A core figure of the Gang was destroyed by Ling Hu Chong with nine people, while Songshan and Yue Buqun personally led the team.

The disciples of the Songshan Gatekeeper saw Yue Buqun rushing over with a large group of people and were shocked: "Head Yue, this is the Songshan Sect, you actually ..."

Yue Buqun sneered: "It's Songshan that is destroyed!" "

Laugh at!

The sword qi streaked through, and several disciples guarding the gate of Songshan immediately flew their heads.

The sect of Songshan is extremely evil from top to bottom, although it is actually a righteous sect, but it is even more demonic than the demon way, burning, killing and looting, and doing all evil.

"Find death!"

Yue Buqun did not mean to hide his movements in the slightest, Zuo Lengchan and the others soon discovered that a group of people had broken into the sect, and they were immediately furious:

"Yue Buqun! My Songshan and your Huashan well water do not violate the river water! What do you want to do when you lead someone to break into my mountain gate today! "

Yue Buqun glanced at the core figure of Songshan and sneered: "Zuo Lengchan, do you believe this yourself?" Planted a traitor in my Huashan, you think I don't know? I have long had a plot against my Huashan, and I dare to say that the well water does not violate the river water? "

"Tell you the truth! Today I came to destroy your Songshan Gate! "

Zuo Lengchan laughed angrily: "Yue Buqun, I see that you have lost your heart and gone crazy, just by virtue of you Huashan, you dare to make a big fuss and destroy my Songshan?" Now, since you dare to send it to the door today, I will destroy you Huashan!" "


When the war broke out, Zuo Lengchan and Yue Buqun fought together, the strength of these two people was between Bozhong, and they couldn't tell the difference between victory and defeat for a while, but the rest of Songshan was almost slaughtered in the face of Jing Wusi.

As soon as the crossbow came out, many people were killed with a sword, and before the sword came out.

Even the Great Grandmaster may die from the Divine Machine Crossbow, but there is not a single Grand Master in the entire Song Mountain, and no one can be spared under the cover of the Divine Machine Crossbow.

They can dodge the first arrow, the second arrow, the third four-five-six-seven arrow, and they can't dodge the eighth and ninth arrows, and there is always an arrow that can shoot into their bodies.

The hundreds of people of Jing Wusi were like a cold machine, the empty trigger, and the endless air explosion on his face resounded throughout Songshan.

In less than half an hour, the entire core high-level of Songshan was almost completely lost, Zuo Lengchan saw that Songshan was in such a miserable state, his eyes were shattered, but even if Ji was crazy, it didn't help, he was shot through the chest by an arrow from Leng Zi, and then he was pierced in the neck by Yue Buqun's arrow, and he was killed immediately.

And the remaining thirteen taibao, only two are struggling to support, Lu Bai gritted his teeth: "Yue Buqun!" What the hell are you brought! Huashan does not have such strength! "


Yue Buqun pulled up more than ten meters of sword qi, Lu Bai stood instantly, a blood line appeared on his head, his lips squirmed a few times, but he couldn't say a word.

Yue Buqun looked directly at Lu Bai and said Senran, "Jing Wusi!" Yue Buqun! Songshan kills and sets fire, does all evil, violates the laws of Daqin, according to the law, should be extinguished! "

"Uh... Belch...... Daqin..."

Lu Bai let out a breath in his throat, and a look appeared in his eyes.

On the other side, Lehou was also shot into a hornet's nest and fell to the ground and died.

Yue Buqun glanced at Lehou, who had been shot into a hornet's nest, and glanced with jealousy at the divine crossbow that everyone in Jing Wusi was equipped with.

He never imagined that the threat of a crossbow was so great, so many masters in Songshan, thirteen taibao, most of them died under the arrows of the divine machine crossbow.

And the thirteen taibao of Songshan are all the existence of Megatron rivers and lakes, but they died under a small arrow, which has to be said to be a irony.

Within a few days, the Five Yue Sword Sect, Songshan were wiped out, one was not left, Mount Tai, Hengshan, and Hengshan were also purged, but the sins of these three factions were not very deep, and they were only condemned by Jing Wusi.

Emei faction, Kunlun faction, Kuangzheng faction, sea sand faction, giant whale gang, star faction, Qingcheng faction, snow mountain faction, iron palm gang............ All of them were found by Yasutakeshi.

There are those who have been annihilated, and those who have been destroyed by most of them, and there are those who have been condemned to the devil.

And Jing Wusi's unified dragon suit, the divine crossbow, also smelled and changed color on the rivers and lakes.

The four evil men were chased by Guo Jing, the great commander of Jingwushi, for a hundred miles, and all of them were killed under the palm.

The ten evil people in the Valley of the Wicked were also chased and killed by Qiao Feng, the great commander of Jing Wusi, and the last evil man Du was killed at the source of the Yellow River and was smashed by Qiao Feng's palm.

The lustful thief Tian Boguang was also shot through his eyebrows by a nobody, and died silently.

Shangguan, the leader of the money gang, was shocked and was broken into the gang by Ximen Chuixue, the commander of Jing Wusi, and killed in the meeting hall of the gang.

The "Tianzun", who ravaged the martial arts and killed countless people, was destroyed by Li Shenzhou, the great commander of Jing Wusi, with his six brothers, and Murong Qiudi, the leader of Tianzun, was blasted in the head with his fists by Li Shenzhou, who did not know how to pity Xiang Xiang and cherish jade.

The power gang was originally established by Li Shenzhou's father Yan maniac, but the power gang was in the hands of Yan maniac, and the organization was scattered, good and bad, and they were all some rangers scattered.

After Li Shenzhou took the throne, he made a big move to make the power gang stronger, but before his means could be used, Zhang Sanfeng came to the door and invited him to join Jing Wusi.

Li Shenzhou believes that fists are power, clenching fists is holding power, punching forcefully is power, and men cannot be powerless for a day. Immediately opposed, and later, after the persuasion of the head of the power gang and also the wisdom tank Liu Suifeng, Li Shenzhou still agreed.

Because Liu Suifeng knew that the establishment of Jing Wusi by Daqin was the general trend, and under the general trend, the power gang could not set off any storms, and could only follow the trend.

So the power gang Qixiong, Li Shenzhou, Tao Baichang, Gong Wenyu, Mak Donghao, Liu Suifeng, Qian Gugu, and Shang Tian all joined Jing Wusi.

As more and more sects were wiped out, the great masters who were famous in the rivers and lakes also became the swords of Jing Wusi, and the news that Daqin established Jing Wusi to clean up the rivers and lakes also spread throughout the rivers and lakes.

Some well-informed evil people immediately want to escape, but under the big net of black ice platform, shadow secret guard, luo net, and bad people shrouding the world, even if they escape to the ends of the earth, they will die.

Songshan Shaolin is the last object to clean up, the Shaolin Temple family has a great cause, and Jing Wusi is not afraid that they will run away.

At this time, the atmosphere of the Daxiong Treasure Hall was almost frozen, and a group of old monks with white hair were sitting cross-legged, lowering their eyebrows and closing their mothers, and their lips squirmed slightly to chant.

Xuanci sighed: "Everyone, Jing Wusi's ultimatum has come down, what decision to make?" "

"Do you keep all the land property and pay ten years of taxes, or do you keep a part of the land property?"

The first Xuan Nan of the Dharma Hall was the most irritable, and immediately said angrily: "Pay ten years of taxes, my Shaolin Temple's savings must be hollowed out!" What will my Shaolin Temple monks eat in the future! "

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