Xuanci's gaze slowly swept over the more than seventy people in the Daxiong Treasure Hall, and there were several Elder Taishang of the Spirit Character Generation, who were the highest ranking people in the Shaolin Temple today, all of them were over a hundred years old.

Most of them are Xuanzi generation, and he is a generation, the highest is also a hundred years old, and the lowest is thirty years old.

Then there are several Hui character generation, virtual character generation, and Jue character generation.

There are three.

Shaolin Temple has a large span of generations, and the higher the generation, the higher the martial arts, and the older it may not be.

It's like crossing calamity, crossing disaster, and crossing evil, in terms of generation, there are their ancestors everywhere, and in terms of martial arts, few can surpass them.

More than 70 people here are the core high-level of the Shaolin Temple.

"Not good! Not good! Abbot! Yasutakeshi's people are here! The knowledgeable monk ran in in a panic.

It is really Jing Wusi who cleans up the rivers and lakes and destroys thousands of doors, and the murderous name is famous, which is enough to make Xiao Er cry, for the Jianghu sect, Jing Wusi's coming to the door means that someone in the sect is going to die.

Even now the martial arts titan Shaolin Temple is terrified of Jing Wusi.

Jing Wusi is too powerful, so powerful that countless powerful sects and inheritances have all been crushed by Jing Wusi.

The three words of Jing Wusi, like three mountains and five mountains, weighed heavily on the hearts of everyone in the Daxiong Treasure Hall.

Jing Wusi is extremely powerful, and the most desperate thing is the behemoth behind Jing Wusi, the Great Qin who fell from the sky, and unified the world in a short period of time.

If Jing Wusi makes people feel unprecedented pressure, then Daqin can suffocate people.

"Jing Wusi, Daqin..."

Xuanci sighed inexplicably, both powerless and sighing, relying on the desperate behemoth of Daqin, Jing Wusi can clean up the rivers and lakes unscrupulously and without scruples,

But even if the Shaolin Temple was angry, he did not dare to resist, and Xuanci knew that the consequence of resistance was to destroy all the doors.

He had no doubt about Yasutakeshi's cruel methods.

Even if the Shaolin Temple was established for thousands of years and went through several dynasties, he was not arrogant that the Shaolin Temple was strong enough to challenge a country.

Moreover, this Great Qin was stronger than any dynasty in this land.

Xuanci's gaze turned and fell on him: "Who is Jing Wusi here?" "

The knowledgeable monk said, "It's Zhang Sanfeng, director of the Jingwu Division. "

The atmosphere in the Daxiong treasure hall is more solemn, and now they all know the structure of Jing Wusi, the chief and deputy director, the great commander, and the leader.

The Jianghu Sect can let the commander move, which is already considered cautious, and the director of the Jingwu Division is dispatched, which is definitely not something that is raised high and gently put down.

"Amitabha, maybe, the soldiers will come to cover the water, everyone, follow me to meet this Zhang Zhenren."

Xuanci slowly got up.


The others chanted a Buddhist trumpet and followed.

Inside the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple, Zhang Sanfeng stood with his hands in his hands, looking at the stele forest of Shaolin Temple.

Through the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple, there is the Yong Road, next to the stele forest hidden by pines and cypresses, because the steles are like forests, it is called the stele forest, there are dozens of stone steles,

On the east side of the road, there is a long corridor, and more than 100 famous monuments are displayed in the corridor, which is known as the stele gallery.

Zhang Sanfeng was born in the Shaolin Temple, and he is very familiar with the various buildings of the Shaolin Temple, and after walking out of the Shaolin Temple, especially after establishing the Wudang Sect, he has not come to the Shaolin Temple again.

This time I came to the Shaolin Temple, but with a special identity, and then looked at the Stele Forest, I didn't have a feeling.

Xuanci greeted out, seeing that Zhang Sanfeng did not break in, he was relieved, and he still gave face to the Shaolin Temple.

Even if Zhang Sanfeng forcibly broke in, the Shaolin Temple was helpless, but in that case, it would undoubtedly be a big blow to the prestige of the Shaolin Temple in the rivers and lakes.

