Ying Zheng's eyes scanned everyone, and the vast will filled the entire hall as if it were substance.

Yang Xiao and the others did not dare to look at Concubine Yan at all, and a glance at Concubine Yan even rose in their hearts, and Flame Lingji was blasphemy: "Sect Master, fortunately, we have cleared the top of light." "

"Not enough."

Ying Zheng looked outside the council hall, and the entire square outside the Bright Top had been bulldozed, which could accommodate about 100,000 people.

Yang Xiao was stunned, such a big square is not enough?

Saying that, Ying Zheng strolled out, and in one step he was already outside the council hall, and everyone in the Ming Sect hurriedly ran out.

Outside the council hall is the square, which was originally able to accommodate tens of thousands of people, but was rushed by the Ming Sect and expanded several times, and now it can accommodate 100,000 people.

This square is the naturally formed flat land on this mountain, after the transformation of the Ming Sect, it has become the Bright Peak, and the Bright Peak is towering thousands of zhang high mountain walls in the southeast, southwest, west and north, standing tall and towering into the clouds, absolutely no one can attack the Bright Top from these three sides, only the only eastern road can lead to the Bright Peak.

This is the bright top that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and a husband is incomprehensible.

"What does the sect leader want to do?"

A thought appeared in the minds of everyone in the Ming Sect, and the next moment, I saw Ying Zheng and pointed into a sword, a finger in the void, and a sword stabbed out from afar.


A sword groan sounded, like a tiger roaring dragon groan, cutting through the sky, the sword groan became more and more intense, the vitality quickly condensed, and in the blink of an eye, it soared into a thousand zhang long sword qi, brilliant like a column, sword qi radiated, and the void cracked.

Everyone in the Ming Sect looked at this heavenly sword qi in a daze, and a thousand zhang sword qi was derived from the hand of Ying Zheng, which looked a little higher than the mountain peak that was a thousand zhang high, and the thick clouds in the sky were all swept away.

Standing behind Ying Zheng, although they did not face this sword qi directly, everyone in the Ming Sect still felt their whole bodies tremble, and a chill spread from the soles of their feet to their backs, only feeling that this sword qi could destroy themselves thousands of times.

"What a big sword..."

Dongfang Undefeated was obsessed, fearful, yearning, and excitedly looking at this sword qi, and seemed to see the direction of martial arts.

The powerhouses of the Heavenly and Human Realm of the Martial World are legends, and for them, the path of martial arts after the Great Grandmaster is a fog.

Fan Yao shivered: "Even if Xiang Yu is alive and Dharma is reborn, I am afraid that he is not the opponent of the sect leader, and the strength of the sect leader may have reached the point where there is no one before, and there is no one to come." "

Ren Xing's eyebrows beat violently, and a trace of ambition in my heart completely disappeared at this moment, and I no longer dared to raise a trace of ambition.

I am also glad in my heart that I am glad that I am not exposed. He knew very well that his ambition was not worth mentioning under this sword qi, just like ants were as fragile as ants were to people.

If he knew that the strength revealed from this sword qi was nothing more than worth mentioning for Ying Zheng, I don't know if it would be scared to death.

Yang Xiao's whole body trembled with joy, "The sect leader has such strength, and great things can be expected!" "


Ying Zheng's palm gently swiped down, and everyone in the Ming Sect only felt a pain in their eyes and skin, but they saw that the mighty sword qi poured down from the heavenly dome, and when it was about to split into the ground, the direction suddenly changed and swept away.

In a trance, everyone only felt that the vast heavenly dome had been split by Ying Zheng.


Qianzhang sword qi swept across the mountain wall, and the towering mountain wall trembled violently, but it was directly cut by the sword qi.

Then the thousand-zhang-long sword qi burst open, turning into hundreds of millions of fine and dense sword qi, the sword qi permeated for hundreds of miles, the thousand-zhang-high mountain wall was cut apart, countless large stones fell, and before they fell to the ground, they were cut by countless fine sword qi that were absent and turned into powder.

In the eyes of everyone in the Ming Sect, just one breath, the thousand-zhang high mountain wall directly turned into powder and floated down.


Almost all the people in the Ming Sect looked horrified, although they were all masters of the martial arts world, and their scalps were numb when they saw this situation.

This is not a stone, but a thousand-zhang high mountain wall, almost half the height of the peak of Bright Peak.

This is equivalent to the peak of Bright Peak, from the mountainside up, has been cut down by the sword of Ying Zheng.

"Isn't that enough?"

Ying Zheng's face was indifferent.

The entire area of Bright Top was at least fivefold larger, more than enough to accommodate an army of 200,000.

"Sect Leader Wen Cheng Wude, thousands of years, divine power overpower, dominate the world..." Dongfang Undefeated Shun said the words that the Sun Moon God Sect touted him.

Ying Zheng glanced at him lightly, he was like a duck with a pinched mouth, and did not dare to say another word.

"What the hell is the sect leader going to do?" Fan Yao had more and more questions.

As soon as Ying Zheng's mind moved, the gate of time and space had moved to the square, and the portal expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the portal of the gate of time and space expanded by a hundred zhang in length and ten zhang in height.

The first to step out of the portal was Bai Qi, he was fully armed and wearing divine armor, and after stepping out of the portal, he stood quietly and looked behind the portal.

Immediately after that, a team of thousands of people stepped out behind the portal.

A thousand people... Two thousand people... Three thousand people......... Five thousand people... Fifty thousand people...

Seeing that Ying Zheng did not mean to explain, the Ming Sect people watched in horror as one warrior appeared, those warriors were extremely silent, like the corner of a war steel beast, at a glance, it seemed that this army was a black giant tiger showing its hideous fangs.

What frightened them even more was the strength of this army, the lowest strength was first-class (seventh and eighth grades), and there were countless super first floors (ninth grades).

They looked at another army, although the number was not much, only twenty thousand, but each of them was innate, grandmaster strength.

Even if the Ming Sect is dug up, it will not be able to gather 20,000 innate and grandmaster masters.

Even if the Ming Sect is expanded to the entire world, it is difficult to say whether it can gather 20,000 innate hehe grandmasters.

And in front of them, there was an army of 20,000 innate and grandmasters! _

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