Captured grain, weight, horses, armor, weapons were countless.

Captured Yue Fei, the generalissimo of the Northern Song Dynasty.

There are three champion generals, two Zhongwu generals, five Dingyuan generals, and more subordinate levels, it can be said that the middle and high-level of the entire Northern Song army were swept away in this battle.

The elite of the Northern Song Dynasty was lost in a battle, which meant that the Northern Song Dynasty had no ability to resist.

Compared with Bai Qi and Li Cunxiao, Li Xin's war process was much smoother, Western Xia, Dali, and the whole country surrendered without any resistance, although the Jiaotoe area is much more complicated than the land of Shenzhou, but the combat effectiveness of the countries of the Jiaotoe is far inferior to that of the countries of the land of Shenzhou.

Li Xin's whole process is more like a pure horizontal push.

And Han Xin's conquest of the countries of the Western Regions also encountered a harder bone on the plateau, the Tubo State, but when the Northern Song Dynasty had a million-strong army, the Tubo State had been destroyed by Han Xin, because the Tubo State swore not to surrender, so the royal family was completely killed.

The Northern Song Dynasty, Daming, Southern Song Dynasty, Western Regions, and Jiaojiao Region are all advancing according to the established plan, without major accidents, basically the same as the original plan.

And the whole world, including all martial arts sects, from shock and anger at the beginning to panic, fear, and then numbness in the back.


On the wall of the capital, looking at the most elite army of Daming as if they were being chopped and chopped, even if the heavy ministers of Daming were calm and calm, their scalp was numb at the moment, and their hands and feet were cold.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes were blood-red, and his voice was hoarse and roaring, like a dying beast:

"Impossible! My Daming military strength is the first in the world! How can it be! "

"Xu Da!"

"Chang Yu Chun!"

"Li Wenzhong!"

"Blue Jade!"

"Mu Ying!"

"Deng Yu!"

"Give them an order! Kill Kill Kill! No matter the cost! Block it! "

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was like a gambler who had lost his eyes, and he wanted to rebel at all costs and at any cost.

Liu Bowen gently reminded: "Your Majesty, Deng Yu, Mu Ying, and Li Wenzhong have died in battle. "

Up to now, Liu Bowen has assisted Zhu Yuanzhang in leveling the world, and the plan has been established, and people are unpredictable.

Zhu Yuanzhang called him "My Son's Room" many times, and the people also circulated that "Zhuge Liang under the three parts of the world, Liu Bowen who ruled the rivers and mountains, Zhuge Liang, the former military division of the dynasty, and the military division Liu Bowen of the later dynasty"

But he had thoroughly tasted that kind of power, that kind of violence that broke through all his strength, and let his wisdom not break through the sky.

No matter what strategy he uses, he will break it with force.

Bai Qi belongs to the kind of famous general who is ranked at the top of the Chinese eternal rankings, and may not be comparable to Liu Bowen in terms of governing the country, but on the battlefield, Liu Bowen may not be comparable to Bai Qi.

Most of his plans on the battlefield can be seen through by Bai Qi.

For example, Liu Bowen set a trap on the road, and a trap was arranged in the trap, Bai Qi saw this trap, and he had three choices, one was to detour, one was to destroy the trap, and the other was to walk directly over.

And Bai Qi chose to walk directly over.

Because even if he walks directly over, this trap can't hurt him in the slightest, and detouring and destroying the trap will waste time, which is unnecessary.

Zhu Yuanzhang's roar stopped abruptly, the corners of his mouth tugged, and he repeated: "Summon Xu Da!" Always meet spring! Sapphire! Whatever it takes! Kill me! "

The Daming army has a strong will to fight, especially the elite divine machine army, all of them have a look of death, exuding the momentum of going forward and moving forward.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Protect my mountains and rivers! "

"Invincible under the big tomorrow! Swear to the death! "

"Kill kill kill kill!"

"The one who offended me! Although far away, it will be cursed! "

These soldiers, laughing, roaring, and fighting bloodily, seemed to burst out of their eyes with conviction that made the void burn.

Bai Qi looked at the crazy resistance of the Daming army and the appearance of fighting, and also felt the generosity and grandeur of the Jing banner million, the bloody battle in ten directions, and the shroud of He Xu Mag, and was also slightly moved:

"Daming, not bad."

"This faith, courage, is admirable."

"It's just a pity it's useless."

When Bai Qi first joined the army, Daqin at that time, faith and courage were better than Daming at this time.

It's just that when the gap in strength is too great, this belief and courage is useless.

One by one, the dragons and elephant guards are crushing on the battlefield like tanks, their weapons are standard long sticks, all three meters long, the thickness of their forearms, hundreds of pounds, plus their terrifying and unforged strength, it looks like a big windmill.

Wipe and die, touch and die.

Especially when the dragon and elephant guards are fully operating the dragon elephant jizo gong, the qi and blood are agitated, and the figure will be a little larger than usual, and each of them has become a small giant more than two meters tall, with knotted muscles, casting a trembling shadow, the iron rod in his hand sweeps, and the wind howls, this kind of power is terrifying.


Long Xiang Wei exuded a violent aura, holding an iron rod, one slashed, and a Daming middle-level general was smashed with a muffled sound, and shattered into meat sauce on the spot.

Seeing that his commander was dead, his subordinates were all revenant and angry filled their minds, attacking in unison.

Ring the bell!

Within one breath, nearly ten attacks fell on Long Xiangwei, but they were all blocked by his divine armor, and Long Xiangwei smashed the middle-level general to death with a stick, smiling viciously and glancing at his subordinates, like a tiger like a flock, sweeping, smashing, hammering these soldiers into meat mud.

This is just a microcosm of the battlefield, and this situation is everywhere.

And the Feng Shenwei is not as violent as the dragon elephant guard, and they are like a ghost forest on the battlefield with unparalleled speed, and they are often cut their throats before they see them, and they are not blind.

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