Year after year of blood, almost stained the blood-colored plain, from which the name of blood came from.

The blood of countless soldiers was spilled here, and if the blood of soldiers for more than a thousand years was gathered together, I am afraid that it would be able to converge into a long river of blood.

The entire plain is vast, and it still seems very vast to accommodate an army of seven million.

Five million on one side, two million on the other, facing each other dozens of miles apart, it seems that you can see the cold gaze of the other party, if the bundle of cold gaze can be turned into a sword, the enemy may have been cut by them a thousand times.

But no matter which side it is, it is not easy at the moment, and the heavy and oppressive atmosphere is heavy on everyone's hearts, and it seems that even the soul feels this heavy pressure.

A person flew out from Temujin's army, it was Temujin, he glanced at the army of Daqin with a gloomy tiger eye, and said with an arrogant expression: "Huh! Mengyuan Empire Emperor Temujin, the future ruler of this realm, you will also be ruled by Xu in the future, who will you command! "

Temujin's voice seemed to pour into the emperor from above the heavenly dome, rumbling like thunder, shaking a hundred miles, at the beginning, everyone within a radius of a hundred miles could hear it clearly.

It can be seen that the real power of ironwood is high.

Li Cunxiao's face changed slightly, as soon as this person spoke, fierce and threatening, he knew that he was not this person's opponent, he had broken through the Shattered Realm at this moment and reached the Law Phase Realm.

Temujin's army immediately cheered and morale was high.

"Shu, the emperor of the Great Qin Holy Court wins the government!"

Ying Zheng's faint voice sounded, and he immediately suppressed Temujin's voice, showing the strength that overwhelmed Temujin.

Tie Muzhen squinted his eyes slightly, a ruthless and tyrannical breath of slaughtering billions of living beings spread, and the next moment, he laughed: "Ying Zheng!" I know you! The first unified emperor of the southerners! Over the past hundred years, the warriors of the Mengyuan Empire have conquered nine worlds, and three of these nine worlds have Nanren. "

"Among the Nanren emperors, you have the highest prestige, and you have long wanted to conquer the so-called Great Qin and let the government win! You! Kneel in front of you! "


Huan Zheng spit out two words lightly, and his eyes were full of contempt: "Reigning for a hundred years, your so-called warriors actually only have this strength?" If Daqin develops under the rule of Xu for a hundred years, it is enough to crush your so-called Mengyuan Empire like an ant. "

"What do you say!"

Temujin was furious, the evil tiger's eyes widened in vain, fierce, cruel aura filled the heavens and the earth, making the void become a little distorted, and his whole expression rushed out of the super fierce demon in hell.

To eat people!

"Xu said, you are waste."

Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows: "Barbarians are barbarians, and they can't even understand people's words." "




The sound of the mountain roaring tsunami sounded from the Great Qin army, and the soldiers raised their armed roars, and their morale rose to the extreme.

"Huh, he..."

Temujin suddenly laughed lowly, "Xu will tear you apart!" It will definitely tear you apart! Your concubine! I want to be lustful to death! Your descendants, if you cut off your heads and drink with blood, your army, the warriors of the Mengyuan Empire, will crush them. "

Huan Zheng smiled contemptuously, turned around and disappeared into Temujin's field of vision: "The propaganda of waste is not worth a sun." "

The corners of Tie Muzhen's mouth and eyes trembled violently, and his muscles that were as strong as dragons trembled violently, which showed how angry he was at the moment.


Just as the sun was directly hitting the earth, trumpets and war drums sounded in the battle formations on both sides.

The sound of war drums is like the roar of the god of war, stirring people's hearts.

The low and distant sound of the horn penetrated people's hearts and reached everyone's ears, making their qi and blood boil instantly.

"Wind! Wind! Wind! Gale! "

The majestic aura of the Golden Iron Horse rose from above the Great Qin Army Array, and that terrifying aura made the dark clouds in the sky shake, and the fierce wind stirred and roared into the sky.

Huo Qubing, Wang Chui, Meng Qiao, Bai Qi, Han Xin, Li Cunxiao, Li Xin, Chen Qingzhi, Meng Tian, and Wang Bian's ten group army commanders all roared in unison:

"Don't you know you have no clothes? With the son! "

The sound resounded throughout the military formation.

Ring the bell!

Ring the bell!

Two million troops tapped their weapons, and a roar full of battle intent sounded, and the earth shook violently:

"Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear. Have a vendetta with the Son! Roar! "

The commander of the ten group armies roared again: "Don't you know that you have no clothes?" With the son! "

Ring the bell!

Ring the bell!

"Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear halberd. Work with your son! Roar! "

"Don't you know you have no clothes? Wear it with your son! "

Ring the bell!

Ring the bell!

"Master Wang Yuxing, repair my armored soldiers. Walk with your son! Roar! "

Not to be outdone, Temujin's army roared in unison: "There is nothing happier in a man's life than killing people, taking away his property, making his relatives cry bitterly, and then raping his wife and daughter!" Warriors! Kill all these southerners! The Mengyuan Empire is invincible! "

"Roar! Invincibility! "

"Kill! Slaughter! "

"Invincible! Invincibility! "


Temujin's army began to charge, the charge of a hundred thousand army was already extremely magnificent, five million troops, looking down, dense, almost impossible to see, that magnificence was like the tide breaking the dike, surging in, as if to swallow everything.

On either side of Temujin's army were cavalry, and the cavalry moved their mounts, slowly accelerated, and a million voices converged together, like muffled thunder, shocking people's hearts.

There are two kinds of their cavalry, one is a monster with cyan scales, as big as an elephant, like a tiger, but fierce,

It is named Jia Tiger.

The other is an enlarged version of the wolf, one lap larger than the average war horse, and the full-speed galloping horse is several times faster than the war horse, even in the full-speed running, they all open their teeth and dance their claws, the blood plate reveals dense sharp teeth, and the eyes are blood-red, full of bloodthirsty aura. _

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