Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The footsteps of the Great Qin army were mixed with the sound of snare drums, like a forest advancing, the soldiers dressed in divine armor, brandishing their weapons, and their eyes sprayed with a roar, killing Temujin's army in an all-round way.


The Nightmare Unicorn Cavalry was by far the most surviving group army, so far, the loss of 80,000 cavalry had not exceeded a hundred, and at the beginning of the counterattack, they were like an awl in front of the army formation, fiercely plunged into Temujin's army.

The roar of the dragon and tiger rose and fell one after another, the unicorn top, the big mouth biting, the tail vertebrae smashed, burst lightning, and the nightmare unicorn killed no less enemy troops than the cavalry that straddled them.


The cold light flashed, and the gun in the cavalryman's hand swept several meters away and pierced the enemy's throat, and the nightmare unicorn under him bit into the throat of an enemy fiercely, blood splashed everywhere, and directly bit off the man's head.

Temujin's army said that it was a mountain of defeat, and the high-level core personnel were all killed and wounded, and the golden Beamon, the Soldier Demon God, and the Golden Dragon were raging wantonly, coupled with the Great Qin army changing from a defensive posture to a counteroffensive posture, the momentum was like a rainbow, swallowing thousands of miles, and the Golden Iron Horse was terrifying.

"They lost."

Zhang Sanfeng said softly, even Zhang Sanfeng could see that Temujin's army had been defeated.

From his vantage point, Temujin's army was torn apart several openings.

It's like a complete round cake, bitten off a few pieces, and then these bite holes are still expanding.

As these gaps became larger, panic finally spread to the entire Temujin army, not only the battlefield defense line collapsed, but also the inner defense line collapsed, looking at the behemoths on the battlefield that were thousands of meters tall, and finally a soldier roared: "I don't want to die!" "

What military orders are like mountains, if you flee on the battlefield, you will be cut by a thousand cuts, all of them are left behind him, drop their weapons, turn around and flee.

The escape of one person is nothing compared to Temujin's army, which still has two million people, but there is a chain reaction to this kind of thing of escape, and his escape has brought more people to turn and flee.

Ten, hundreds, thousands, in order to escape faster, they threw away their weapons and took off their armor, just to lighten the burden and be able to run faster.

The escape from a small area to a large area finally evolved into the rout of the entire Temujin's army, and the entire army completely collapsed and fled backwards.

When Yue Fei saw those raging golden beamons, the Soldier Demon God, he couldn't help but be moved: "These things are simply existences born for the battlefield. "

The scene of their killing was too terrifying, as soon as the Soldier Demon God attacked at will, at least hundreds of thousands of people died in their hands, twelve Soldier Demon God, during this time, at least the lives of Temujin's army of millions of people were harvested.

The strength of the Soldier Demon God is too strong, each of them is a Law Phase Realm, and no one can resist their attacks when the high-level of Temujin's army is almost dead.

As for the Golden Beamon, they are more accustomed to using their own fists, the efficiency is inferior to the Soldier Demon God, and their strength is not as good as the Soldier Demon God, although the defense is very strong, but it is not like the Soldier Demon God has no scruples, and the lethality caused by a hundred Golden Beamon is similar to that of the twelve Soldier Demon Gods.

The number of golden dragons exceeds 10,000, the lowest is the strength of the Great Master, and the killing is also more than one million.

Temujin's army numbered millions of men at the time of the charge.

In the confrontation between the two armies, Temujin's army attacked on one side and Daqin's army defended on the other, losing about 5.6 million, and now Temujin's army broke up and fled, and Daqin's army chased and killed, killing 4.5 million people.

Plus the three million people killed by the Demon God, Golden Beamon, and Golden Dragon.

There are less than two million left in the army of seven million.

Temujin knelt on the void, his head lowered, he could see the situation on the entire battlefield, and he groaned in pain in his heart: "The general trend is gone!" Wild geese are pecked blind all day long..."

He could see that Temujin's army had turned into a scattered sand and fled, mourning in the pursuit.

"Drop your weapons, remove your armor, get on your knees! Hold your heads in your hands and spare your lives! "

Ying Zheng's faint voice resounded throughout the battlefield.




The twelve Soldier Demon Gods jumped up, casting palpitating shadows on the battlefield, rumbling down in all directions of the battlefield, blocking all the routes that could escape from all sides of the battlefield.

With these twelve killing gods blocking the way, who can escape, hearing this majestic voice, nearly two million people who have not dropped their weapons and unloaded their armor have knelt down and held their heads in their hands according to what Ying Zheng said.

"Your Majesty the First Emperor, Yue Fei is completely obeyed."

Yue Fei arched his hand and sighed: "I was still questioning your decision in my heart before, but now it seems that everything is actually under your control, Your Majesty has thought deeply, and Yue Fei is convinced." "

Such a praise, Ying Zheng didn't know how many times he had heard it, his face did not fluctuate, and when he heard this, he just said lightly: "Then have you made a decision?" "

"In fact, as early as when His Majesty came to save those hundreds of thousands of people, Yue Fei made a decision."

Huan Zheng glanced at Yue Fei: "Then what are you waiting for?" "

Yue Fei was stunned, and then knelt down deeply: "Minister! Yue Fei! Meet Your Majesty! "

Huan Zheng laughed loudly, and his hands were weak: "This good handsome!" Happy heart! "

After Yue Fei was captured, Huan Zheng was thinking about how to subdue him, and Yue Fei put forward two conditions to him, one was not to settle accounts with the Zhao royal family and keep the Zhao royal family rich.

The second is to hope that his original generals will follow him.

Ying Zheng agreed, to be honest, this happened to be a manifestation of Yue Fei's seriousness.

If Yue Fei turned his head to Ying Zheng, Huan Zheng would suspect that he was an anti-bone boy.

However, Yue Fei did not immediately agree, but said that the monarch chooses the courtier, and the minister can also choose the king, so that Yue Zheng gives him a certain amount of time to consider.

Choosing a courtier, a courtier's choice of a sovereign has always been a tradition in Zhuxia, not to mention that this is Yue Fei, and the limit of patience of the government is greater, and he did not force Yue Fei to make a decision.

Yue Fei bowed his head slightly: "Thank you, Your Majesty." However, the minister has a question for His Majesty, and he also asks His Majesty to answer the minister's doubts. "

"Say it."

"If the minister fails to defeat His Majesty, what will His Majesty do?" Yue Fei looked at Huan Zheng with burning eyes.

Huan Zheng raised his eyebrows and said indifferently: "If you don't mention the conditions from the beginning and directly refuse Xuan, Xu will let you go, Daqin is big enough, strong enough, you are a Yue Fei, you can't set off any storms, you can tolerate you." "

"If you agree after putting forward two conditions, you still refuse Xuan... Die! "_

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