The entire Cihang Jingzhai, except for Yan Jingan, there would not be much fluctuation in her heart if anyone else died.

And he and she are very yearning for the outside world, and she is very curious about the legendary emperor who has long disappeared in history, but has reappeared.

Besides, she's simple, but not stupid.

She couldn't refuse.

If he refused, maybe the black and white Xuanxuan, who seemed to be much softer now, would suddenly draw his sword and destroy Cihang Jingzhai?

So promise is the best option.

"Your Excellency, may I send her?"

"Feel free."

Hei Bai Xuanxuan said and turned away.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Jingan'an followed closely, and Qin Mengyao peeked at Yan Jing'an's beautiful side face from time to time.

Unexpectedly, for half an hour, the two did not say a word.

Halfway up the mountain, Yan Jingan's face returned to the safety of stopping water, but the sadness in her eyes was even stronger, she turned around and smiled slightly: "I'll send you here, cherish yourself well." "

Qin Mengyao said: "Life is impermanent, I don't know if I will see the master again, so I can't help but say something, I can't help asking, even if Mengyao can see through everything, how can she get through the master-apprentice relationship." "

"Know what? Since I understood personnel, I have never seen Master's real smile. "

Yan Jingan stretched out her hand and put her arm around her shoulders, and said lovingly: "My little Mengyao, I really can't bear you." "

From their appearance, no one would ever suspect that they were two affectionate sisters.

Sou Mengyao leaned her head on Yan Jingan's shoulder and neck with attachment, and said softly, "Does Master have anyone to love in this life?" "

Yan Jingan let go of the hand holding Qin Mengyao, floated up, and landed on a large rock at the top of the Proud Peak with a beautiful gesture that no pen and ink could describe.

Qin Mengyao was like a shadow, and she landed on the stone after her, exactly the same as the posture distance just now.

Qin Mengyao said with a painful heart: "Master! You cry! "

A full of tears slipped down Yan Jingan's delicate face, this stone is quite famous nearby, it is called "tear stone", I can't imagine that today there will be more tears from Yan Jingan.

Yan Jingan barely managed to create a poignant smile: "I have." "

Qin Mengyao lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Who can make Master fall in love?" "

Yan Jingan was silent for a moment and said, "Master Wei also has a question, I want you to answer it!" "

Qin Mengyao said strangely: "It turns out that the master will also be, ask quickly!" "

At this parting moment, she suddenly returned to the happy time when she was seven or eight years old.

Yan Jingan said indifferently: "I often wonder, can this have a man who makes my good apprentice fall in love?"

Qin Mengyao seemed to have prepared for a long time: "Mengyao has fallen in love with the sword path, and nothing else can touch my heart." "

Yan Jingan said, "Just because you are the only one among the many talents in Jingzhai's three hundred years who has both that kind of talent and the hope of passing the 'world's love', you have become a kendo master who surpasses the ancestors of previous generations." Although Master's strength is not as good as yours now, I also want to say that Cihang Jingzhai's sword is not a ruthless sword, but a sentient sword. "

"Sentient sword?"

Qin Mengyao showed a confused look, but the Yan Jingan beside him had already drifted away.

Time passed in a hurry, the news of the dissolution of Cihang Jingzhai was silent, and the Wujian World, after two months of purges, was all purged.

Whether it is the right way or the demon path, the gate sect, or the small sect, as long as they have violated the laws of Daqin, they will all be dealt with according to law.

If the whole sect is a sinner, then it will be destroyed.

Jing Wusi from the beginning from the completion of the formation, showing a state of crushing any sect, ten great leaders, Qiao Feng, Guo Jing, Li Shenzhou, Invitation Yue, Lang Yunyun, Zhuge Shenhou, Yan Nantian, Feng Qingyang, Lu Xiaofeng, Wu Ming, which has not destroyed several sects in their hands.

Before the cleansing, there were thousands of large and small sects on the rivers and lakes, and after the cleanup, less than a hundred sects could still exist.

Wudang and Shaolin are standing, Wudang is basically unaffected, while the Shaolin Temple is a serious injury to vitality, as for Cihang Jingzhai, it has been disbanded.

As for what green forest good man, it has disappeared, what thirty-six holes, seventy-two islands, all dead and clean.

Eighteen villages in Taihang, gathering tens of thousands of people, were also attacked, and the bandits were all liquidated.

The whole river and lake has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the people do not know much about things in the rivers and lakes, but they have an intuitive feeling.

There is no longer the kind of disciple who relies on force to show off his might, and even if the sect still exists, it no longer dares to fish meat, bully the people, and in the face of Jing Wusi's cruel methods, they are all trembling, don't talk about fish meat, bully the people, and now even talk to the people in a peaceful manner.


Time passed like a white horse, and a year passed quickly.

On the Grand Canal on the river, an angry dragon ship sails slowly, now Daqin, the angry dragon ship is not so rare, this angry dragon ship sails on the river canal, it looks ordinary.

Along the canal waterway, Ying Zheng wore a black power suit, looked at the surrounding waterways, and said softly: "This should be the territory of the former Zhao Kingdom." "

"Your Majesty, this is Handan County."

Concubine Yan stood beside Ying Zheng, her stomach was already obvious, doubting for more than a year, the Fusu in her stomach still did not mean to be born, look at Concubine Yan's belly, Fusu will not come to life in another year.

Both sides of Handan County are very prosperous, with towering floors, up to 100 floors, towering into the clouds, windows are glass, under the sunlight, crystal clear.

People's clothing has also undergone many changes, and the cumbersome clothing of the past has gradually disappeared, gradually approaching simplicity and competence.

For example, everyone practices martial arts today, wearing cumbersome clothing is naturally inconvenient to practice martial arts, clothing is becoming more and more suitable and simple, and even many people are wearing simple and close-fitting clothes.

In a word, times have changed.

A new era has arrived, from the lowest people to the ruling class, clothing, food, housing and transportation have undergone all-round changes, which can be said to be changing with each passing day.

If a person two years ago suddenly travels to the present, he will not feel that only two years have passed, but will feel that he has passed a hundred years and a thousand years.

Of course, food, clothing, housing and transportation are not the biggest changes, the biggest change is the physical fitness of the people, and the aura in this world has increased at least a hundred times compared to before the opening of the Fortune Dynasty. _

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