(Daqin is going to start conquering the heavens, scatter flowers ~~~~~~~~)


A large meteorite suddenly crashed towards Ying Zheng, the speed exceeded the speed of dozens of times the speed of sound, although there was no sound in this cosmic vacuum, the power contained in it was undoubtedly huge.

The meteorite hit the vacuum, and a circle of violent ripples spread and trembled in all directions, and this vibration was so violent that it could literally shake the diamond into powder.

Ying Zheng's eyes froze, stretched out his hand and pressed, and a large hand with a radius of 100 meters immediately condensed in the vacuum, grabbed it fiercely, and this meteorite with dozens of cubic meters immediately stopped.

Ying Zheng squinted and saw that this meteorite was oval in shape, and it looked like a fire-red spar magnified many times, with bright fire and undulating light.

It's just that this huge spar contains unimaginably huge energy.

Ying Zheng's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of a sentence that Gong Zheng had inadvertently mentioned to him: "If only there could be something that provided great energy."

That was when the Shenji Division built the 'Fu' series of large ships, and used the power of the lever to amplify manpower countless times as the power of the big ship, and Ying Zheng went to the Shenji Division, and Gong Zheng once mentioned the idea of something that can provide energy if it does not need manpower.

Because the mechanism still requires people to operate it in essence, if there is no one, the mechanism can basically not be operated.

But there is no such thing on earth.

When Ying Zheng saw this spar, he suddenly remembered the sentence of public revenge, wondering if the energy contained in this spar could be used?

There are a lot of such spar stars in the sky.

At the barrier of unknown billions of kilometers, there is a sun, and there is a planet in the middle, which is called the moon.

And the spar in his hand flew out from that planet, and on that planet, this fiery red spar was everywhere.


The streamer streaked across the starry sky, and Ying Zheng quickly approached the moon, and in a short time, he had reached the sky above the 'moon', and he was surprised to find that the 'moon' itself was actually this spar containing powerful energy.

It seems to contain great suction, and a large part of the rays of light from the sun to the earth are absorbed by the moon, and the "moon" condenses the "rays of light" into substance and turns them into fiery red spars.

So in fact, this 'moon' is getting bigger every time, although the enlarged part is insignificant compared to the huge 'moon'.

But in Yingzheng's view, almost every bell, the 'moon' can increase the volume of Mount Everest.

"No wonder history records that the 'moon' has obviously become bigger."

Ying Zheng thoughtfully.

With the 'moon' becoming larger, even if it is insignificant compared to his own size, it seems very obvious on the earth for ten years and a hundred years.

Ying Zheng's eyes became brighter, and his heart was slightly excited: "So in a sense, this is an almost endless 'solar energy'?" "

"But the premise is to develop a way to harness this energy."

Ying Zheng did not wander in the starry sky anymore, but returned to Xianyang Palace, sent the spar of tens of cubic meters to the Divine Mechanic Division, and then summoned the group of ministers.

Although there are Ten Thousand Realms General Knowledge Talisman, Ying Zheng feels that this matter is still of great significance, and it is best to discuss it in the Qilin Hall.

When he came to the Qilin Hall, the group of ministers was already waiting, and there was originally a little voice to speak, and as soon as Ying Zheng arrived, he immediately fell silent.

Huan Zheng sat on the dragon chair, did not talk nonsense, and directly opened the door: "Xu gathered the ministers today, there is a great thing to inform Er and so on." "

Qunchen immediately became serious, even His Majesty said that it was a very good thing, it seems that this matter is indeed quite important.

"I summoned the guest secretary of the guest secretary division, studied it for more than a month, watched hundreds of thousands of exercises, and absorbed the wisdom of the guest secretaries to create an exercise."

Huan Zheng waved his hand, and the internal attendant sent Qin Fist to Qunchen, who immediately studied it carefully.

Now the Great Qin Qunchen, whether it is a civil minister or a military attaché, martial arts cultivation is very profound, taking Feng Yu as an example, originally a pure civil official, not familiar with martial arts, and later because Lilu contains Lingwu rice, so he also began to practice martial arts.

However, his qualifications are average, until the opening of the Yun Dynasty, he was also a third-grade martial artist, and later the Yun Dynasty opened, as the Prime Minister of Great Qin, he obtained a huge gift of qi luck, and leapfrogged the innate from the third product in one step.

And now, more than a month has passed, and he is already the peak cultivation of the Grandmaster.

Because he obtained the second-grade holy position granted by Ying Zheng, his cultivation speed was three hundred and fifty times, and one day of cultivation was equivalent to one year for ordinary people. Now more than a month has passed since he obtained the holy throne, which means that if he continues to cultivate day by day for more than a month, it is equivalent to forty or fifty years of cultivation by ordinary people.

However, as the head of the Great Qin Wenchen, even though he had the Ten Thousand Realms General Talisman and his efficiency was greatly improved, Feng Hao was still very busy and could not cultivate every day, even so, from the peak of the innate master Dao Grandmaster, it was only more than a month.

Those who can enter this Qilin Hall have the lowest sixth-grade holy position, and have a hundred times the cultivation speed, and the cultivation speed is also a thousand miles a day, faster than riding a rocket.

Looking around, the entire Qilin Hall, whether it is a Wen Chen or a military attaché, can not be found below the innate one, and each of them is a martial arts master in the past.

If you move this world back another month, there should be no one below the grandmaster.

This is the reason why Xun and Chu Nangong's attitude turned a hundred and eighteen degrees, and they were anxious to defect to Daqin.

Their original mentality has a hint of worldly superiority and the meaning of game red dust.

Daqin is strong, and it has little to do with me.

I am not against Daqin, nor am I bound by Daqin, and I live dashingly and freely. _

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