"Zhang Zhenren, long time no see."

Xuanci bowed slightly and clasped his hands together.

Zhang Sanfeng turned around and said, "Abbot Xuanci, don't come unharmed." "

"Zhang Zhenren, please inside." Xuanci turned sideways, and the two walked side by side.

Looking at the architecture and scenery of Shaolin Temple, Zhang Sanfeng sighed: "I haven't been to Shaolin Temple for a long time, I still miss it when I think about it, when I was a child, I followed my master to eat fast and pray Buddha, simple and happy." "

"It's a pity that the Shaolin Temple is small, and there is no big Buddha left Zhang Zhenren." Xuanci said with regret.

He really regretted that if Zhang Sanfeng was still in the Shaolin Temple, how prosperous the Shaolin Temple would be, and there would not be one more Wudang faction in the martial arts to fight with the Shaolin Temple.

At that time, Master Zhang Sanfeng passed on the Luohan boxing method to Zhang Sanfeng, and Zhang Sanfeng was talented and practiced the Luohan boxing method.

Kunlun Three Saints He Zudao came to Shaolin Temple to deliver letters, casually showing off martial arts, Zhang Sanfeng defeated him with Luohan Boxing, causing the monks to mistakenly believe that his Luohan Boxing method was learned by stealing the master, this violation of the temple rules caused Zhang Sanfeng to be expelled from Shaolin Temple, causing Shaolin Temple to lose a genius.

Every time the monks of Shaolin Temple thought of this, they beat their chests.


Zhang Sanfeng shook his head: "The Shaolin Temple is too big, even if you are not wrongfully driven out of the Shaolin Temple, the poor road will still not stay in the Shaolin Temple for a long time." "

He pointed to a copper temple: "Although this copper temple is not large, it is too big in the eyes of the poor road. "

The bronze hall that Zhang Sanfeng pointed to was shining yellow, much smaller than other temples.

This bronze hall is three feet wide and deep, and the copper hall that is as high as half a zhang not only requires a lot of gold and copper, but also a real master.

This copper temple contains more than 100,000 jin of copper, and in this era, copper is money, and from here, you can see the luxury of the Shaolin Temple.

The main buildings in Shaolin Temple are arranged on the central axis directly opposite the temple gate, with the copper hall as the center, and the stars holding the moon, and the scale is complete.

Except for the bronze hall, all the buildings are covered with three-colored glazed tiles, and the color is like new, but it is not known whether it is because the monks in the temple are diligent in cleaning or the quality of the tiles. In particular, the peacock blue in the three colors is the most dazzling. You can imagine the glow in the sun.

The bell tower they are in is located between the bronze hall and the other main hall, but the distance between the former is far away and the latter is close. In front of the formation of the bronze hall, there is a vast platform square made of white stone, surrounded by white stone carved railings.

In the middle of the white stone square is a bronze statue of Manjushri, riding on the back of a golden retriever lion, up to two feet high, and next to the shrine are three Buddhas such as Medicine Master, Shakya and Mida. The colored plastic gold ornaments are quite bold, but they also make people feel a little out of line with the conventions of ordinary monasteries.

At the four-square edge of the white stone platform, except for the four stone step entrances, there are evenly distributed five hundred arhats, all cast in gold and bronze, all with different expressions and postures, but whether they open their eyes or keep their eyes down, they are all lifelike, no different from living people.

The other buildings are distributed in an orderly manner with the main hall on the axis, separated by forest roads, and have their own solemn and solemn sacred atmosphere.

A large incense burner has been placed in front of the Manjushri Buddha Shrine in White Stone Square, and the burning sandalwood is sending a large amount of aroma, which fills the entire space, and has the effect of calming the mind.

Ordinary pilgrims, as soon as they arrive here, their hearts can't help but calm down, infecting the atmosphere of birth.

It's a pity that what Zhang Sanfeng felt was not the atmosphere of dust, but the smell of copper in the temple. _

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