Many of them are lost practice secrets in the world.

Even some are cold tadpole scripts, few people recognize these words, are hidden deep in Daqin, or the depths of various countries, after Daqin attacked the countries, the collections of various countries were naturally transported to Daqin.

The vastness of the exercises here makes anyone stunned when they see it.

The masters of various genres in this world are basically here.

The exercises of this world, the exercises of the dragon and snake world, the exercises of the Yang God world, Donghuang Taiyi originally did not want to contribute the exercises of the fairy world, but under the strong pressure of Ying Zheng, he still took out some exercises, but they were all low-level exercises.

After all, the fairy world is the world where Da Luo was born, and the level is only a low-level practice of the fairy world, and it is also a peerless divine skill in this world.

Strictly speaking, what Ying Zheng needs is not exercises, but the system attached to the exercises, drawing on the strengths of all families, many worlds, and many exercises, and he hopes to give birth to a kind of exercise that has low requirements for root bones, qualifications, clear upgrade systems, infinite potential, and direct immortality, so that everyone is like a dragon.

Of course, Ying Zheng did not let them do it in vain, there were all the rewards they deserved, and even took out three fruits that could make people directly become martial arts celestials, which was not the highest reward, the highest reward was to improve the holy position by one product, such rewards are great temptations for Donghuang Taiyi and Ghost Guzi.

For more than a month, Ying Zheng has been in the Tongtian Hall for most of the time, sometimes joining the deduction, but most of the time is summarizing the ideas and shining results of everyone's wisdom and deducing the next step.

Countless martial arts wisdom, passed down from sects, exercises summarized from generation to generation, and exclusive exercises of masters, have been integrated and summarized by the government to accumulate for the final step.

The masters here, coupled with the countless exercises here, are like a lot of fragments, and the wisdom of martial arts thought is colliding in flashes, just like thousands of years, countless masters have crossed time to carry out the spark of wisdom collision and shine.

His "Demon Prison Xuan Fetus Sutra" is best at this step, and Ying Zheng did not disturb anyone, but silently watched everyone's thoughts and deduced the results.

The three products under the traditional martial arts in this world are to open up the dantian, give birth to the true qi of the inner family, and run the great Zhou Tian.

The third grade is to open up the twelve canons, and the true qi is like a hungry tiger jumping into a stream.

The upper three products are to open up the eight veins of the Qi meridian and really enter the river.

After opening the eight veins of the Qi Sutra, running through the Great Zhou Tian, in the Dantian Yuan, this is innate.

Then there is the power of the wonderful realm of the unity of heaven and man that penetrates the barriers of heaven and earth inside and outside, this realm can be said to be out of the category of people, and can release qi outward, pull and control the power of heaven and earth, which is the reason why the grandmaster and one enemy are a thousand.

Grandmaster is followed by the grandmaster, the big face can be described as the enhanced realm of the grandmaster, the martial artist of this realm has a martial spirit and will, with the will of martial arts to the maximum tempering first, condensing the innate true gang, the innate qi has changed again in essence, raised a level, only in terms of the degree of condensation is completely incomparable to the grandmaster.

Great master, containing the five gods, heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, the five qi are complete, there is a divine vision of the five qi dynasty between the shots, the strong man of this realm is only a foot away from the martial arts heavenly man, everything is preparing for the achievement of martial arts heavenly man, this realm can completely become an army alone, and the summer countries are a pillar of a country when they stand together.

Martial Dao Tianren is the entire summary and sublimation of a person's martial arts, if the grandmaster, the grandmaster, can open a sect and establish a sect, but they have not yet broken free from the shackles, they are still within the fence of the predecessors.

And the martial arts heavenly people have broken away from the fence of the predecessors, and the martial arts will of the martial arts people is completely heavenly, no longer illusory, but can directly interfere with reality, and the will is connected with reality.

Therefore, the vast majority of the myths of this world are caused by the martial arts powerhouses of the martial arts heavenly people, in a sense, the martial arts heavenly people seem to be a pseudo-god, the strong people of this realm, no matter what era, are the existence of one person to town the country and one person to destroy the country.

Shattering the Void is the last step of this realm's ascension, and if the Martial Dao Heavenly Man's martial will is close to substance, then there is no difference between the martial will and the essence of the Shattered Void Realm.

As the name suggests, this realm involves the application of the power of space, and it is no longer difficult to master space in one step. Of course, if you reach a world with a higher level and stronger space, it is unknown that you can still break space.

GOD came over and said, "I have looked at many exercises in this realm, and found that basically ninety percent of the exercises in this realm are heavy qi and light body. "

For GOD, a pure seeker, this past month is like entering heaven, and he is also the most willing person in the Tongtian Temple, swimming in hundreds of thousands of books of exercises, like a fish in water.

Of course, many of these hundreds of thousands of copies of exercises are mutilated and backward exercises.

For example, there are more than forty versions of the Admiralty Hood, and none of them are complete.

The golden bell jar is not from the Shaolin Temple, but the Shaolin Temple version of the golden bell jar is the most famous.

In this era, there are already more than forty versions of the golden bell jar, but these more than forty versions actually have the most original golden bell jar, which is just a three-product exercise, the original author is unknown, and the strongest version can achieve innate.

This is the fantasy that the exercises are good or bad, crude, subtle, and some mixed with the original author's preamble, but these fantasies may become inspiration for those in the Babel Temple.

There are also more than fifty versions of the iron cloth shirt, more than thirty versions of the eagle claw hand, and nine versions of the Confucian gentleman's sword.

GOD Martial Arts Wisdom is one of the absolute top people, and it has been recognized by everyone for more than a month, and when they hear him speak, they all cast their eyes over. _

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