Xuanci was stunned at first, and then sighed secretly, understanding what Zhang Sanfeng meant, meaning to refer to the luxury of Shaolin.

"Forget it, I won't go in."

Zhang Sanfeng stopped: "Poor Dao is afraid that if you walk in, you will be polluted by the copper smell here, although Poor Dao is a Taoist, but it still has a face." "

The smile that Xuanci's face could barely maintain at the end slowly converged, and his expression was solemn: "Zhang Zhenren..."

"I'm now the head of the Yasutake Division!"

Zhang Sanfeng interrupted him lightly, saying that Zhang Zhenren was talking about old feelings, and that Director Zhang just didn't talk about old feelings.

"Director Zhang, the Shaolin Temple is a person outside the square, I wait for the monks, I need to worship the Buddha, if I pay ten years of taxes according to the requirements of Jing Wusi, or hand over the Jiuchengtian property, no matter what the request, the sesame oil in front of the Buddha cannot be enshrined, how to serve the Buddha."

Xuanci sighed and said, "Is Jing Wusi going to starve me to death?" "

Zhang Sanfeng turned sideways and looked directly at Xuanci:

"Are there still few people who are forced to die by you?"

Xuanci frowned slightly: "Director Zhang, don't slander me and so on, Shaolin Temple has always paid attention to compassion, why have you ever forced people to die?" "


Zhang Sanfeng laughed angrily: "Your mercy is to wear gold and silver, and live between solemn temples?" "

"Your mercy is to lend money and collect rent, and you are all over the temple, chanting mercy all over the world, but when you are forced to rent and collect debts, or even when you have forced people to die, how have you ever thought about the word compassion?"

There was a faint anger on the faces of all the Shaolin monks, and Zhang Sanfeng's words showed no mercy, and the meaning of his words was that he despised the entire Shaolin Temple.

"Don't you talk nonsense!"

Xuan Yan, the first hall of the Shaolin Temple's precept hall, was furious, raised his meditation staff, and was about to strike regardless of it.

"Junior Brother Xuan Yan! Stop it! "

Xuanci shouted: "Hurry up and retreat!" Do not be rude to Director Zhang. "

Zhang Sanfeng paused word by word: "The thousands of people at the foot of Song Mountain are all tenants of the Shaolin Temple, and it stands to reason that with your punishable compassion, their lives should be better than those in other places." "

"But as far as I can see, the tenants in the Shaolin Temple are generally more difficult than the people in other places."

"One by one, you wear gorgeous robes, cross the golden body of the Buddha, build a bronze hall, a white jade square, light this precious sandalwood, do not have to produce, work, as long as you recite a few words of Amitabha Buddha, you can live as a matter of course."

"You eat fasting food, but inside this fasting dish is the flesh and blood of tenants!"

Zhang Sanfeng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and Tong Diansheng was grabbed by him with a fist-sized pain: "Just this piece of copper is enough for ordinary people to eat and drink for more than several months." "

"Just this bronze temple, but I didn't know that there was a large copper block."

Zhang Sanfeng slapped the copper hall fiercely.


There was a deafening sound, and the entire copper hall shook violently, as if it would collapse in the next moment.

Xuan Ci was silent, and the Zhuangzhuang that Zhang Sanfeng said was like a knife inserted into his heart, stripping Shaolin's merciful and bright skin, revealing the ugliness of blood.

He knew that what Zhang Sanfeng said was not false at all.

He once wanted to change, but the Shaolin of Nuoda, the establishment of the sect for thousands of years, passed down from generation to generation, how could he be changed by an abbot.

"Director Zhang, but... There is room for it. Xuanci said in a trembling voice.

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at him: "Xuanci, I have left room for it, Ye Erniang is dead, but I know everything about her." "

Xuanci's face turned pale, his body trembled slightly, and the Zen staff standing on the ground rattled: "Good, good, sin..."

He looked at Zhang Sanfeng pleadingly: "Director Zhang, what Lao Gu did in his life is difficult to write, and the crime is extremely evil, but this has nothing to do with other disciples of Shaolin Temple, Lao Gu is willing to bear it alone, and I also ask Director Zhang not to implicate others." "

Zhang Sanfeng looked sarcastical: "That's it, Ye Erniang is guilty, if you are willing to cooperate with Jing Wusi, I will shut up and not say." But I didn't expect that even at this point, your heart is still Shaolin Qingyu..."

Xuanci lowered his eyebrows and was silent, and arrived after a while: "Shaolin Temple is willing to offer Jiucheng Tian property, this is the field deed, and ask Director Zhang to check it..."

"No, you don't dare to fake."

"Also, I advise you to tear these down."

Zhang Sanfeng pointed to the gorgeous building of the Shaolin Temple: "I still read the old love, if Your Majesty is interested one day, I want to come to the Shaolin Temple to see, see this scene, I am sure that it will not destroy your Shaolin Temple." "

"Thank you, Director Zhang."

"Don't send it!"

Perhaps listening to Zhang Sanfeng's advice, a few days later, all the gorgeous buildings of the Shaolin Temple were demolished, all replaced with gold and silver, and given to the original tenants of the Shaolin Temple, almost 100,000 tenants, and each tenant almost divided 10 taels of silver, which means that the entire Shaolin Temple alone has a million taels of silver, which is staggering.


The martial arts masters are the Shaolin Temple and the Wudang School, while the sacred place of martial arts is Cihang Jingzhai.

These three sects are known as the first of the white path of martial arts.

Deep in the South Mountain, the Emperor Stepping Peak.

This mountain peak was originally nameless, but since the establishment of the Cihang Jingzhai sect here, it has the name of Emperor Stepping Peak.

Located in the depths of the South Mountain, the Di Tao Peak is shrouded in a white mist all year round, which is particularly mysterious.

Since Di Ni founded Cihang Jingzhai, in a short period of time, the top righteous path sect in the world can even influence the overall situation of the world

Emperors have always been called the Son of Heaven, and they, as the people who choose the emperor, do not claim to be heaven, which shows that the ambition of this group of women is terrifying.

Human nature is to like beautiful food, the beauty of the opposite sex has the greatest impact on people, it just so happens that the people in power in the world are basically men, so Cihang Jingzhai took advantage of this weakness, using "fairies" to influence the world, stirring up the world, no one can underestimate them.

In front of the gate of Cihang Jingzhai Mountain, there is only one mountain road, and there is a stone plaque carved on both sides of the mountain road with the words "Home in this mountain, the clouds are deep", followed by seven wooden doors famous as the "Seven Gates", with a lotus-patterned knocker on the door, and finally a jujube-red main gate.

And today, these seven jujube-red gates were pushed open by an uninvited guest.

Push open the door, you can see the main hall Cihang Hall on the square behind the main entrance, with three gilded characters engraved on it.

Black and white Xuanxuan pushed the door and walked in, followed by the Six Sword Slaves.


The next moment, four sounds of breaking the air sounded, four women in white rushed at a rapid speed, these four women's faces are bright and beautiful, even if they are galloping, they are like fairies, falling in front of the black and white Xuanxuan, clasping their fists and saying: "Who is coming, this place is Cihang Jingzhai, no outsiders are accepted!" "_

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