"Hahahaha, silly big man, where to run."

Huo Qubing originally thought that this violent ape king was going to fight hard, but he didn't expect that he was actually fleeing in embarrassment, stunned, laughed a few times, and his figure flashed, chasing towards the violent ape king.

This beast's skin is very thick, with his current strength, the attack that has been attacking for so long, enough to shatter a hill, has not caused a single fatal injury, which shows that its strong defense is terrible.

The next moment, this beast suddenly turned around, and its fist covered with thick hair rumbled and crushed the space, bringing up a billowing wave of qi and smashing heavily towards Huo Qubing.

"Back to the horse gun? Good beast, good treacherous. "

Huo Qubing was not shocked and rejoiced, if this beast insisted on running, it was really not easy for him to catch up on the battlefield, and he turned back and desperately hit him in his arms.


This beast doesn't know how many opponents have died in this move, the move is extremely skillful, but it's a pity that Huo Qubing's string has long collapsed to the limit, and the actions of the Violent Ape King are all under his observation.

In between the rotation of this mind, Huo Qubing opened his mouth and roared, Fang Tian drew a halberd and turned around, protecting his whole body in it, the wind and rain were impenetrable, and the tip of the two-foot-long spear was even more unstable.


A sound like a ghost crying wolf howled burst out from the tip of the gun, sandwiched by a sound of gold and iron like the impact of swords in a hurricane.

Huo Qubing was almost completely powerful at this moment, and his move seemed to be powerless, but it was the essence of his martial arts condensation.


The brutal eyes of this beast became more and more blood-red, and the downward pressure fist suddenly accelerated, and at the same time, the left fist also crushed it.

In the explosion of the void, only two huge furry fists were seen, crushing down, and Huo Qubing seemed to be hammered into meatloaf in the next moment.

Huo Qubing's move, with the fierce weather of never returning, seemed to be able to penetrate everything, desperate killing qi, and the majestic and huge Senhan will was completely displayed around Fang Tian's halberd, and no trace spilled out.

Laugh at!

The blade on the side of Fang Tian's halberd slashed under the pillar-like arm of the Violent Ape King, and fountain-like blood spurted out, and at the same time, the huge fist of the Violent Ape King's crushing space swept across from the place where Huo Qubing's original body was.

Looking at Huo Qubing again, at this moment, his body actually formed a straight line with Fang Tian's halberd.

Looking in front of Fang Tian's halberd, if he didn't look carefully, Huo Qubing's whole person seemed to suddenly disappear, and there was only one Fang Tian Painting Halberd that seemed to be stabbed out of thin air.

Sun Tzu's Art of War: The good defender hides under the nine lands. The good attacker moves above the nine heavens.

This is the battlefield killing book that Huo Qubing combined with Sun Tzu's art of war exercise, see the halberd without seeing people, see people without seeing the halberd, one halberd pierces over, disappears, the next moment, is already dead.

And Huo Qubing's good attacker moved above the nine heavens, just avoiding the sudden attack of the violent ape king.

The two punches hit the air, and the beast's creepy body hair stood up like steel needles, and his huge pupils shrank sharply, but he saw the tip of the halberd stabbing into his eyes, turning ten or hundreds of times in an instant, stirring his brain into paste.


The color of the other scarlet eyes of the Violent Ape King slowly disappeared, and the huge body fell like a jade pillar pushed the golden mountain, and there was no longer the slightest sound.


Above the sky, the army of griffins and eagle-faced beasts and the army of "Kunpeng" were still entangled, and the army of Kunpeng also began to show signs of falling, almost one for ten.


The Kunpeng piloted by Xiahou Wufeng had been re-equipped with weapons, aimed at the enemy, pressed the trigger, and shot out one by one, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of flames burst out in the sky, and the army of griffins and eagle-faced beasts quickly fell.

In the flames, the griffin-faced beasts and the cavalry on them are falling in the air, and if the Kunpeng falls, most of the above two people were shot dead by the enemy army, and no one controlled it to cause the fall.

Covering a radius of tens of miles, the war on both sides gradually entered a fever pitch.

Laugh at!

An arrow cut through the sky and shot sharply towards Xiahou Wufeng, he subconsciously dodged this arrow, but this arrow shot through the head of the soldier behind him, and blood and brain plasma burst out, spilling Xiahou Wufeng's face.

The arrow contained great force, and the soldier flew up and fell from the Kunpeng.

The Shenwu armor did not block this arrow.

Shenwu armor is also not omnipotent, able to withstand a huge part of attacks, but the arrows of some masters of the enemy army do not say a pair of Shenwu armor, even if it is a ten-layer Shenwu armor, it may not be able to resist.

"Big Tiger!"

Xia Hou Wufeng was blinded, but he could only watch the corpses of his comrades fall.

He had never hated himself so much for a moment, and if he didn't hide, with his own strength, coupled with the strength of the Shenwu armor, he might not die.

"Go NMD!"

Xiahou Wufeng roared angrily, driving Kunpeng towards the enemy army, he wanted to kill the man who killed his comrades, he wanted revenge!

The man shot the big tiger, and his sharp eagle-eye-like gaze fell on Xiahou Wufeng, five fingers on his back, five arrows were held by him in his hand, drawing a bow, aiming, shooting.

In just half a second, he completed all the movements.


Xiahou Wufeng's whole person was almost ignited by anger, but there seemed to be a piece of ice in his chest for ten thousand years, but he maintained absolute calm in anger.

He didn't know that it was this trait that was the reason why Dugu sought defeat and took him as an apprentice.

The five arrows were dodged by Xiahou Wufeng, and more arrows followed.

"Big Tiger! I will avenge you! "

Xiahou Wufeng's cold eyes locked on the man, and he silently thought in his heart:

Six hundred meters... Five hundred meters... Three hundred meters... Two hundred meters...


Laugh at!

An arrow pierced through his shoulder, and he snorted, and at this moment, he soared into the air, like a dragon soaring above the nine heavens.

"Sword come!"

Xia Hou Wufeng roared.


The body behind the big tiger falling to the ground suddenly bloomed with dazzling light, emitting a sword sound, a sword like a swimming dragon, a long groan, across a distance of thousands of meters fell on Xiahou Wufeng's hand.

This sword turned out to be Xiahou Wufeng's, and Dahu was the first person he knew when he entered the Kunpeng army, and he was also the person who taught him to be familiar with all the applications of Kunpeng, and he was also a teacher and friend, and had an excellent relationship.

Before the war, he gave this sword to Big Tiger, which was a blessing, and Big Tiger carried it with him, but he didn't expect that this sword and the original owner charged in such a situation. _

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