To know!

That's thousands of miles!

Immortal means are no more than that!

"What a thing!"

Pang Ban, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly woke up, suddenly looked up, and saw the big hand grabbed above his head, he roared, his clothes flickered soup flying, hunting furiously, his right foot gently stepped on the ground, emitting a sound like thunder, echoing endlessly, powerful, the entire lake shook violently a few times, and cracks spread on the ice mirror on the lake.

He inhaled sharply, and the essence of the surrounding heaven and earth could not help but be inhaled from his pores, transforming into the qi of True Yuan, and True Yuan urged it with all his strength, and slammed a punch at the big hand that descended.

That punch, without any tricks, showed the subtle changes in heaven and earth, if it weren't for this situation, Meng Chixing really wanted to admire, Pang Ban would already be better than blue.

The big hand ignored Pang Ban's attack and gently lifted Pang Ba up, and then the crack closed, and Pang Ba fell.

He was originally a very attractive and enchanting man, his eyes were bright, like lightning, hiding an almost demonic charm with the grandmaster temperament of Ruoyuan Stopping Yue, but it made people's hearts palpitate.

The purple-red rusty gold dress on his body was spotless, covered with a silver cloak that was long enough to reach the ground, and a three-inch wide band was tied around his waist, revealing a section full of precious stones, which shone in the sun, but this belt was already valuable.

At this moment, Pang Ban looked at Meng Chixing and the others kneeling on the ground, but he was confused.

Who am I?

Where am I?

Why am I here?

Am I not in the Far North? At least thousands of miles from here, how did it arrive in an instant? What exactly is going on? Whose stop is that big hand?

"It's a character."

Ying Zheng glanced at Pang Chen: "It's a pity that if it's not my race, its heart will be different." "

This Pang Ban is only thirty years old, already the peak of the Great Grandmaster, and he can achieve the kind of Martial Dao Heavenly Man in one step, such a talent is excellent even in the Daqin world.

Saying that, Ying Zheng flicked his fingers, and a blood hole appeared in the eyebrows of the five people at the same time, and they were killed when they boarded.

Compared with Meng Chixing and others, Pang Ban died unclear, and he died without even understanding the situation, and he was very humiliated.

"Zhang Zhenren."

Hearing such gentle words from Huan Zheng, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and quickly walked a few steps forward and bowed, "Your Majesty." "

"I want to ask you for a favor, what?"

"Although Your Majesty has ordered, whatever can be done in the poor way, do it."

"How many are there in all the sects under the world? Sect leader? "Win Zheng is faint.

Zhang Sanfeng had a hint of foreboding in his heart, and said with a deep groan: "Bai Dao is headed by Wudang Mountain, Shaolin Temple, and Cihang Jingzhai. "

"As for the underworld, there is no one to lead the story, but the strongest of them is the Ming Sect, the Blue Dragon Society, and the Demon Gate, but the Demon Gate was able to compete with Cihang Jingzhai hundreds of years ago, and now it is hidden underground, which has declined a lot compared to hundreds of years ago."

"As for the various sects and gangs, according to the records of Wudang, there are thirty sects with more than a thousand people, three hundred and fifty sects with more than a hundred people, and as for the sects with more than ten people, it is even thousands."

Huan Zheng bowed his head slightly: "When the world is divided, there is the soil for the survival of the sect, such as today's return to Daqin, and the barbaric growth will naturally not work." "

Zhang Sanfeng's heart sank: "Your Majesty wants to ban all sects?" But since the sects exist, there is a reason for their existence. "

Huan Zheng waved his hand and sat down: "Xuan's heart is not so narrow, the ideas of all the sons and hundreds of schools are the same, and it is much more troublesome than all the sects, and Xun can tolerate it, not to mention you." "

Although the number of hundreds of families is not so large, in the view of Ying Zheng, the contradiction of the conflict of ideas is the most difficult to solve, and there is no gap in the ideas of various sects, but the sects are different.

"Then Your Majesty..."

Huan Zheng smiled and said, "Zhang Zhenren, do you think that the Wudang Sect people have committed adultery, relying on force to prey on the people, and cleverly taking advantage of people?" "

Zhang Sanfeng said truthfully: "There is, but Wudang has a clear prohibition, you must not rely on force to seize and plunder, fish and flesh the people, once such a situation occurs, the poor road will not be soft, the light will abolish the martial arts, the worst is to break the hands and feet, and hand over to the government to deal with, and once a figure like the Jiangyang thief appears on the rivers and lakes, the poor road will send disciples to deal with it." "

Huan Zheng gently clasped the handrail: "Wudang has an upright person like Zhang Zhenren, and there is a clear ban, there will still be people who rely on force to seize and prey, fish and flesh the people, and other sects." "

Zhang Sanfeng was silent.

"Zhang Zhenren probably knows some and wants to solve it, but he is powerless."

Yue Fei snorted coldly on the side: "What kind of underworld, righteous, in the eyes of the minister, it is the same, but the righteous people are good at concealment, wear a mask of hypocrisy, and will pretend to be good people." "

"And the underworld kills and sets fire, without disguise, saying that if you kill your whole family, you will kill your whole family, and if you want to kill your whole family, you must wear a night coat and cover your face, it's just this gap."

"Don't hide from Your Majesty, the minister solved at least a dozen such sects in the Northern Song Dynasty, prided himself on being a righteous sect, and secretly killed and set fires, His Majesty wants to deal with the problems of these sects, and the minister raises his hands in favor."

Ying Zheng tied his hands twice, two cracks appeared in the void, and with both hands, four people fell in front of Ying Zheng.

"This... Where is this..."

Yu Canghai was caught off guard and caught over, and he was thrown and staggered to his feet, but he was a short man less than one meter and three meters tall.

The other three were Yue Buqun, Ling Hu Chong and Lin Pingzhi.

"Hey, Brother Zhao!"

Ling Hu Chong looked around, his gaze fell on Huan Zheng, he was very surprised, and he walked over familiarly: "Since you became the leader of the Ming Sect, I have no news of you anymore..."


Yue Buqun let out a low sigh, grabbed Ling Hu Chong and Lin Pingzhi's shoulders, made them kneel, and then respectfully kowtowed: "Caomin Yue Buqun greets His Majesty the First Emperor, long live long live long live!" "

Huan Zheng was a little surprised, and said with a smile: "Head Yue, you surprised Xuan, how did you know?" "

Yue Buqun still pressed his hands on the shoulders of Ling Hu Chong and Lin Pingzhi, his forehead still touched the ground, and said respectfully: "As soon as the grass people saw His Majesty the First Emperor, they felt that His Majesty the First Emperor was like a bright sun in the sky, the center of heaven and earth, and everyone else was bleak around His Majesty the First Emperor, and under the whole world, except for His Majesty the First Emperor, no one would make the grass people feel this way." "

Yue Buqun raised his head cautiously and looked at Huan Zheng in awe: "Therefore, the grass people boldly conclude that you are His Majesty the First Emperor. "_

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