If Liu Bang does well, he may be able to become a township chief or a county magistrate, or one day Liu Bang dies, it doesn't matter if he wins the government, it's just a small person, it doesn't matter if he is dead or alive.


"Meng Hou, do you know why His Majesty summoned me this time?"

In Xianyang Palace, Meng Xiao, Wang Yi, and Huo Qubing all arrived, and Huo Qubing asked.

Meng Xiao shook his head slightly: "I am also very confused now, if His Majesty needs to give any orders these days, it is through the Ten Thousand Realms General Talisman." "

One hand to open the Great Qin Holy Court, this majesty has a strong reputation, the power is concentrated in one hand, generally what is notified to them through the Ten Thousand Realms General Talisman, let them carry it out, as for the reason, sometimes informed, sometimes not told, it seems to depend on the mood of this majesty.

Qunchen was also accustomed to the temper of the government.

Originally, when the Holy Court was first opened, the operation method of the imperial court had changed greatly, but since the Ten Thousand Realms General Talisman could not be sent down, the method of doing things has changed even more.

At least the efficiency is ten times faster.

In the past, if the boss had any orders that needed to be given to the subordinates, sometimes he ordered the people around him to convey them, and sometimes he summoned them.

But now, basically ninety percent of the orders and tasks can be conveyed through the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman, and only a very small number of orders they think are important will be discussed face-to-face.

Wang Yi looked at Meng Xiao and said with a slight distress: "Meng Hou, do you have that kind of trouble..."

"I understand!"

Before Wang Yi finished speaking, Meng Xiao nodded heavily.

What annoyance?

Huo Qubing looked strange, could it be that these two were playing some dumb riddle?

Meng Xiao let out a long sigh, touched his face, and his face was strange: "I look a little younger Meng Wu now, compared to Meng Tian, Meng Yi is a little younger, three generations look like a generation, I don't know how to get along..."

He is now thirty years old, and sometimes he wants to reprimand Meng Tian and Meng Yi with a straight face, and the opening is "Your grandfather and me...", which sounds like swearing.

The two rabbit cubs also did not cooperate, looking at the face of grandfather about the same size as himself, and they couldn't help laughing maniacally.

He now doesn't even have a little bit of the majesty of an elder.

Huo Qubing suddenly realized, so it was.

Meng Xiao was originally in his seventies, and it was naturally not inappropriate to call himself "your grandfather", but now with a face of thirty years old, how strange it sounded to call himself "your grandfather".

Wang Yi wanted to caress his beard and sighed, but he touched the air and laughed at himself: "I'm the same as you, if I hadn't beaten these rabbit cubs a few times, I'm afraid it would have been a loss of majesty, Meng Hou, you must beat these rabbit cubs a few times, let them know, your grandfather is still your grandfather, your old son is still your old son!" "

"Beat them up!"

Meng Xiao's eyes lit up, and he said viciously: "This method is good, I will find a reason to beat them when I turn back, what is the reason..."

"Let's just say that your right foot enters the house first, I don't like it."

Huo Qubing mentioned it with evil taste.

Meng Xiao blinked, like a well-intentioned child: "What if they step into the house with their left foot first..."

"Let's just say that your left foot steps into the house first, I don't like it, anyway, you want to beat them, what the reason is not important, the result is important." Huo Qubing smiled.

Wang Yi glanced at Huo Quying: "Huo Hou, I didn't know that you were so dark-hearted at a young age. "

Huo Qubing's face turned dark: "Wang Hou, Meng Hou, you two are like people who have got cheap and sold well..."

"Get cheap and sell well..."

Meng Xiao muttered, and then laughed: "We really got cheap and sold well, I am more than seventy years old, my neck is buried in the soil, I didn't expect to meet His Majesty, be able to rejuvenate, and also achieve a martial arts heavenly person who dared not imagine in the past, and was given a pint of holy position by His Majesty." "

"Four hundred times the speed of cultivation, the true spirit does not die, I will not die, now think about it, maybe I am a good person of a hundred lifetimes, and I have accumulated the merits of a hundred lifetimes, and only then did I meet Your Majesty in this life."

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