Xiahou Wufeng's long sword stabbed out, and the sword qi divided, killing the person who locked him, and his mouth burst out:

"Big Tiger! Good walk on Huangquan Road! Brother send him to accompany you! "

The sound rolled, the sword clanged.

The sword qi soared, raging, and cut towards the man.

Collapse! Boo boo boo!

Naturally, that person would not sit still, five arrows in one, piercing through the void.


The arrow he shot was directly shattered by Xiahou Wufeng's sword qi, and the sword qi disappeared, directly tearing the griffin-faced beast under his crotch, piercing his body, and the sword qi ravaged the body and shattered the internal organs.


He let out a scream of pain, blood spurted out of the seven tips, fell from the sky, and was already killed in mid-air.

"Big Tiger, I took revenge for you."

A sword cut out of selflessness, Xiahou Wufeng was exhausted, and silently said in his heart:

"Master, I'm sorry, I didn't live up to your expectations, your kindness, I will return it in the next life... I wonder if I can cross after I die? "

In order to avenge the big tiger, he broke away from the large army, and was too close to the enemy army, looking at the enemy army that quickly surrounded him, he knew that he could not escape.

He is the grandmaster, a grandmaster at the peak, but in this vast battlefield is too small, in this battlefield, only the grandmaster has the power to protect himself, and the martial arts genius has the capital.

The person he just killed was actually not inferior to him, otherwise he would not stop in place and wait for him to come, but Xiahou Wufeng took the anger of revenge, and the sword came out of self, and he killed him with a sword.

At this time, a soft sigh sounded in Xiahou Wufeng's ears: "Your master and I are your apprentice, pouring so much effort into the master, you died like this, where to find another one for the master?" "


Xiahou Wufeng was overjoyed.

Xiahou Wufeng's body suddenly darkened, the light almost disappeared, and a sharp sword light that was difficult to describe in words suddenly appeared from his body.

This sword light is like a dragon, dazzling, and in this space where the light has almost disappeared, it can attract almost everyone's attention.

Those enemy troops who surrounded them, only this sword light in their eyes, they could no longer see Xiahou Wufeng, as if there was nothing else in heaven and earth, only this sword.

The sword light gazes, the sword qi is horizontal, vast, stirring the sky, and the wind and clouds change color.

"Is this Master's Kendo? What is the level of Master's strength..."

Feeling this terrifying sword light and sword Xiahou Wufeng, he suddenly felt that he was incomparably small under this sword path.


The sword qi was almost woven into a huge sword net, and under the net, except for Xiahou Wufeng, no one could survive.

Under one sword, thousands of people were killed.

"Not leaving yet? The master has only stored a sword qi in your body! But it can't save you anymore! "

"Thank you, Master!"

The surrounding enemy forces swept into the air, and Xiahou Wufeng quickly flew back at the fastest speed.

The war became more and more fierce, and countless Daqin men spilled their blood on the plain.

"Your Majesty! Isn't it time for us to go on! "

Kun appeared beside Ying Zheng and said.

"No hurry, Daqin from the war to unify the six countries, countless big wars, all the way sideways, almost did not encounter any hard battles, recently there has been a sense of pride in the Daqin army, even the commander of the group army has been faintly affected, moderate great power pride is a must, but excessive pride is sick, cure the disease, like to give strong medicine."

"In the past, the medicine of the Great Qin Reform was fast and fierce."

"Now this medicine must also be a little stronger, don't let them understand how to understand that the reason why Daqin was able to push horizontally before was not that Daqin was already invincible, but that he had not encountered a powerful enemy."

Ying Zheng's tone was indifferent, but the meaning contained in it was a little cruel.

"Your Majesty the First Emperor, is this price a little big, although Daqin's equipment is far better than the Mengyuan Empire, the numerical disadvantage is too great, I am afraid that the casualties have exceeded 300,000."

Yue Fei couldn't help but ask.

Huan Zheng closed his eyes slightly: "Where there are immortals in war, the price is not large, and where it is considered a fierce medicine." "

Even if there was no Temujin's army that suddenly descended this time, Ying Zheng would have found a way to "cure the disease" with fierce medicine

He is the helmsman of the big ship of Daqin, and what diseases the big ship has, others do not know, he must know, he must be treated.

"Wait a little longer... Wait a little longer..."

Ying Zheng said silently in his heart.


After a while, Yue Fei saw the group of people who were pushed out from Temujin's army, his heart was cold, his eyes were cracked, and his angry steel teeth were almost crushed.

On the front of tens of miles, a group of oppressive troops was driven out, at least two or three hundred thousand, ragged, crying Chinese people.

When Li Cunxiao learned of Temujin's army, he made the people of the Northern Song Dynasty move south, without giving Temujin's army the opportunity to plunder the people.

However, in the long war between the Mengyuan Empire and the Northern Song Dynasty in the past, at least 200,000 people were successively taken captive by the Mengyuan Empire.

Now, this group of people was all gathered, pushed out, driven by Temujin's army and under the threat of the sword, trembling and approaching the army of Daqin.

"Front! It's the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, don't you want to go back? Rush over, you will be free, you will be free from slavery, and when you go back, you will not have to be beaten, you will not have to starve..."

Temujin's army drove behind, his voice seductive, seductive.

Hearing these extremely tempting words, the numb eyes of these people suddenly rose with a light of hope, looking at the Bianjing City where the silhouette was faintly visible.

As long as you rush over, you can go back, you will never be beaten again, and you will be free.

"We ... Can I go back? "

An old man with gray hair trembled his lips and tears in his eyes: "I was taken captive from my youth, and I didn't expect to have a day to go back alive, is this a dream..."

"Mother, can we go back? Can I see my father? "

The few years old in the mother's arms raised her head and looked at her mother with innocent eyes, and the mother nodded heavily, with a hint of hope in her eyes: "We can meet your father..."

"Mother, can we eat enough when we go back?"

The mother barely squeezed out a smile, as if to cheer herself up: "Yes, it must be possible... I can eat and see my father..."

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