Zhang Sanfeng shivered repeatedly, and just now Corporal Lixian's victory suddenly became a little terrifying, and said in his heart: "From the beginning, Zhizhu was in hand, strategizing, although the victory was in hand, he was still quiet, and his mind was deep. "

"At the same time, it can tolerate the presumptuousness of talented people, and can be polite to corporals, but at the same time there are certain limits, gentle when it should be gentle, cold when it should be cold."

"This is probably the emperor, no, this is probably Qin Shi Huang."

Yue Fei didn't care at all, and smiled slightly: "Chen Qingqing made the right decision,"

The army was receiving Temujin's army prisoners, Ying Zheng looked at Temujin, who was still kneeling on the void, probed his right hand, took him over, flicked slightly, removed the confinement of his upper body, and the whole person was still kneeling on the ground.

"Temujin, didn't you say that you want to make Xu kneel on the ground?"

Ying Zheng faintly mocked.

Temujin raised his head with difficulty, his expression was hideous, and his eyes almost erupted with anger: "Ying Zheng! You don't give me a chance! As long as I seize the opportunity, I will not take revenge! Unforgiving! "

"In that case, I won't give you a chance."

Huan Zheng smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and gently pressed: "It's not good to talk when you kneel, then talk on your stomach." "


The void fluctuated, and the void above his head suddenly twisted and was violently compressed.

"Aaaa Brute! "

The next moment, Temujin let out a tragic and harsh howl, the whole person lay on the ground fiercely, his muscles and bones made a crackling "bang" breaking sound, except for his head, all the bones in his body were shattered into powder, turning into a soft person without bones, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

"Can you talk properly?"

Ying Zheng looked down at him and said indifferently.

Temujin's eyes widened angrily, his expression was as terrifying as a fierce ghost, and his murderous aura was released like a terrifying wave, and he roared: "Beast! This little trick wants me to submit! Wish for the moon! "


Huan Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "Gai Nie, let him try a thousand cuts." "

Standing on the side from beginning to end, Gai Nie, who was like a sculpture, led the order, walked to Temujin's side, sprinkled a yellow powder on Temujin, and in a few breaths the yellow powder melted into the skin, saying: "This powder can increase the pain of a thousand times in a short time." "

Temujin clenched his steel teeth and stared at Gai Nie deadly.

Gai Nie's index finger snorted and burst out a small sword qi that was no more than one finger long, and with a gentle stroke on Temujin's arm, a piece of flesh as thin as a cicada's wing fell off.


Originally, a small piece of flesh and skin had something to Gai Nie, but the pain had intensified a thousand times, and this kind of pain even Temujin could not endure and did not want to be born.

Gai Nie said softly: "My sword technique is not bad, your body size is better than Wu, I estimated it, cut tens of thousands of knives is not a problem, I hope you can bear it." "

"Damn it! Damn it! I want you~! "

Temujin was incompetent and furious, and the violent killing intent and qi were almost condensed into substance, if the eyes could kill, Gai Nie, Ying Zheng would have been killed by him thousands of times.

"Second knife..."

"The third knife..."

"The fourth knife, there are tens of thousands of knives..."

Temujin gritted his teeth, and the resentment in his eyes could not be washed away from all over the world.

As the emperor of the Mengyuan Empire and the ruler of the nine worlds, he was so powerful.

Except for some of the hardships he suffered before his rise, most of his more than a hundred years of life was a high-ranking existence, when he knelt in shame, and there was no resistance at all, like fish meat on a sticky board, at the mercy of others.

Now, he is even suffering from this thousand cuts, intensifying the pain a thousand times and making his whole person go crazy, the pain is like a wave of waves hitting his mental defenses, and every time the knife falls, he has the urge to give in.


"A thousand knives... One thousand and one knives..."

Before going out, dozens of knives Temujin were still wailing, and for the rest of the time, Temujin didn't seem to have the strength to scream, just stared at Gai Nie deadly, and the look in his eyes became lighter and lighter.

Gai Nie stopped his movements and walked to Huan Zheng's body, and said, "Your Majesty, Tie Mu really has too much endurance, and the pain that aggravates a thousand times is actually not just physical pain, half of it is on the divine soul, he can endure it, but if he cuts it again, he will be dispersed..."

"Hahahaha... Brute! Lao Tzu won! What you want to know, Lao Tzu will not tell you a word! "

Temujin's eyes regained a little brightness, and he seemed to hear Gai Nie's words, and he laughed hoarsely at the sky.

At this time, the flesh and skin of his arms had all disappeared, leaving only powdered Sensen white bones, and the upper half of his chest flesh had also disappeared, and the beating heart and other organs inside could be seen.

This person is worthy of being a peerless hero, and he can endure such a painful punishment, and he can actually endure it.


Ying Zheng shook his head slightly: "You have already lost, how to win?" "

"I won't let you go!"

Temujin stared at Yue Zheng with resentment.

"Don't worry, you won't have a chance to be a ghost!"

Ying Zheng's right hand fell on his head.

Memory Reading!


Temujin seemed to return to the light, the wailing sound was louder than at the beginning, like the whole person fell in a hot pot, and like billions of ants tearing and biting on him, Temujin's face was distorted like a human, his body twitched violently, and his mouth was extremely fierce, like the wailing sound of a beast before death.

Gai Nie, Zhang Sanfeng, and Yue Fei were all shocked.

They naturally did not have some sympathy for Temujin, but his screams were too violent, not like a human throat could emit, more like a scream from the soul.

How much pain should he suffer to be able to make such a scream?

I saw Temujin curled, twisted, trembling, with a face exposed, hideous like a devil, and his throat roaring, just from his appearance, you can imagine how much pain he has suffered.

Memory reading, there is a gentle reading, that takes a long time.

Ying Zheng's memory reading of Temujin naturally did not take into account his feelings, and it was a completely violent reading, and the pain caused by the time was a hundred times more than a thousand cuts before.

If Gai Nie was constantly piercing his divine soul with a thousand slashes before, then Ying Zheng is now tearing his divine soul to pieces. _

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