In front of Temujin's army, there is a violent ape more than 100,000 or two meters tall wearing iron armor, and the leader is a violent ape king more than five meters, wearing heavy armor, covering the whole body in it, only revealing a pair of eyes, revealing an excited gaze, bloodthirsty and brutal, the legs seem to be two large pillars, walking wildly, rumbling.

It carried a five-meter-long large axe on its shoulder, which was larger than an ordinary door panel, at least tens of thousands of catties, which showed the strength of this violent ape king.

As for the more than 100,000 violent apes running wildly behind the Violent Ape King, although they can maintain the charging formation under the power of the Violent Ape King, it is difficult to hide their bestiality after all, and from time to time they beat their chests with both fists and roar.

"Break the crossbow!"

With an order, tens of thousands of broken crossbows in front of the Great Qin Army Array were pushed out, and the winch was pulled down to the limit.

The city-breaking crossbow has always been transformed, and in the process of updating, it has changed greatly from the original siege crossbow and the current city-breaking crossbow.

Just the firing range, the effective range of the current city-breaking crossbow is 10,000 meters.

The most important thing is that the power of the current city-breaking crossbow has also been greatly improved, the previous city-breaking crossbow is not a big threat to the masters of the grandmaster level, and the current city-breaking crossbow has a great threat to the grandmaster.


A two-foot-long crossbow arrow aimed at the charging Temujin's army, and ten thousand cold lights flashed, and they swept a distance of 10,000 meters.

In an instant, the void seemed to be shattered, and ten thousand city-breaking crossbow arrows dragged the tail of flame and roared into Temujin's army.




The first to bear the brunt was the group of violent apes charging at the front, the steel armor on their bodies could not resist the city-breaking crossbow arrows at all, and they were directly pierced one by one, and most of them passively pierced into sugar gourds.

They became the first sacrifices of this war.

"Whoosh! Roar! "

The army of violent apes screamed and roared, and the weapons in their hands were waving wildly, trying to resist the broken crossbow, but in vain.

The city-breaking crossbows are equipped with broken crossbows, and the ability to break fortifications is terrifying.


The lethality of the Broken Crossbow Arrow is not only a powerful piercing ability.

The next moment, every crossbow arrow exploded, and a wave of scorching heat accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise swept through the space with a radius of more than ten meters.

Like sand in the desert, billowing smoke and dust soared into the air, flames flew and splattered with steel fragments.

Ying Zheng named him "Flame Crystal" energy spar and brought it back, and Shenji had not yet studied how to slowly release the energy of Flame Crystal, but he knew how to activate it violently.

Flame crystals are the products of the heat condensation of the heat of the great sun, and a soybean-sized flame crystal contains great energy, and there is a small flame crystal in each city-breaking crossbow arrow.

These flame crystals have been specially treated, and as long as they are hit vigorously, they will explode after a second.

The flames burst into the sky, accompanied by fragments of steel covering a radius of twenty or thirty meters.

The lethality of flame crystal explosions is similar to the killing method of shells.

Shockwave and fragmentation kills.

As long as it is within a radius of fifteen meters of the flame crystal, it will be damaged by shock waves and flames, the closer it is, the higher the damage, if it is in the close proximity of the early flame crystal, even the grandmaster is either dead or injured.

But it does not mean that it is safe outside the fifteen-meter range, after the explosion, the city-breaking crossbow arrow will be blown apart, steel fragments will splash around, due to the fast flight speed, steel fragments can also cause great cutting damage.

With the Flame Crystal, the City Breaking Crossbow is a combination of attack damage and range damage.

The city-breaking crossbow arrow itself has an amazing piercing ability, that is, the grandmaster can't defend it if he is caught off guard, and on the battlefield, if a city-breaking crossbow arrow is lucky, it can penetrate five or six people, seven or eight people, which is also the limit.

However, with the explosion of the flame crystal, the range of thirty meters within a radius of 30 meters is the killing range, and a city-breaking crossbow arrow is enough to cause more than a dozen casualties.

Roar! Roar!

The Violent Ape King roared furiously, wielding the big axe in his hand, cutting off the crossbow arrows that were shot at it one by one, even if there was a flame crystal explosion around it, at most it blew up his ashen face, and it couldn't hurt him.

However, the violent apes under his command did not have his strength and defense, and the explosions on the battlefield were rumbling, and the rolling heat waves were stirring in all directions, and the violent apes avoided the piercing damage of the crossbow arrows of the broken city, but they could not avoid the explosion damage.

The steel armor on the bodies of countless violent apes was instantly penetrated by steel fragments, and blood flowers burst out on their bodies.

Temujin looked at the heavy losses of the vanguard army from a distance, and his face was gloomy and terrifying: "How can the power of the crossbow be so great!" "

The army of the Mengyuan Empire ruled the nine worlds, and it has always relied on crushing force, especially cavalry, which has never met an opponent, and has little research on weapons and equipment.

The only weapon that has been studied more is the bow and arrow.

After all, the Mengyuan Empire fought the world on horseback from the beginning, and it was also with the invincible cavalry that Temujin ruled the first world.

"Tetsubetsu! Ruined those crossbows for me! "


Beside Temujin, a big man in crimson armor soared into the air.

Exactly Tetsubetsu.

Zhebei is his name and the honorific title of the Mengyuan Empire.

Each generation has only one Zhebetsu, and the divine arrow is unmatched.

He took down a giant bow more than two meters high on his back, grabbed it at will, and nine arrows shining with glow were held by him in his hand, thirty miles away, pointing directly at the broken crossbow in front of the Great Qin army array.

The big bow was drawn, the arrow was put on the bow, and the eyes of the two wolf heads on the big bow began to flash red.

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

The air exploded, and nine big arrows flew out violently, breaking through the air and roaring, and the whistling sound was like thousands of powerful ghosts wailing, and the piercing sound was almost to shake people's souls out of their bodies.

The speed of the arrow is at least ten times the speed of sound, leaving nine air channels in the air, and behind it drags a hundred-foot-long tail of flame, like a missile, which seems to destroy everything. _

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