Everyone in the Ming Sect was simply blinded, one by one, stunned, and shocked: "It's actually an army composed of warriors, it's too luxurious." "

In the whole world, there is no army composed of warriors, and the elite legions of various countries are strictly trained soldiers, although they have not practiced martial arts, but after strict training, their physique is very strong, not inferior to the kind of novice warriors who are new to martial arts.

That's already an elite legion.

After all, the top martial arts masters in this world are generally grandmasters, and grandmasters can count them with a finger, although grandmasters are strong, they can only be defeated in the face of a certain number of troops.

"Sect Leader, who the hell is it..."

Yang Xiao kept swallowing his saliva, 20,000 innate masters and grandmasters, there was no pressure at all to push the countries.

No matter which country's elite legion, the expansion of this warrior legion is the end of the pebble stone.

Twenty thousand innate masters and grandmasters were terrifying enough.

The army of 20,000 innate masters and grandmasters formed after rigorous training is even more terrifying.

Meng Yuan Iron Horse, known as invincible in the world, the first combat power on the plain.

Yue Jiajun of the Northern Song Dynasty Yue Fei was known as shaking the mountains and difficult to shake the Yue family army, and in the whole world, in terms of infantry, Yue Jiajun was called second, and no one dared to call it first.

This also made the Northern Song royal family more and more afraid of Yue Fei, and the gap between the two became larger and larger.

Although Yue Fei did not have the mind to rebel, in the eyes of the Northern Song royal family, it did not matter whether you had the idea of rebelling or not, and it was the greatest sin that you had the strength to rebel!

The Daming Divine Machine Army, born out of the Five Elements Banner of the Ming Sect, is unparalleled in the world, and also has the strictest military discipline and training level in the world.

Yue Jiajun's military discipline and training level is not inferior to the Daming Divine Machine Army, but Yue Jiajun is Yue Fei's Yue Jiajun after all, but 200,000 people, in the perception of outsiders, Yue Jiajun has little to do with the Northern Song Dynasty.

The Mingshen Machine, on the other hand, is Daming's Divine Machine, a full 400,000, which is the largest legion in Daming.

Although Western Xia's national strength is weak and the number of troops is small, there are also elite armies, and the Iron Harrier Heavy Armored Cavalry is the elite army of Western Xia, which is supported by the strength of the whole country.

The iron harrier rides the good horse, heavy armor, and thorns, and twists it with a hook and rope, although it does not fall immediately after death, when it encounters battle, it will first come out of the iron horse to break through the formation, and the chaos will impact it, and the infantry will ride forward.

This army is also famous all over the world, but unfortunately there are not many of them, never more than 10,000 people, and no matter how much Xixia can't afford it.

And Nangong, according to the southeast, the army is weak, and it is still okay, if there is no Yangtze River natural danger, I am afraid it would have been captured by Daming long ago.

As for Dali, the national strength is more than that of Western Xia, the country's army is only 50,000 people, this country borders Western Xia and the Southern Song Dynasty, and it is not easy for Western Xia to capture Dali, and the Southern Song Dynasty is not interested in Dali, the land of projectiles, which allows Dali to exist.

As for the Manchu Qing Dynasty, there was once a claim that "the Jurchens are less than ten thousand, and the full ten thousand are invincible", but this army was killed by the divine machine army led by Lan Yu and killed the guts. The spirit of qi has completely disappeared, and although the Manchu Qing Dynasty is now rebuilt, it is no longer as prestige as before.

But no matter what kind of Meng Yuan Iron Horse, Iron Harrier, Divine Machine Army, Yue Family Army, compared to this army, it is bullshit.

Not long after, the Fourth Army under Bai Qi's command, Longxiangwei, and Fengshen Wei had already arrived.

"Your Majesty! Fourth Army! Fengshen Wei! The dragon and elephant guards have arrived! "

Bai Qi suddenly turned around, and this sword stood up, roaring in vain.

Huan Zheng stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes faint: "Bai Qi, the task of you and the Fourth Army, Fengshen Wei, and Long Xiangwei is to go east from here, conquer Daming, and turn Daming into Qin land." "


Bai Qi led the order with a bang and led the fourth legion, Dragon Elephant Guard, and Wind God Guard to leave Bright Peak.

Just as they left, Li Cunxiao stepped out from the portal of the Gate of Time and Space, his majestic body exuded a rich aura, and in a short time, the entire Eleventh Legion had all appeared at the Bright Peak, and the Eleventh Legion was less numerous than the Fourth Army, but its momentum was not inferior to the Fourth Legion.

The 11th Legion of Gein is an army of nine pins, innate, and under their crotches, there are 80,000 nightmare unicorns.

The people of the Ming Sect sadly discovered that they might not even be able to beat a "horse".

They now have all kinds of questions in their hearts, but they dare not ask a word, they can only tremble.

"Your Majesty! The Eleventh Army has arrived! "

Li Cunxiao held the halberd and prayed.

Huan Zheng nodded slightly: "Li Cunxiao, the task of you and the Eleventh Army is to go west from here, conquer the Northern Song Dynasty, and turn the Great Song into Qin Land!" "


Li Cunxiao took the order with a bang, stepped on the back of lightning, and the lightning stepped forward with all four hooves, rushing towards the Bright Top Cliff, and behind him, 80,000 Nightmare Cavalry also rushed towards the cliff.

"It's a cliff over there..."

Yang Xiao's voice stopped abruptly, and before he finished a sentence, a pair of eyes almost popped out of his sockets, only to see that the Nightmare Cavalry did not fall off the cliff at all, and the Nightmare Unicorn ran wildly in the void, as if walking on the ground, and after a few breaths, the Nightmare Cavalry had disappeared from their field of vision.

Immediately after that, Chen Qingzhi and the Ninth Army and the White Robe Army, Han Xin and the Seventh Army, Li Xin and the Eighth Army appeared at Bright Peak.

"Chen Qingzhi, the mission of you and the Ninth Army and the White Robe Army is to go southeast from here, conquer the Southern Song Dynasty, and turn the Southern Song Dynasty into Qin Land!"

"Li Xin, the mission of you and the Eighth Army is to go south from here, conquer Western Xia, Dali, and turn these regions into Qin land!"

"Han Xin, the mission of you and the Ninth Army is to go west from here, conquer the Western Regions, and turn it into Qin Land."

The world of martial arts was still normal before the Song Dynasty, and after the Song Dynasty, there was a deviation, forming a situation such as the juxtaposition of countries under today, according to the historical process, the timeline of this boundary is roughly equivalent to the end of the Southern Song Dynasty. _

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