The next moment, Temujin's voice stopped abruptly, there was no sound, and Ying Zheng also withdrew his hand, slightly regretful.

He also knew the origin of Temujin.

Temujin's original world was just an ordinary world, at most it could only be regarded as a low martial artist, and in the year he established the Mengyuan Empire, a meteor fell from the sky and entered his mind.

That meteor is a broken main godhead, the owner of the main godhead and another powerful existence life and death battle, almost destroyed, leaving only a broken main godhead, wanting to occupy the magpie's nest and devouring Temujin, but did not expect that in the end, Temujin fused the main godhead, and got part of the memory of the main god.

This lord god's priesthood is a certain god of world war, and the priest of war is very suitable for Temujin, and he has also obtained a small part of the memory of the god of war.

Memories include some exercises, combat experience, cultivation experience, etc., etc., tens of thousands of years of experience is only a small part is also very large, almost inexhaustible Temujin, some of the memories include some of the specific coordinates of the world.

Those worlds were the worlds that the god of war had sent people to transmit their faith, but they became Temujin's target.

Gaining part of the memory of a god of war, Temujin quickly became stronger, and then passed on some exercises to his henchman warriors, and within a few years, Temujin's iron horse traveled all over the world from which he came from, and then conquered the first weaker world according to the memory coordinates in the godhead.

Then in the world for hundreds of years, Temujin and the Mengyuan Empire under his rule became stronger and stronger, conquering one world after another, and finally before coming to the world of comprehensive martial arts, he ruled nine worlds, including the world of his birth.

And the world of Wujian is not the world in the memory of the God of War, but Temujin suddenly obtained the coordinate position of the Wujian world.

It's just a pity that Temujin is very cautious, because the godhead once wanted to occupy the Magpie's Nest, but was swallowed by Temujin and obtained the memory, so Temujin has forced paranoia and has been preventing others from obtaining his memory, so he has long blocked and destroyed his own memory and the memory in the godhead.

Once the outside world wants to forcibly read his memory, his memory and the memory of the godhead will self-destruct.

Yingzheng was unprepared for this, allowing Temujin to get his hands on it and destroy his memory.

Fortunately, Temujin is very suspicious and sick, always suspecting that his henchmen will betray him, and once he starts a war, he will definitely take the core figures of the Mengyuan Empire with him, so there is no high-level of the Mengyuan Empire in those nine worlds, if Temujin and his henchmen do not go back for a long time, the collapse of the Mengyuan Empire he established is a matter of sooner or later.

So basically there are no consequences.

It's just a pity that Ying Zheng can't get the coordinates of those nine worlds.

His Space-Time Gate was able to search and locate a world in about a month, but the Space-Time Gate searched and positioned immediately.

So far, only the Dragon Snake World, the Martial World is the effective world.

A world with people is defined as an effective world by governance.

All other positioned worlds are worlds without living beings, such as the last positioned world, which turned out to be a magma world, and the whole world is a magma sea, and people in such a world cannot survive at all.

"Divine... Kesha? "

Ying Zheng muttered.

The deepest memory in the Lord Godhead, Temu, has a way to destroy, and Yue Zheng has only obtained this little memory.

The god of war occasionally knows the coordinates of that world, thinks of that world to transmit faith, meets an angel who claims to be holy Kesha, and the god who was almost beaten by holy Kesha, fled in a hurry.

"You can find a time to see that world..."

Ying Zheng thought so.

"Your Majesty, the prisoners have been counted, a total of 1.73 million people, how should I deal with it?"

Bai Qi came over and reported.

Huan Zheng groaned slightly: "These 1.73 million people are all strong people with strong body and strong force, who are used to open mountains and build roads, and mining and iron smelting are the best manpower." "

The Daqin World Canal, the roads have been built in all directions, the pattern is basically completed, and the mining and iron smelting basically uses machines made by the Shenji Division, and these prisoners are not needed.

But compared to the Daqin world, the martial arts world is simply primitive, and the rivers and roads are all messy.

Bai Qi said: "Your Majesty, it's not a minister questioning, it's just that these people's strength is not inferior to our army, ordinary means can't bind them at all, once it is not handled properly, let these people have the opportunity to make trouble, I am afraid that the trouble is not small, but if their force is abolished, the efficiency may not be comparable to ordinary people, and there is no point in using it to open mines and build roads..."

Huan Zheng waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about this, you have your own plans." "

"The minister retreated."

Bai Qi bowed and took three steps back, turned to leave, as soon as the war was over, there were still many things to deal with in the army.


As soon as Bai Qi left, Li Cunxiao arrived and threw the four people on the ground: "Your Majesty, the minister asked, these four people are Kublai Khan, the emperor of Mengyuan in this realm, Meng Chixing, Si Hanfei, and Ba Siba." "

"On your knees!"

Meng Chixing still wanted to get up, Li Cunxiao drank fiercely, and kicked him fiercely in the crook of his leg.

His breath was weak, obviously seriously injured, and he knelt on the ground, and Huan Zheng looked at Meng Chixing with interest: "You have an apprentice named Pang Ban." "

Meng Chixing's face changed slightly: "How do you know?" "

"Why do you know? Simple very. "

Huan Zheng smiled slightly, flicked his fingers, and the causal line on Meng Chixing's body vibrated gently, and Ying Zheng followed this causal line, and looked over, and it spread thousands of miles away.

In the far north, shaking your eyes, it is snow-white, and the temperature is tens of degrees below zero.

A huge lake, from above, the surface of the lake looks like a huge ice mirror.

By the lake, a man sat cross-legged, this man looked only thirty people, his appearance was almost evilly handsome, and what was particularly impressive was that his skin was crystal clear and shining with a dazzling luster.

He had long black and shiny hair, split in the middle, hanging down on his shoulders that were much broader than ordinary people on either side, and the bridge of his nose was high and straight.

Even in the ice field tens of degrees below zero, his clothes are very thin.

This causal thread on Meng Chixing's body just spread to him.

Meng Chixing didn't know why he watched what Ying Zheng's fingers were flicking, and the next moment, Huan Zheng's thumbs swiped in the air.

Suddenly, the void cracked, and through the void, you could see that in the extreme north, a great man was sitting cross-legged.

Meng Chixing, Ba Siba, Si Hanfei and the others all changed their faces greatly, and they could see at a glance through the void crack that this person was Pang Ban.

Pang Ban is a peerless genius, although he is only thirty years old now, his strength is no less than Meng Chixing and others, everyone believes that Pang Ban's future achievements will definitely surpass them, and achieving a realm that no one has ever reached in martial arts is the hope of the Mengyuan Empire in the future.

Huan Zheng leaned out with one hand, and then everyone found that a hand appeared on the ice field, the palm was only a few feet in size, but it made Meng Chixing and the others almost desperate. _

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