There is almost no suspense in the war, and the outcome is nothing more than when it will end.

"Huh? Dying? "

Li Cunxiao's gaze fell on Yue Fei, for this person, he was also a long admirer, although the two had not met, but the secret war game had gone through several rounds.

Mengqiao's hierarchical division of a general is also spread in the Great Qin army, and Li Cunxiao also agrees with Mengqiao's concept.

The lowest level is vigorous, relying on adversity to make temporary judgments, and unexpected miracles to win.

The second level is to grasp the overall situation, see the fire, strategize, and win thousands of miles away, Li Cunxiao self-estimated, he can not grasp the overall situation 100%, see the fire, strategize, because he likes the feeling of fighting on the battlefield.

A qualified commander will never plunge himself into a battlefield fight, but will grasp the whole army, coordinate and mobilize the army outside the war situation.

At the highest level, those who are good fighters have no great merit, and those who are good fighters have no great merits, no miracle victories, no wisdom name, and no brave merits.

Those who are good at fighting can anticipate the enemy first, and are well prepared before the war begins, carefully planned, and eliminate all unfavorable factors, so that they can win without any accidents and smoothly in battle, and they seem to be without thrills, twists and turns, and plain.

Know yourself and know your opponent and win every battle.

Before the start of the war, Li Cunxiao had already learned about Yue Fei through many aspects, and through the battlefield game during this time, Li Cunxiao could determine that the number one general in this world was indeed worthy of the name.

Give him enough strength to the army, and he can also reach the highest level of a commander.

It's a pity that the gap in strength between the Northern Song Dynasty and Daqin is too big, not to mention one Yue Fei, even ten Yue Fei can't make up for it.

Yue Fei was followed by a hundred people, an invisible will rose from the body of the Yue family army, and an invisible fluctuation arose, and the same aura was revealed on these Yue family army, condensing into one in an instant, and finally all poured into these hundred people.

These hundred people exuded a huge aura, and the will of more than a hundred and twenty thousand Yue Family Army blessed them, and from Li Cunxiao's gaze, the breath of these hundred people condensed into one, faintly forming an insurmountable and indestructible mountain.

These hundred people, each of their bodies swelled a little, their muscles were knotted, and the majestic battle intent rippled around them, and they exuded a fierce and violent aura in all directions.

"Killing the Great Array?"

Li Cunxiao muttered, but he was not worried, this hundred people had increased their strength to the strength of almost a grandmaster through the soldier killing array, but there were thousands of grandmasters in the entire Nightmare Cavalry Legion.

"Angry and rushing to the crown, by the railing, Xiaoxiao rain stops!"

Yue Fei roared and raised the asphalt gun.

"Look up, look up to the sky and roar, strong and fierce!"

Yue Fei stabbed out with a shot, and the two ancient seals of "Asphalt Spring" on the gun body shone brightly, and the gun body was shining with light fresh water, slowly circulating, and for a while there was a feeling that this Asphalt Spring gun pecked at each other's clear springs.

"Thirty meritorious dusts and soil, eight thousand miles!"

The clear spring of the earth rushed and stirred, bursting with brilliant light, like stars falling from the nine heavens, turning into a clear spring, to cleanse the cleansing, sweep away the filth, and restore the world's great rivers and mountains, and the heaven and earth.

There is an indescribable grandeur.

Yue Fei looked at the Nightmare Legion that was almost slaughtering, the big gun danced like a dragon, the spear was radiant, and the desolate and majestic aura rolled towards the Nightmare Legion.

"Wuyingbu is coming to fight you!"

Ying Bu let out a long roar and fought fiercely with Yue Fei.

The barrels of the two guns shook, as if two giant pythons were fighting, and the back and forth were dazzling, and the air within a radius of tens of meters was crackled and exploded by the spearheads of the two people, like a thunder roar.

Yue Fei's original strength was a grandmaster, and at this moment, through the killing battle, he had the strength of a grandmaster, but Yingbu was only a grandmaster cultivator, but he did not have the slightest fear, he smashed hard, blood sprayed out of his mouth and nose, and blood splattered from his pores, but he did not retreat.

The two fight fast in blocks, almost a second to fight more than a dozen times, like a fast-rotating fan, the two of them form a sunken vortex visible to the naked eye, ordinary people if they are slightly close to the two, they will stand unstable and be absorbed by the air vortex.

"You will be defeated! Hahahaha! "

Ying Bu's mouth sprayed blood, but he laughed maniacally, those more than a hundred people who condensed the will of the Yue family army had already been defeated at this moment, dead and wounded, and a small part was resisting in vain.

Yue Fei's steel teeth were almost crushed, and suddenly, he only felt that the other party's strength was several times greater, and he was able to confront him head-on.

He swept his gaze, and saw the essence on Yingbu's head, and these essence qi shook, turning into Yingbu's martial will, faintly turned out to be an indomitable, cold, murderous spear.

"Achieve immortals!"

In this kind of life and death fight, Yingbu actually broke through the human immortals, which was equivalent to the strength of a great grandmaster.

And the power of will that Yue Fei had blessed on him by the Great Killing War had gradually dissipated.

"Defeat me!"

Yingbu roared, and dozens of gun shadows mixed into a line, piercing through the space.


The long gun in Yue Fei's hand was ejected, and the next moment, Yingbu's spear had swept across Yue Fei's waist, his body flew high, and as soon as it fell, Yingbu's spearhead appeared in front of his neck, and Yue Fei could almost feel the blood dripping from his spearhead.

"Yue Fei was captured! Drop your arms! Surrender and leave you with your lives! "

Yingbu roared, and immediately after, the sound of one after another sounded on the battlefield.

In an instant, the news that Yue Fei had been captured spread throughout the entire Zenith Pass.

The sound of weapons landing on the ground sounded one after another, and the Northern Song soldiers dropped their weapons one by one, squatted down and held their heads and surrendered, and this first majestic pass, the zenith pass, fell into the hands of Daqin.

The million-strong army of the Northern Song Dynasty suffered more than 300,000 casualties and more than 600,000 people were captured. _

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