In addition to the fact that at the beginning the enemy also resisted a little, and to the back, the enemy kept retreating, always retreating, and did not give the opportunity to fight head-on at all.

This made Li Cunxiao, who was eager to fight the war freely, feel very humiliated.


With Yue Fei's order, the million-strong army of the Northern Song Dynasty began to move, and the million-strong army stretched for more than ten miles, like a huge giant beast running.

But this million-strong army was not attacking, but still retreating, retreating to the zenith pass.

Zenith Pass had a very important strategic position in the Northern Song Dynasty, the city wall was high, and Yue Fei wanted to rely on Zenith Pass and Li Cunxiao to fight to the death.

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Although the Northern Song Dynasty had many generals, it was much worse than the Nightmare Cavalry Legion in terms of pure strength, and even Yue Fei, a famous general of the ages, could not think of a better strategy, so he could only face to face to face to the death.

Of course, he would not let the million-strong army fight the Nightmare Cavalry Legion to the death on the plains, which would be destined to be a massacre.

Only by relying on the zenith light, there is still a glimmer of hope.

The city wall is ten feet high, stretching for tens of miles, and on both sides are steep and strange rocky peaks, like two thick pillars towering on both sides of the Zenith Pass, eliminating the possibility of the enemy detouring.

After Yue Fei had arranged defensive measures at the Zenith Pass, Li Cunxiao had already led his troops to the outside of the Zenith Pass.

In the sky, the remnant sun is like blood.

Ground, loess bathed in blood.

The decisive battle between two countries of different worlds and different civilizations is about to begin.

"This level is really good, it can be called solid."

The residual sun hung obliquely in the sky dome, the orange sunlight spilled on the earth, Li Cunxiao sat across the lightning, holding the Yuwang Hammer, looking at the Xiongguan ten miles away, Rao was him, seeing this Xiongguan towering above the earth, it was also slightly shocked.

Fan Yao stood aside, not as high as Lightning's legs, and heard the words: "Great General, this pass has been established for more than a thousand years, since the beginning of its establishment, there has been no record of being attacked from the outside, and generations of repairs by the DPRK and Taiwan countries have made this pass more and more difficult to capture, and if you want to attack the Zenith Pass in history, you can only start from the inside,"

Li Cunxiao laughed, and his heroic spirit rose up into the sky: "Soon, this Xiongguan will be broken by me from the outside, and soon it will make Daqin's Xiongguan!" "

This majestic pass on the yellow earth is not so much a city as a winding great wall, and when viewed from the sky, this majestic pass that winds for tens of miles looks like a giant statue on the earth.

The lowest city wall is more than ten zhang, the height is nearly twenty zhang, the city wall is 100 meters thick, and the high city wall towers many beacon towers, arrow towers, fortresses, almost all enemies have no possibility of entering.

If the Great Wall is a great miracle, then this top pass is barely half a miracle.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under Li Cunxiao's order, the war drums sounded, and this war drum shook the heavens and the earth, stirring up the colorful clouds in the sky that were dyed red by the residual sun, like an earthquake, causing the great earthquake to move.

The mighty and majestic sound of war drums rippled between heaven and earth, causing the spirit and anger of the Nightmare Cavalry Legion to condense rapidly.


After the drums of war, the howl of war sounded, like the roar of the god of war, and like the roar of the demon god, and the war officially began.

"Wind! Wind! Gale! "

The roar that stirred the clouds sounded, and the Nightmare Cavalry Legion all dispatched, this is the real Jinge iron horse, all the cavalry are wearing Shenwu armor, the Nightmare Unicorn has a long spear more than a foot long hanging on one side, a crossbow arrow on the other side, a Mo knife hanging from the waist, and a divine crossbow on its back.

And the Nightmare Unicorn is also wrapped in iron-armor-like scales, making each Nightmare Cavalry like a steel machine, and the 80,000 Nightmare Cavalry is a torrent of steel.

"Pass the order down, archers prepare, crossbows prepare!"

On the city wall, Yue Fei watched the nightmare cavalry outside the city rushing towards him, waved his hand with a solemn face, and gave the order.

"Archer ready!"

"Bed crossbow ready!"

The herald gave the order, the flag waved, and a huge roar sounded.

From the fortress after fortress, a large cart of steel and wood was pushed out, this cart was so large that it took three or four big men to push it.

The steel wheels rubbed against the ground of the city wall, making a sharp and piercing sound, and in a short time, a hundred carts pushed to the mouth of the city wall and aimed at the Nightmare Cavalry Legion that was rushing outside the city.


Immediately afterwards, everyone heard the sound of the winch turning, and they knew that this was the bed crossbow being pulled to the limit.

This kind of bed crossbow is the trump card of the Northern Song Dynasty, and almost all of the country is here, with a range of more than a thousand meters.

"Great Qin Li Cunxiao! Who dares to fight me! "

The galloping Nightmare Cavalry Legion suddenly stopped a thousand meters outside the Zenith Pass, and Li Cunxiao roared at the Zenith Pass.

"Marshal! The last general requests to fight! "

Yang Zaixing was murderous and vacated the column.

Yue Fei frowned and thought for a few seconds, Yang Zaixing was the first fierce general in his army, unlike that kind of martial arts master, he was a general, sharpened in the battlefield, and he was unparalleled in the battlefield.

The battle that made Yang Zaixing famous was a big battle in Yu Mengyuan, Yang Zaixing and more than 300 cavalry and army were divided and surrounded in the hundreds of thousands of troops of Meng Yuan, Yang Zaixing led 300 cavalry to kill from the hundreds of thousands of Mengyuan army.

According to post-war statistics, Yang Zaixing alone killed more than 2,000 Mengyuan soldiers, including General Mengyuan, 10,000 households, and 1,000 households.

However, Yang Zaixing was also seriously injured in that battle, and in the end, the military doctor pulled out two liters of arrows from his body, and there were more than a hundred wounds.

It was this battle that laid the title of Yang Zaixing's first fierce general of the Northern Song Dynasty, and there was even the title of War Demon God in Mengyuan. _

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