"Marshal, it's not the last general who questions you, according to our previous phalanx, if you want to continue to retreat, then you will directly lose the zenith pass, then if you lose the zenith pass and haven't found an opportunity, retreat and retreat, when is the head?"

Gao Chong also got up and said, "Marshal! The last general also thinks! Zenith must not be lost! "

The Tokyo one was already very dissatisfied with Yue Fei's retreat and retreat, and if he retreated, the Tokyo one would completely break out.

Niu Gao, Lu Wenlong, Yue Yun, Dong Xian, Zhang Xian and the others were all murderous, making the barracks tent filled with a strong killing aura, and they knew that the enemy they faced this time was extremely powerful.

The same are cavalry, but the Mengyuan Iron Cavalry is not even as good as the nightmare army that calls itself the "Eleventh Group of Great Qin", and the situation has been absolutely crushed from the beginning.

The intelligence of this Nightmare Cavalry Legion was clearly understood by the generals of the Northern Song Dynasty.

That kind of horse-like creature called the Nightmare Unicorn, which has the strength to tear the tiger and leopard, running at full speed on the ground, only one breath time for a hundred meters.

And the Nightmare Unicorn sees the void as flat as the ground, and can run on the earth and can run on the void.

This means that the walls are decorations for the Nightmare Cavalry Legion.

The newspaper also shows that the Nightmare Unicorn can also control lightning, and when the cavalry is fighting, the Nightmare Unicorn's unicorn can release lightning to kill enemies, and the tail vertebrae behind them can easily smash a person into meat mud when they swing.

And the ones who control these nightmare unicorns are also super first-class masters, and innate masters can be seen everywhere.

Absolutely crushed by strength, Yue Fei tried countless methods during this time, whether it was a head-on confrontation, an ambush and a sneak attack, or a siege with more blows and less siege, it was directly destroyed by the Nightmare Cavalry Legion in a simple and brutal way.

The gap in hard power is too big, even a peerless handsome talent like Yue Fei can't think of a way, so he can only order the army to retreat, retreat, and retreat.

He can only put the hope of victory on the enemy, and as long as the enemy makes a mistake, he can catch it.

Although the Nightmare Cavalry Legion was so powerful that it was almost desperate, it still had a weakness in Yue Fei's opinion.

That is, there are too few of them.

The entire Nightmare Cavalry Legion is less than 100,000.

If they converge, the Northern Song Dynasty will not help even if it gathers a million troops.

If the enemy commander is stunned and divides the Nightmare Cavalry Legion into several ways, he can find a way to divide and break them one by one, and it is not impossible to defeat this terrorist legion.

But this possibility is too low, the initiative is not in his hands, but in the hands of the enemy commander.

Yue Fei contracted the defense line and retreated without a fight, that is, Li Cunxiao divided his troops to take over these cities, but unfortunately, Li Cunxiao was also a famous general who had been in the battlefield for a long time and did not make such a mistake.

The enemy knows about the Nightmare Cavalry Legion. Li Cunxiao also knew, so he didn't let the Nightmare Cavalry Legion divide the troops from beginning to end.

So far, I have seen a lot of love. Flying peeping and knowing the whole leopard, knowing that the enemy commander is very old and hot, definitely the kind of battlefield general, it can be said that he is an old traitor, Yue knows that his seduction scheme has failed.

As his generals Yang Zaixing, Gao Chong and others said, he can no longer retreat, and if he retreats again, the whole army will lose its blood, even if he has the opportunity, he will not be able to fight.

He has to fight!

Yue Fei looked at the sand table, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the battle phalanx flashed in his mind, and then one policy after another was rejected.

From the intelligence point of view, the enemy army is not only strong in itself, but also far exceeds the Northern Song Dynasty.

Generally speaking, when their cavalry charged, they would first carry out medium and long-range crossbow and arrow covering cleaning.

That kind of crossbow is called "magic machine crossbow"

Judging from the report, the range of the divine machine crossbow reached eight hundred meters, which was longer than the range of the bed crossbow of the Northern Song Dynasty.

But this kind of crossbow is much smaller than the crossbow, and the cavalry can shoot with one hand on the horse.

During the charge, after the crossbow and arrow cover and clean, at least half of the casualties were taken, but in the range that their bow and arrow could reach, it could not cause them any damage.

Their Divine Armor is immune to almost all weapon damage.

Yue Fei's slightly closed eyes trembled violently, and a dense cold sweat appeared on his forehead, this is not a level of war at all, so far, they have all tried to send killers to assassinate, but unfortunately they have never returned.

"There is no hope... There is no hope... Hope is close to zero..."

The more Yue Fei deduced, the more desperate he became, he slowly opened his eyes, looked around, and took a deep breath: "Wait for the court, be loyal to the country!" "

"Guys! Retreat and retreat, there is no way back, fight to the death with this marshal! "

Yang Zaixing slowly exhaled, and the air flow swirled and stirred in the big tent: "Death battle!" "

"Death fight!" Gao Pet roared lowly.

Yue Fei looked at Yue Yun, the two looked at each other, Yue Yun did not speak, just clenched his fists tightly and expressed his determination.

Seeing his son's determination, Yue Fei sighed secretly: "It's okay, the soldier should die in the border field, why should he be shrouded in Mag, I am your father in this life, and I will be your son in the next life." "


Ten miles away, tents were densely packed and stretched for miles.

In the vast barracks, piles of soldiers looked grim, sharp eagle eyes shooting around, and weapons were patrolling.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Li Cunxiao stood majestically like an iron tower, his right hand gently stroked the mane on Lightning's neck, in front of him, Fan Yao was respectfully reporting information, Li Cunxiao nodded slightly from time to time.


After listening to the intelligence, Li Cunxiao laughed loudly, his eyes were full of excitement, and the sense of heroism almost burst out, and his voice stirred the barracks commander: "This group of cowards finally won't retreat!" Ben is going to finish his battle and destroy them! "

Li Cunxiao is a battlefield general, who has experienced countless wars, large and small, bloody storms, corpse mountains and bloody seas, but he has never fought such a humiliating war. _

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