Chen Yulou brought more than 2,000 thieves this time, each of them is the elite of the 100,000 thieves, old and young, male and female, tall and short, fat and thin, miscellaneous but not chaotic, listening to the order just a low drink, it seems that after a certain training.

Walking in the front, carrying utensils more than two feet long to explore the way, behind them, from time to time someone nailed long nails to the curved wall, and then lit a lantern and hung it, and some people carried cages, and in the cages were roosters, dogs, cats, sparrows, and other animals.

These animals are very sensitive to danger, more than ten times more sensitive than ordinary people.

For example, when an earthquake comes, people can't feel anything, but animals can feel it, such as big livestock not entering the pen, dogs barking, birds flying.

Those who explore the way are the most cautious, hesitating and taking every step before taking it, and if they make a wrong step, they may be killed immediately.

For thousands of years, the tomb owner has struggled to protect the mausoleum, and the tomb robbers seem to be fighting with the dead tomb owner for hundreds of thousands of years.

The tomb owner has countless means, but most of them are extremely cruel, leaving no way to live, they have seen too many companions who were good one second and died the next.

This is also normal, people just want to sleep peacefully, you go to disturb people, but also take away all the things that people are buried with, people don't have to treat you cruelly, do you have to invite you to dinner?

These people are equivalent to the dead soldiers in the group of thieves in the unloading mountains, or set the rules in Chen Yulou's grandfather's generation, if the dead man successfully gets out alive after robbing the tomb, he will take one more copy of the things in the tomb, and if he dies, there will still be two copies for their families.

This rule has not changed in decades.

In the back, all the thieves are carried bamboo baskets, which contain bamboo ladders, ropes, and other strange tools, of course, knives and guns are essential.

More than two thousand people, at least a thousand guns.

After the group entered, the captain and the others were about to follow up, but suddenly, the captain's heart moved, stopping the movement of the players.

"The mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang has finally been opened..."

A melodious and ethereal old voice came from afar, the voice was weak, it seemed that the life of the person who spoke was imminent, and he could be killed at any time, and the melodious ethereal carried a seductive force of seduction, as if he was waving at the gate of the Yellow Spring, tempting them to enter the Yellow Spring.

Then, I saw a palanquin fluttering lightly, silently, more than one meter high from the ground, under the palanquin, there were four people carrying, in front, there were actually six people dressed as servants holding signs of "silence" and "avoidance", completely a spy of imperial court officials on patrol.

When they walked in, the captain and others were creepy, and it was not a person at all, but ten paper people, which were no different from the paper people who burned the dead by the zombies of the people.

A little shorter than a person, the eyes are black, the middle is dotted with white ink, and on the cheeks, there are two red circles, revealing a weird smile, which makes the whole body chill.

"MD, scare individuals to death in broad daylight!" Jiang Yang's hand never stopped suffocating slightly, and he rubbed his stiff face.

"Master He, how is it, go in now?"

Behind the coquettish, but followed by hundreds of people, a burly man, named Yang Chaoyang, belonging to the direct warlord, there are also thousands of men and horses, this person has a fanatical belief in Qin Shi Huang, he firmly believes that the secret of immortality can be found in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, so he brought hundreds of people to Lishan.

If it weren't for the fact that Shaanxi wasn't his territory, he wouldn't be able to pull everyone here.

The curtain rose to reveal the situation in the palanquin.

In the palanquin is a two-meter-high paper paste house, the house is beautifully made, resplendent, the doors, windows, glazed roof tiles, pavilions and lofts, rockery and false water in the house are all lifelike, as if a house has shrunk countless times into this palanquin.

And in the house, there are also dozens of paper people with paper paste, only three inches tall, with family members, nursing homes, and maids, each performing their own duties, slowly fluttering.

In the middle lobby of the house, there are nine three-inch coffins, and paper people are waving paper money, but in the center of the lobby, there is an old man hanging, the old man's neck passes through the rope, he is still coughing, it seems that the next moment will cough out the heart and lungs.

The old man's back was almost ninety degrees, like a turtle prime minister, his human body was as thin as wood, and he described it as withered, but his eyes were completely dark, without a trace of white eyes.

The old man floated out of the spirit house and landed on the ground, and the spirit house also shrank and fell out of his palm.

It was He Shizu, the fourth elder of Maoshan, and in his hands was the Bliss Spirit House that he had practiced for decades.

Refining the Bliss Spirit House is a Maoshan ban, and Gai Fa needs to collect a large number of souls to refine people, and at the same time, it is necessary to use a large number of materials to refine a stable space magic weapon, and open up a human mansion in the world that is independent of the two worlds of yin and yang.

Maoshan's predecessor who pioneered this Dao technique originally wanted to use this method to transcend life and death and not be bound by yin and yang, but later found that this method violated Tianhe, and it was simply difficult to use this method to transcend life and death and not be bound by yin and yang, so this method was listed as a forbidden technique.

However, Master He did not believe in evil and practiced this method, so he did not deal with the other three of the four elders of Maoshan.

He Shizu leaned over and coughed violently: "There is an eyebrow, Shi Jian gives us a path, just right, you can go in." "

"Brothers! Give it to me! The treasures of Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum are endless, and you don't have to worry about getting one piece for a lifetime! "

Yang Chaoyang waved his arms and rushed towards the entrance of Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum with hundreds of brothers.


"Glory and wealth are at hand!"

These hundreds of soldiers rushed in with spears on their backs.

Yang Chaoyang himself entered the mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor in pursuit of immortality, and the way he gave these soldiers chicken blood was to depict the treasure of the mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.

Not long after, the captain and the others also walked in.

In the front, the dead man was still exploring the way, and after entering the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, there was a passage that was five miles long, the passage was wet, and he had walked for most of the time, and there was no mechanism.

O'Connor smiled contemptuously: "The Chinese are ignorant, there is no danger in this mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, but they are still so cautious, after all, it is a mausoleum two thousand years ago, I am afraid that some organs have failed." "

Evelyn glanced at him and said softly, "O'Connor, have you forgotten the hellfire that burned thousands of soldiers to ashes at once?" "

O'Connor was suffocated, embarrassed, and roared, "That's just an accident!" "

Evelyn was noncommittal: "In short, it's always right to be careful." "_

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