"General Yang, be careful!"

In the end, Yue Fei still agreed to Yang Zaixing's battle.

On the one hand, when the two armies are at war, the fight before the war is a battle of morale, and the side that will lose the battle will naturally suffer a great blow to morale.

On the other hand, as soon as the million-strong army of the Northern Song Dynasty retreated again and again, morale was already very low.

If the enemy leads his army to the zenith pass to fight, they still can't defend the city, which will hit morale even harder.

But if Yang Zaixing can win Li Cunxiao in the fight, morale will definitely return to the top at once, and it will also deal a great blow to the morale of the enemy.

A matter of killing two birds with one stone.

The premise is that this fight must be won!

"General Yang! Be sure to win! "

Yue Fei instructed again.

Yang Zaixing looked up to the sky and laughed: "Marshal, rest assured, on the battlefield, the last general has not been afraid of anyone!" It's just a chicken and a dog, and he will behead his dog! "


Yang Zaixing rode towards Li Cunxiao alone and stopped a hundred meters away.

"Very good! The general also thought that the Northern Song Dynasty was all miscreants, cowards! Just because you dare to come and fight alone, you are qualified to let me remember your name! "

Li Cunxiao's eyebrows were full of rampant and invincible colors, and he pointed at Yang Zaixing with the Yuwang Hammer.

"Listen, your grandfather Yang Zaixing! Grandson, don't come forward to die! "

Yang Zaixing fought against each other, holding up his big gun and laughing wildly.

"There is a kind!"

Li Cunxiao raised his eyebrows, not angry, but admired Yang Zaixing.

In his time, pre-war will be very common, and generally will come to a round of mouth cannons before starting, unless a very small number of careful eyes, generally will not take the words of pre-war mouth cannons to heart.


Yang Zaixing clamped the belly of the horse, the war horse galloped wildly on all four hooves, he lowered his body, his spear was raised flat, and a pair of eyes stared at Li Cunxiao.


In just a few breaths, Yang Zaixing had already approached Li Cunxiao, the spear in his palm glowed red, and the air around him seemed to be in a hot temperature, and there was a slight distortion.


The air shook wildly, and the real qi was furious.

"A spear is like a dragon!"

Yang Zaixing shouted loudly, and in vain sent out the spear in his palm, piercing the air, leaving an air passage through the space, and stabbing at Li Cunxiao from a distance of ten zhang.


Li Cunxiao's eyes flashed slightly, and Yu Wang Qiao lifted it lightly.


Yu Wang's blade was hitting the head of the gun, only to hear the sound of gold and iron, Yang Zaixing's tiger body shook wildly, the tiger's mouth burst with blood, and the spear came out.


Yang Zaixing snorted, flew up from the horse, and fell heavily to the ground, and a feeling of severe pain in his internal organs spread throughout his body.

"Courage is commendable, strength is not."

Li Cunxiao's indifferent voice sounded in his ears.

No matter how fierce Yang Zaixing is, he is just a grandmaster cultivator, and Li Cunxiao, one foot has almost stepped out of the Shattered Realm.

The entire Great Qin, except for Huan Zheng and Donghuang Taiyi, belongs to Li Cunxiao and Kun's highest strength, and they all belong to the kind of strength that is about to break through the Shattered Realm.

The gap between the Grandmaster and the Shattered Realm is more than a hundred times larger than the gap between an infant and an adult.

If the situation permitted, Li Cunxiao could completely destroy this zenith pass with one blow and wipe out the million-strong army of the Northern Song Dynasty.

It's just that Daqin came to conquer, and in the end, this world still has to be ruled by Daqin, the more it is destroyed, and finally Daqin will be rebuilt, so why not destroy as little as possible from the beginning.

Li Cunxiao sighed in admiration, and already appeared in front of Yang Zaixing, and Yu Wang Qiao fell on Yang Zaixing's head.

Yang Zaixing snorted coldly, fearless: "Lao Tzu's head is here, there is a kind of take!" "

"Tie up!"

As soon as Li Cunxiao gave the order, two people immediately came forward to tie Yang Zaixing up.

"General Yang!"

"How can you!"

"General Yang actually lost!"

Inside the Zenith Pass, Yue Fei's face became more and more solemn, and the generals of the Northern Song Dynasty seemed to be a little unable to believe their eyes.

Yang Zaixing was their recognized number one fierce general, and he was so defeated and captured after he couldn't even make a move from the enemy.

"Great Qin Li Cunxiao! Who dares to fight me! "

After tying up Yang Zaixing, Li Cunxiao shouted at the Zenith Pass again.

Yue Fei was propped up on the city wall with his hands, his face was gloomy, and the speed of Yang Zaixing's defeat and the gap between him and the enemy were beyond his imagination.

Before the war, not only did it not hit the morale of the enemy, but it greatly damaged the morale of the enemy.

"Hahahaha, it turns out that the Northern Song Kingdom is a coward except for Yang Zaixing!"

Li Cunxiao's mocking voice resounded throughout the Zenith Pass, and Gao Chong couldn't help it anymore, gritting his teeth and saying, "Marshal, the last general asks for battle!" "

Yue Fei turned a deaf ear.

Yue Yun also clenched his fists, and then raised his double hammer: "Marshal, the last general also please fight!" "


Yue Fei glanced at the two of them, and coldly reprimanded: "I can't bear this shame, what kind of battle to fight!" Might as well go home and feed! "

"Even Yang Zaixing was taken down in one round, your strength is not as good as him, is it not to send death when you go up?"

"But, Marshal..."

Yue Yun still wanted to argue.

"Shut up! This is in the army! "

Yue Fei interrupted him coldly.

"It turns out that the Northern Song Kingdom is really all cowards!"

Li Cunxiao laughed maniacally.


The Nightmare Cavalry Legion was touched in unison, and the sound of 80,000 troops shouting to kill was earth-shattering.

A strong, rich masculine qi and blood swept through the space with a radius of hundreds of miles, and the heavens and the earth changed color for it, an invisible aura that was enough to tear any soul.



As soon as Yue Fei gave an order, the bed crossbow immediately shot out the bed crossbow arrows, and in an instant, the dense bed crossbow arrows covered the sky dome.


The air was torn apart by the bed crossbow arrow, a thick bed crossbow arrow shot towards Yingbu, and the spear in his palm was sent out violently, the long spear was like a golden snake dancing wildly, the snowy spear head trembled violently, and dozens of arcs were drawn in front of him in an instant. _

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