Zilin's face turned earthy, and he said in a trembling voice: "Mother, then what should we do?" "

Zi Yuan said coldly: "The tyrant is likely to break through the seal, two thousand years, he has killed countless people for the sake of immortality, this recovery, he will definitely pursue immortality again with his brutal minions, once he is allowed to pass the period of weakness, he will pursue immortality without scruples." "

"With the brutality of a tyrant, once he is given eternal life and rules the world, then the whole world will be plunged into darkness forever."

Saying that, Zi Yuan took out a swarthy dagger: "This is a dagger that I spent thousands of years refining, as long as it is inserted into the heart of the tyrant, it can completely kill him, but the premise is that when he has just broken through the seal and is weak, if he is fully recovered, this dagger will not be so much of a threat to him!" "

Zi Lin swallowed his saliva, and a faint fear appeared on his face: "Mother, the tyrant is so powerful, can we really insert this dagger into his heart and kill him?" "


Zi Yuan suddenly turned around, shouted sharply, her eyes turned scarlet, what kind of eyes were that, resentful, hatred, cruel, tyrannical, like a hell demon wearing a beautiful skin turned into Zi Yuan.

It shows how painful Ziyuan has been eaten back in the past two thousand years.

Zi Lin saw Zi Yuan's eyes, her pupils contracted, and her brain was suddenly blank, and she stammered: "Mother... Mother...... Kiss...... Yours...... Eyes..."

Zi Yuan closed her eyes lightly, opened her eyes again, and had become calm, and said softly:

"Zilin, remember that your father died at the hands of a tyrant, and if you let the tyrant and his army return to this world, it will bring great disaster to this world, and the people will never have peace."

"Whatever the reason, we have to kill him, there is no second option!"


Zi Lin lowered his head:

"Mother, it is now two thousand years later, it is no longer the era of cold weapons, not to mention the powerful thermal weapons of those Westerners, even in the land of China that is now divided, warlords everywhere have mastered powerful thermal weapons, and the tyrant and his army two thousand years ago, even if they are strong, cannot be the opponent of the thermal weapon army."

Zi Yuan took a deep breath and slowly shook her head: "Zi Lin, you underestimated the tyrant, and also underestimated his army. "

"Although the tyrant is cruel, but if you put aside the cruelty, the entire China has been around for thousands of years, in terms of the ability of the emperor, few are comparable to him, and the current warlords, in addition to mastering powerful thermal weapons, are not comparable to tyrants in any aspect, tyrants are brutal, but they also have courage, more than the ability of any ruler in this era."

"And his army, except for the army of the era of force, but the prohibition of orders is far better than the army of this era."

"Moreover, two thousand years ago, the reason why the tyrant was able to destroy countries was because the Qin State under his rule was the best at change, and the Qin State with Han's crossbow was the strongest, and the Qin State absorbed Han's strengths."

"The Wei state's army has the strongest discipline, and the Qin state has absorbed the strengths of the Wei state."

"The cavalry of the Zhao State is the strongest, absorbing the strengths of the Zhao State."

"And once the tyrant is revived, he will quickly absorb the strengths of this era and become the strengths of the army under his command."

"And the army under his command are all terracotta warriors, invincible, immortal and immortal, if cold weapons are replaced with hot weapons, it will be more than ten times more terrifying than any elite army in this world."

Zi Yuan said slowly, she paused and took a deep breath: "Moreover, you underestimate the changeability of people's hearts. "

"The tyrant is the first emperor of the land of China, his prestige is too high, and the land of China has been in darkness for decades, the warlords are in chaos, and no person with prestige can make the warlord submit, and the tyrant, who happens to be the ruler with prestige, the warlords have different hearts, but careerists and warlords who are dedicated to the nation will most likely turn to him, and when the time comes, the tyrant will truly reign in the world."

"The tyrant is so cruel, shouldn't these people rebel against him as much as we do?" Zi Lin looked puzzled.

Zi Yuan sneered: "Two thousand years of time pass, can bury a lot of things in the long river of history, many people have forgotten the brutality of tyrants, the land of China has fallen into darkness for decades, oppressed by foreigners, from the top to the bottom, are eager to change this situation, compared to the tyrant also felt all this, chose to break the seal at this time, really cunning!" "

"Mother! Then let's go! Let's stop the tyrant! "

Zi Lin took a deep breath.

Zi Yuan said, "Before we go, we can find a few helpers." "


English, in front of the castle, a car slowly stopped, the driver quickly got out of the car, opened the back seat door, a middle-aged man in a neat suit walked down, he glanced up at the castle, chuckled, put on his hat, and walked towards the castle.

O'Connor and his wife stood at the gate of the castle to greet him, and O'Conka looked at him deeply: "I can hear that my castle, every flower and grass does not welcome your arrival, as soon as you come, I know that nothing is good." "

The middle-aged man smiled slightly: "The king's order has to be obeyed, but don't worry, this time the king sent me to the last task entrusted to you." "

Evelyn said coldly: "You should know that we are already retired. "

O'Connor blinked, "Uh... Yes, yes, we are retired, that's right, it's completely over, please come back. "

"But I'm curious what this mission is... Don't worry, Evelyn, I'm just asking. "

Facing Evelyn's death gaze, O'Connor shows a tenacious desire to survive.

"Don't you invite me in?"

"No, just say it here."

O'Connor put on a look of rejection, and his wife, Evelyn, next to him, shrugged her shoulders and smiled gloatingly.

The middle-aged man was helpless: "Go to the tomb of the Dragon Emperor." "

"Dragon Emperor? The mausoleum of the first emperor of the land of China, the first emperor? Legend has it that he was cursed, and the legend about his curse, in some historical records, is said that a fairy named Ziyuan sealed the tyrant Dragon Emperor who wanted to conquer the world and saved the world. "

O'Connor frowned slightly: "Why go to the tomb of the Dragon Emperor?" "

The middle-aged man said in a low voice: "Explore the secret of the Dragon Emperor's immortality, and bring the secret back..."

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