Except for GOD, a pure seeker, this has been really a fish in water for more than a month.

Who in the Tongtian Temple did not work so hard for the reward promised by the government.

Or there is a sentient being in the world, but only for a small reason.

Ying Zheng is also proficient in the principle that "if you want the horse to run, you must give the horse grass", and the promised reward is sufficient.

Huan Zheng said, stepped out and left the Tongtian Hall, and when he appeared in the Qilin Hall, he chuckled: "The space seems to be much stronger... The spiritual energy between heaven and earth is also much richer..."

According to a rough estimate, based on the people who have just entered the Shattered Realm, they could have crossed fifty li in one step, but now they can only cross thirty-five li at most, and the concentration of spiritual energy is about one and a half times the original.

And he could clearly feel that the space was still slowly consolidating, and the degree of aura was becoming more intense every moment.

"Yes, the world level is increasing, the space will naturally become more solid, and the aura will naturally become more intense."

The shattered void can cross space in this realm, but if you fly to the world after ascending, and you want to break the space, you have to smash your head, you can only fly honestly.

In that kind of high-level world, the requirements for breaking up space are too high.

Ying Zheng's figure moved, and he flew towards the sky.

How fast is the speed of Ying Zheng, in the blink of an eye, he reached a height of 10,000 zhang, he was still flying, 20,000 zhang, 30,000 zhang, and finally flew to 999,999 zhang, and Ying Zheng felt a barrier.

Looking down, Ying Zheng's eyes widened in vain, and for a long time, he breathed a long sigh of relief, this world is actually a round place, not a planet.

He had been able to fly for a long time, but he did not think about this problem, but took it for granted that this realm was a planet, and at this time, standing at a height of 999,999,000, overlooking the sky, he saw the outline of this realm, and then realized that this realm was the boundary of the Heavenly Round Place.

A hemispherical barrier buckled upside down on the earth, and through the barrier, Ying Zheng immediately felt an extremely fierce wind, which was enough to tear the Great Master's wind in an instant.

Shaking his eyes, Ying Zheng only felt the endless dead silence, cold, empty, boundless, and vast.

Stretching endless vast starry sky, countless stars dotted, and immeasurable stars form an immeasurable cosmic galaxy.

"When people look up at the stars, they feel how small they are..."

In the starry sky, Ying Zheng also felt how small his universe was, and sincerely sighed at the vastness of the universe, the diversity of heaven and earth, and the insignificance of himself.

But immediately, a breath rose in Ying Zheng's heart:

"When will I be able to hold the universe in my hands..."

Ying Zheng looked around, countless unknown, air currents whirlpooled, ups and downs, some light temperature tens of millions of degrees, some enough to instantly freeze the Great Grandmaster into slag.

It can be said that beyond the barrier, there is an endless hell below the Martial Dao Tianren, even if it is a Martial Dao Tianren, it will not survive long in this cosmic starry sky.

Standing in the starry sky of the universe and looking at the world in the barrier, at this time, it has completely changed, and the whole world is composed of layers of space, folded layer by layer.

The master of shattering the void can tear through these layers of space and perform space jumps.

For example, the original master of the Shattered Realm can tear through ten layers of space in an instant, spanning a hundred miles.

Soon after, because the space was more solid, the shattering master could only tear the five layers of space in an instant, and could only cross fifty miles.

In this layered space, two torn holes were fixed and led to unknown places, which Ying Zheng recognized as the two spatial passages that he fixed with the door of time and space.

One leads to the world of dragons and snakes, and the other leads to the world of martial arts.

The summers have been decided, the Yun Dynasty has been completed, and it is time to conquer the martial arts world.

The thought flashed, and Huan Zheng looked at Daqin again, and saw that above the Xianyang City of Nuoda, a faint purple qi was shrouded, and this purple qi spread in all directions, spreading throughout Daqin, shrouding it in it.

The closer to Xianyang, the thicker the purple qi became, and in the center of Xianyang Palace, the purple qi almost condensed into substance.

Ying Zheng looked at the rest of the earth and found that this realm map was like an unfolded earth, Daqin occupied the land of the summers, extremely dazzling, and in addition to the land of the summers, only the Obaro region had some thin purple qi, which was slightly uncheckable.

Originally, the purple qi of the Obaro region was also relatively strong, after all, it was born Rome, the first unified empire of Obaro, but it was only to win the West, destroy the West, and the entire Western masters killed him, and even the angels who landed were killed by him.

In this realm, the land of the Great Qin Summer is as dazzling as the sun, and in other regions, even the planet that guards the sun is not worthy.

Ying Zheng originally wanted to let Daqin conquer the whole world by the way, but now when he saw it, he immediately lacked interest.

The civilization of the Black African region and the summers are simply not a world, most of them are still in the Stone Age, Ru Mao drinks blood, almost between beasts and people, such people, Ying Zheng has no interest in conquering them as slaves.

As for the Dongying Island area, sparsely populated, are some local natives, the entire island is probably less than 100,000 people, compared to Zhuxia, the indigenous people of this island are like dwarves in a dwarf country, short and thin, like monkeys, the degree of civilization is slightly better than that of the Black African region, but it has not yet entered the Bronze Age.

And the summers had already entered the Bronze Age two or three thousand years ago.

A little further, South India and North India are also indigenous, and the degree of indigenous civilization on Dongying Island is similar.

These places had no desire for conquest, and if the people of the Obaro region were still eligible to be slaves, the natives of these areas would not even qualify as slaves. _

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