"There is no alternative to dispersal." The killing intent on the black and white Xuanxuan slowly bloomed.

Yan Jing'an is a master of Cihang Jingzhai, a great grandmaster, plus his own five grandmasters, the others are innate masters, but it is a huge force in the rivers and lakes.

However, the Great Grandmaster was not Yan Jingan, but a woman standing next to Yan Jingan.

Her slender figure, straight waist, graceful steps, and elegant demeanor to the point of impeccable demeanor, are particularly impressive in that she is dressed in light gauze and white, but she has a feeling that is incomparable to gorgeous clothes.

Even black and white Xuanxuan had a fleeting thought at that moment, there was such a beauty in the world?

The most attractive thing about this woman is not the beautiful silhouette of the empty mountain, but the gentle temperament that is as clean as not eating the world's fireworks.

She turned out to be the one with the highest strength in Cihang Jingzhai.

But this kind of strength is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Hei Bai Xuanxuan.

"If extinction is a choice, it's a choice."

All the Cihang Jingzhai disciples suddenly changed color, and in an instant, almost all the disciples drew their swords and unsheathed them.

"Too much deception!"


"Lord! Can't bear it! I, Cihang Jingzhai, have never offended Daqin, why do you want to persecute me and wait so much! "

The most angry are the several middle-aged and elderly nuns around Yan Jingan, although they are fifty or sixty years old, they still have the charm and charm, and they can still glimpse the brilliance of their youth.

For example, Yan Jingan, who saw the situation clearly, these elders of Cihang Jingzhai have not yet changed, and their concepts are still stuck when Cihang Jingzhai is a holy place of the White Road, and almost no one dares to mess with the rivers and lakes.

The four nun grandmasters suddenly drew their swords, the blade of the sword burst out of the air, sharp and fierce, the air was suddenly cut apart, and dozens of hundreds of swords were cut out in an instant, and the cyan sword qi cut horizontally and horizontally.


At the same time, all the masters behind them almost unleashed their swords together, more than a dozen long swords, swallowing out extremely powerful sword qi, shrouded in black and white Xuanxuan in the agitation of the air of ghosts crying wolves.

The sword light floated in the air, and the sword qi was intertwined, converging into a sword net with a radius of hundreds of zhang.

The sword qi flashed, cut, and smashed the air in the sky.

And those four nun grandmasters turned into the sharpest four parts of the sword formation, and the sword momentum was silent, but it seemed that the next moment it would stab the key point of the black and white Xuanxuan.

"Good words are hard to persuade damned ghosts."

The black and white Xuanxuan looked indifferent, but he did not advance and retreated.


"Not good!"

Qin Mengyao's beautiful eyes beside Yan Jingan's essence flashed, and she lost the black and white Xuanxuan figure.

Too fast!

The black and white Xuanxuan figure only flickered, and he had already entered the sword formation.


The next moment, the black and white Xuanxuan came out of the sword, and the black on his back did not move, but just stabbed out with his fingers.

As soon as this former Daqin first man made a move, he was shocked.

It seemed that at this moment, thousands of people shot their swords at the same time, and the entire sky above Cihang Jingzhai was covered with dense black sword qi, thousands of them, entangled and horizontal, with different trajectories, pointing to their respective targets.

Qin Mengyao was almost suffocated, she couldn't imagine what kind of sword it was.

She is the first disciple in the history of Cihang Jingzhai to cultivate to the highest spiritual method, she has already reached the sword heart clear, and she is only one step away from re-entering the death level, and the kendo is also excellent.

In her former vision, kendo was supreme, and it seemed that this should be the case.

But she couldn't describe what kind of sword it was, unpredictable, awe-inspiring, and she couldn't think of how to resist.

In an instant, the sword qi was like a honeycomb, all over the dense sword holes, the sword qi was sharp, cutting the ground one after another cracks, and the huge square of Cihang Jingzhai was all covered with sword marks several meters deep.


The sword qi collided and raged, and the sword array sword net of Cihang Jingzhai was directly torn apart by the black and white Xuanxuan, and the sword qi sputtered in all directions, and the earth was full of rubble.


The faces of the four grandmasters and nuns were violently shaken, the mouth of the tiger shook violently, and a huge force was transmitted from the sword to the whole body, making the whole body tremble violently, and the next moment, the four people urged Zhenyuan again, and the sword qi swallowed again, turning into a giant pillar of sword qi with dozens of sword qi, rumbling and crushing down.


Everywhere the sword qi giant pillar went, the sound wave actually rolled and shook, and the air visible to the naked eye was compressed by the sword qi giant pillar and spread in all directions.


Black and white Xuanxuan once again stabbed out a sword, even sharper, thousands of sword qi cuts, end to end, like a long dragon of sword qi, opening its mouth and roaring, swallowing the giant pillar of sword qi.


A series of cutting sounds sounded, and the sword qi giant pillar was cut into pieces in one tenth of a breath, and the four grandmasters were also cut into powder like the sword qi giant pillar they turned into, and even the flesh and blood could not be found.

The dozen or so Cihang Jingzhai disciples who formed a formation also turned into flesh and blood all over the ground, and they could only see flesh and blood the size of fingers.

Blood flowed, staining the ground red, and the smell of blood permeated, shrouding the Cihang Jingzhai Mountain Gate.



Many Cihang Jingzhai disciples who had not made a move couldn't help but vomit immediately when they saw this bloody and terrifying scene.

The eyes of all the Cihang Jingzhai disciples looking at the black and white Xuanxuan were full of fear, like looking at a fierce demon in human skin.


"Senior sister!"

After a short silence, after vomiting, a long roar of grief sounded, and under the grief, some Cihang Jingzhai disciples wanted to rush up to take revenge regardless of it.


Qin Mengyao flicked her arm, the strong wind blew through, and the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai who wanted to rush forward flew out upside down, she looked at Yan Jingan, and said softly:


"Stop it all."

Yan Jingan let out a long sigh and walked up a few steps, his face was extremely bitter: "Cihang Jingzhai is willing to disband, and I ask Your Excellency to let them go, and actions under grief are inevitable." "

Black and white Xuanxuan looked at her with a faint expression: "Toast without eating and punishing wine, I already knew this, why bother." "

"From now on, Cihang Jingzhai is disbanded."

"You, come with me!"

Black and white Xuanxuan refers to Qin Mengyao.

"Your Excellency..." Every time Yan Jing'an finished speaking, Hei Bai Xuanxuan waved his hand: "Although your status is average, with your posture, you should be qualified to enter the palace, although you may not be worthy of Your Majesty, but if Your Majesty fancy you, you will be prosperous and wealthy, and you will enjoy it for a long time." "

"I do."

Qin Mengyao's eyebrows slowly loosened and said softly.

From the bottom of her heart, she was not so resistant.

From the time Yan Jingan accepted her as a disciple, to the current age of twenty, from the age of six to the mountain gate, at least thirteen years have been in retreat, even the mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai has never stepped out, and many of those who died Cihang Jingzhai only have a one-sided relationship with her, and the relationship is not very deep. _

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