However, after learning about the great benefits of the Great Qin Holy Position, this idea of wanting to be free and unfettered was completely thrown away from Cloud Nine.

They also want to enjoy the benefits.

Even the masters of the Immortal Spirit Realm Sect level such as Donghuang Taiyi had been planning for hundreds of years for the Holy Throne

Great Qin Qunchen were all martial arts masters, and naturally they saw the magic of Qin Fist in a short time.

"Qin Fist! What a Qin Fist! Easy to learn and profound. "

"There are no requirements for the root bone, there is almost no bottleneck, so to speak, when the time comes, everyone in the world will be a master!"

"If everyone in Daqin is a grandmaster, they are all great masters, then the Great Qin Holy Court is worthy of its name."

"It's terrifying, everyone cultivates Qin Fist, it is the people who put down their weapons, and they are all born soldiers when they pick up the people."

"Not only is there no requirement for the root bone, but it can increase the qualification, the potential is endless, I want to practice this exercise."

For a moment, the hall was amazed and surprised.

"Having His Majesty in Daqin is really a blessing for the world and a blessing for the people."

I don't know how many times I have heard such a casual horse sycophant Huan Zheng, and Huan Zheng said lightly: "I want to make the people of the world practice Qin Fist, everyone is like a dragon, and they are ranked as ministers, what do you think?" "

When creating this exercise, Ying Zheng took everything into account, the entry is simple, it can strengthen the body, there are almost no requirements for the root bone, qualifications, and there is almost no bottleneck in front, and the system is clear.

When the "Tiger Demon Refining Bone Fist" and "Bull Demon Powerful Fist" were promoted throughout the army, many illiterate soldiers could draw gourds and cultivate according to the pattern.

Qin Fist, on the other hand, is even simpler, even if he is stupid and incurable, as long as he has that heart, he can't learn it in one day, and he can always learn it in ten days.

No cultivation system can escape the problem of going crazy, even national arts have the problem of going crazy.

And Qin Fist reduced the possibility of going crazy to the minimum, and at most only one out of 100,000 people would go crazy, which was extremely low.

After hearing this, the group of ministers fell silent, and Li Si stood up and said, "Your Majesty, since ancient times, the prohibition of martial arts has been an inevitable problem, and successive dynasties have avoided this situation, but Your Majesty is preventing it, is there something wrong?" "

Lu Buwei sneered: "Li Si, the previous dynasties are comparable to Your Majesty, which king of the previous dynasties is comparable to Your Majesty?" If you compare the dynasties and the Great Qin, and compare the kings of the previous dynasties, its heart can be blamed! His Majesty is magnificent, no one can compare, it is originally something that pedestrians cannot do, and it is unwise to take anything in the past and do it now! "

Lu Buwei is now a super fan of Yingzheng, and he supports anything that Yingzheng promotes, and the reason why he can't look at Li Si is also because he has seen the historical process and wants to mock Li Si when he finds an opportunity.

"In short, Your Majesty wishes everyone to be like a dragon, heaven, and ten thousand ministers!"

Li Si was extremely helpless, and he didn't know why Lu Buwei targeted him like this, but he finished saying everything he wanted to say, and he directly retreated and did not argue with Lu Buwei.

As for Lu Buwei's scornful words, in exchange for any king, Li Si would be sincerely afraid of bringing guilt.

However, as His Majesty today, he is not worried at all.

Feng Hao said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, the minister is very emotional about this matter, the minister originally had no power to bind the chicken, and he would definitely not have the idea of doing anything when he clashed with people, but since he practiced martial arts, he seemed to be much more bold, and he often couldn't help but want to try his skills." "

"I always remind myself that if a person has a weapon, he will have the heart to hurt others, just as a person has power, and if he does not use power where he cannot reach, he will never stop."

"Imagine if everyone in the people practiced Qin Fist, and each of them was a martial arts master, this is their 'weapon', with a weapon', if there is a conflict, they will not be able to resist using the 'weapon', causing much greater damage."

"In the past, if there was a conflict, no matter how serious it was, it would only kill a few people, and two martial arts masters not only caused much more damage, but also made it much more difficult to manage."

Gai Nie took a few steps forward and said, "Your Majesty, the minister wants to say two words." "

As the deputy leader of the Praetorian Guard, he was qualified to enter the Qilin Temple.

"Say." Ying Zheng's expression was ancient.

"The ministers are different from the people in the main hall, they walk more in the rivers and lakes, and those who practice martial arts pay attention to good and evil, if there is no reward, Qiankun will have selfishness, practice martial arts and train the heart, where the heart goes, and when the road is uneven, you must splash blood five steps in anger, if you want to die, you can die, and your mind can be smooth."

"And the people who practice martial arts are masculine in blood, because they have a dependence, their temper is much bigger, they don't agree with the sword and sword, the probability of blood splashing five steps is more than ten times greater than that of ordinary people, and some exercises are more extreme, paying attention to revenge without overnight, and the heart is smooth."

"The thought in the hearts of some people who practice martial arts is that they can't be happy with revenge, can't have a smooth mind, express the stuffiness in their chests, it's better not to practice martial arts, all some people practice martial arts to repay the happy revenge."

Wang Yi also came out: "Your Majesty, please think twice, the minister knows that His Majesty cares about the world, but if everyone in the world practices martial arts, I am afraid of disaster." "

His eyes saw the horror of this exercise, the grandmaster did not have any bottleneck before, even if he was born to the grandmaster, the bottleneck was not so difficult, as long as he had patience and used water to grind kung fu, the grandmaster could basically succeed.

At the thought that everyone in Daqin would be a grandmaster who came and went, Wang Yi shivered coldly, and he could imagine how difficult it would be to rule at that time.

More importantly, with the strength of Daqin's army today, even if all ordinary people in the whole world rebel together, they can be suppressed.

But what if all ordinary people are replaced by grandmasters? How to suppress it at that time, will Daqin be overturned? _

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