After the opening of the canal, all kinds of strange things that the people of Xianyang had never seen before appeared in Xianyang, which opened their eyes.

The wharf has also set up a special management agency, so that the wharf is orderly, orderly, and not chaotic at all.

"I vaguely remember how Gai Nie relied on His Majesty today." Zhang Liang's eyes were in a trance, recalling the words that Wei Zhuang had relayed to him.

"Gai Nie said, His Majesty is a person who has never appeared since ancient times, and may not appear again in the future, is a unique first emperor, Wei Zhuang said, this is not Gai Nie's own evaluation, it will be the evaluation of many people, in the future, Wei Zhuang, you and me, will be such an evaluation, and the time to prove it will not be too long."

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "You think so now?" "

Zhang Liang smiled and looked very firm: "My current opinion is the same as Gai Nie, I am a cabinet member, and I have spent too much time meeting with Your Majesty, if you are like me, you can also feel the personality charm of Your Majesty, it is something that cannot be described in words." "

Zhang Liang tilted his head and thought for a while, opened his mouth to describe, thought about it, or didn't know how to describe it, he frowned and thought for a long time, hesitated:

"It's just... It is...... If you listen to Your Majesty, you will subconsciously agree with Your Majesty's words, what Your Majesty does is the best, what decree is next, we will never question whether it will fail. The first thought that popped into my mind was what His Majesty needs us to do? How much time does it take to succeed. Everything is based on success, and as for failure, it seems to be a result that never happens. "

Han Fei was stunned, and from Zhang Liang's description, he faintly outlined a very charismatic First Emperor.

He and Yingzheng had only met a few times, and in his impression, he only felt that it was a very domineering and capable king.

"It seems that you have become a fan of Your Majesty." Han Fei smiled and said.

Zhang Liang nodded slightly: "Anyway, I have been completely convinced by Your Majesty, entering the cabinet, it can be regarded as entering the center of the imperial court, and I understand a lot of things about Daqin, I know that Your Majesty is more important than you and I imagined compared to Daqin, it can be said that everything in Daqin is tied to Your Majesty..."

"Newspaper! Newspaper! "

Han Fei fell into Zhang Liang's description, did not speak for a long time, and suddenly, the voice of selling newspapers sounded.

"Loulan City and the Imperial Commercial Company cooperated to launch the Nikko House, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, and maintains a constant temperature at all times..."

"Bring me one."

Zhang Liang paid the newspaper seller and took a newspaper with an introduction to the Nikko House.

The sunstone is made of a special stone called sunstone, which is a huge vein in Loulan City, this sunstone absorbs light and heat during the day, and heats up at night, so that the surrounding sunstone is always kept at a constant temperature.

But in the past, there were not many people in Loulan City who built houses with sunstone, and light and heat would be released on the light stone, which was uncontrollable, making the house in the evening, but people still like the dark when sleeping.

However, Shenjisi uses several kinds of stone to make a material that absorbs light, as long as this material appears around the sunstone, it will instantly complete the light of the sunstone, which solves the characteristics of the sunstone that has been releasing light on the night, and only a cloth is needed to isolate that material from absorbing light

Solved the disadvantage of the sunhouse, which allowed the sunhouse to be promoted.

"I'll go back and apply for one." Zhang Liang finished reading it and handed the newspaper to Han Fei.

Han Fei took a cursory glance and said with a smile: "The gimmick is enough, but ordinary people are afraid that they can't pay for it." "

"Haha, I like it best."


Xianyang Palace.

Babel Temple.

Nearly a hundred masters, without a single image of the paralyzed on the ground, surrounded by a mountain of books, one by one the masters are either turning books, or thinking with their brows locked, or moving their hands and feet, as if they are practicing something.

Someone figured something out, danced and smiled, immediately went to record it, and then thought about the next question.

Ying Zheng walked in silently, without disturbing anyone and no one noticing him.

The people here are all guest secretaries of the Hakqing Division, and they were given an order by Ying Zheng to sort out the martial arts of the world and create an exercise suitable for everyone in the world, and everyone is like a dragon.

The exercises have low requirements for root bones, qualifications, clear upgrade systems, and endless potential, pointing to immortality...

From ancient times to the present, there has been no birth of this kind of exercise, and the vast majority of exercises, in a sense, are born for the elite, without sufficient qualifications, they can only stumble.

Even if it is a human immortal martial arts like "Tiger Demon Refining Bone Fist" and "Bull Demon Powerful Fist", it is not a requirement for qualifications, root bones, but the requirements are smaller.

These guest secretaries of the Guest Secretary Division included the top martial arts powerhouses under the sky when Zhu Xia was established.

Of course, there is also Donghuang Taiyi, the head of the guest secretary department, and there is the OD of the Dragon and Snake Romance World.

There are also Xun Cheng, Ghost Guzi, and Chu Nangong.

Zhuang Zhou, who had disappeared, also joined the Guest Secretary Division.

Taoist Chisongzi, Beiyuzi, several elders.

Some great Confucianism.

Several elders of Loulan City.

The six elders of the farmhouse.

Novelist, some masters of famous artists.

In this era, there are also sects, but they are not as good as the peasants, Taoists, and Confucianists, but they are not weak, such as the Shushan Sword School, the Qingcheng School, and the Grandmaster still has several.

There were also several grandmasters of the Great Qin Sect who also joined the Hakka Division.

At this time, in the Tongtian Temple, ninety percent of the world's exercises were collected,

From the top-level exercises that directly point to the shattered and void, to the Great Grandmaster, the Grandmaster-level exercises, the innate-level exercises, and then to the third-rate exercises under the innate, the Tongtian Hall has everything. _

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