
Huan Zheng's eyes flashed slightly, and he already knew what kind of world this was.

"This realm can be conquered..."

Huan Zheng walked out of the palace, his vision was suddenly open, but the palace was suspended in the air, looking up, the dome was like an endless starry sky, brilliant and magnificent, looking down, but it was a huge city.

The stars fell and illuminated the city.

The city is huge, filled with terracotta warriors, at least millions.

Beyond the city, there is a wide river that surrounds the city, which is silvery-white and circulating, and is spectacular.

"The Water Galaxy circulates around the city..."

Ying Zheng walked down from the palace and came to the top of the city, only to see the millions of terracotta warriors and horses in this city moving differently.

There are holding Ge standing.

There are crossbows raised and aimed ahead.

There are straddling war horses, and spears are pierced.

There are chariots driven, warhorses neighing.

In the center of the city, there is a battle flag on display, highlighting the spirit of slaughter.

Even if they have all turned into terracotta warriors, they may also see how powerful this army was two thousand years ago, and they can vaguely see the shadow of the army that swept through the Liuhe Eight Desolate Great Qin.

"I can awaken this terracotta army."

A feeling suddenly arose in Ying Zheng.

"It's a pity that they have really turned into terracotta warriors, and they can't turn into flesh and blood."

A smile appeared at the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth: "This world of Ying Zheng really left me a big legacy." "

This terracotta army is connected to the national fortune of Daqin in this realm, and the stronger the national fortune of Daqin in this realm, the stronger the strength of the terracotta army.

And Ying Zheng devoured the soul of this realm of Ying Zheng, obtained the method of controlling the Terracotta Army, and the way of cause and effect was slightly transformed, and the Terracotta Army and Daqin Qin Qi Luck were connected.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

The underground palace shook, and a rich killing aura rose from these terracotta warriors.


Snowy mountains, white snow falling.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is extremely cold in middle age and shrouded in ice and snow, but Shangri-La on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau hides a paradise where Ziyuan and her daughter have lived in seclusion for two thousand years.

Two thousand years ago, Zi Yuan was a yin-yang family, and also one of the warlocks recruited by this realm of Yingzheng, the sons and hundreds of families had secretly rebelled against Yingzheng, and it was not bad for them to be summoned, Yuan fornicated with a certain general next to Yingzheng in this realm, but Ziyuan was seen by this realm of Yingzheng, under the new hatred and old hatred, Ziyuan couldn't wait to pull the skin.

After pit this world of victory, Zi Yuan became Shangri-La, and later gave birth to a daughter, because in two thousand years, there was a person who saw Zi Yuan when he was young, and he saw Zi Yuan's face when he was old, although it was only a fleeting moment, but the memory was deeply imprinted in that person's heart for a long time.

So he recorded that someone had immortality, and later more than one person saw Ziyuan in Shangri-La, combined with the book recorded that Shangri-La had fairy immortality, so the news that Shangri-La had an immortal spring came out.

Legend has it that the fountain of immortality can increase longevity by a hundred years with a sip, and if you can soak your body in the fountain of immortality, you can completely live forever.

But in fact, this is not the case, Ziyuan only developed the true method of immortality more than two thousand years ago, but she concealed the correct method.

What kind of lies are difficult to detect?

Nine true and one false.

Similarly, the immortal method taught by Zi Yuan to Ying Zheng is also nine truths and one falsehood, but if it is changed a little, people will turn into figurines.

Zi Yuan used the correct immortal method to steal the fortune of this realm of Daqin, thus immortality, because she was pregnant at that time, so her daughter was also immortal after she was born.

It has nothing to do with the so-called fountain of immortality.

There is no such thing as an immortal fountain in the world.

Zi Yuan was dressed in purple, standing on the top of the mountain, the strong wind whipped her clothes, hunting, looking at the north, her eyes were full of worry and hatred, and her fists couldn't help but clench.

"Mother, what are you looking at?"

Zi Lin came behind Zi Yuan and couldn't help but ask.

"You seem to be a little... Scared..."

Their mother and daughter have lived for two thousand years, even if a pig has lived for so long, it is logical, and the strength of the two should be absent in the world that can threaten them.

"Tyrants ... Resurrected! "

Zi Yuan said slowly, her absolutely beautiful face was cold without a trace of emotion, like a sculpture on this snowy mountain, her cold eyes were full of hatred and resentment.

Stealing the fortune of the Great Qin Kingdom in this world, how can there be no bit of backlash, the first hundred years, the backlash is still very light, almost nothing bothered her, after a hundred years, the backlash gradually intensified, after a thousand years, every backlash made her painful.

In the past hundred years, almost ten years of reflux will occur once, each time, one day is severe, the itching pain increases to 9981 days, and then gradually decreases, and after 81 days, it increases again, and so on, almost a year.

The last time she had a backlash was three years ago, but she felt that the regurgitation was about to come, and at any time time passed, the time between the regurgitation would become shorter and shorter, and eventually she would have to endure endless pain.

This is because the terracotta warriors and horses of this realm still exist, and the Great Qin National Fortune of this realm has not disappeared, so she will always bear the backlash, but as long as she kills the Emperor of this realm, the Terracotta Army will all collapse, and the Great Qin National Fortune of this realm will dissipate, and the backlash will naturally disappear.

However, she did not dare to kill this realm of Yingzheng, because she knew that she was not the opponent of this realm of Yingzheng, and only at the moment when this realm was resurrected, taking advantage of her weakness, she had the opportunity to kill this realm of Yingzheng.

"The tyrant is coming back to life?" Zi Lin exclaimed, and fear flashed in her eyes.

For two thousand years, Ziyuan kept instilling in her how powerful that tyrant was, and in her heart, that tyrant was the source of fear.

"Good! A year ago, I vaguely felt that the tyrant was about to be resurrected, and with him was his army, a brutal army, the tyrant's most vicious minions! "

Zi Yuan said word by word, gritted her teeth, two thousand years of pain in the backlash, her heart was almost distorted, and the hatred of this world could not be washed away.

But she never thought that if she didn't steal the fortune of this Great Qin Kingdom and vainly try to live forever, she wouldn't suffer the pain of reaction.

She counted all this on the government of this world.

As for the general who fornicated with two thousand years ago.

Who's that?

What is your name?

After two thousand years of death, Zi Yuan has forgotten what he looks like, and if it were not for the existence of the two daughters, this person might have completely disappeared from her memory. _

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