However, Chen Yulou's face became more and more solemn, and the partridge whistle's face was not relaxed, his spirit was tense, his eyes were sharp, and he was shooting around, always alert to possible accidents.

The Yimei Daoist also felt the solemn atmosphere, and couldn't help but ask: "Yulou, is there anything wrong?" "

"Dao Chief, you don't know."

Chen Yulou shook his head gently:

"I waited for thousands of tomb robbers, summed up a experience, applicable to eighty percent of the situation, mausoleums have organs at the beginning, but it is easy to deal with, I am afraid that the kind of mausoleum that seems to be extremely safe, but does not know what there is an organ outbreak, but it is the most terrible."

"Boss, the passage is almost finished."

At this time, Hua Ma came to report.

Chen Yulou's heart suddenly lifted up, and he said solemnly: "Remind the brothers, don't relax!" Be more cautious. "


Hua Ma turned his head heavily.

Before the words fell, there was a series of extremely harsh screams in front, not at all like the screams that people can make, hearing these screams, it seems that they can sketch in their minds a picture of a person being cut by a thousand cuts, and there are countless ants gnawing on the wound, only hearing an eyebrow, Shi Jian and others are the corners of their eyes jumping violently, and their cold hair stands up.

"Go and see what's going on!"

Chen Yulou immediately gave the order.

This passage is very narrow and long, at most three people in parallel, a team of more than 2,000 people pulled out hundreds of meters, Chen Yulou they are behind, and they can't see the situation in front at all.

Shi Jianhe glanced at each other, stepped on his feet, and the whole person shot away.

Fortunately, the passage is more than two meters high, just enough for two people to walk in the air.

In just a few breaths, the two reached the front, and saw that dozens of people in the group of thieves had turned into "skulls", their hair and scalp had all disappeared, revealing Sensen's white bones, and the skin below the scalp was melting like wax, and blood sprayed on their faces.

Some of the melting fast eye sockets have become hollow, and the eyeballs are hanging in the eye sockets, shaking, and this terrifying miserable situation makes Shi Jianhe's eyebrows constrict.


"Don't get that water!"

"Don't touch them!"

The screaming thieves had their hands deep in their hands, as if they wanted their companions to save them, but no one dared to approach them, and once they wanted to get closer, they would shoot them directly.

Some people opened their mouths to scream, but they couldn't make a sound, so they went to button their throats in a hurry, and under a button, the flesh and skin on their throats were actually buttoned down entirely.

After a dozen breaths at most, they melted into blood water, which was still squirming, approaching the group of thieves.

"Spirit Devouring Worm!"

An eyebrow Daoist exclaimed.

"You said that all these waters are Spirit Eater Insects, and their cheeks twitch violently.

A frown said humane: "Spirit devouring insects are more than ten times smaller than lice, survive in the water, those sprayed water contains countless spirit devouring insects, each person is only infected with billions of spirit devouring insects, a few breaths can swallow a person's flesh and bones, and then survive in the blood water..."

"Give me all back!"

Shi Jian burst into a loud shout, the sound wave rolled, and then the five of them closed and punched out violently.


The dim passage became transparent and bright, and the blinding bright light flickered, lightning and thunder, and thunder and lightning erupted, spreading out for tens of hundreds of meters like chains, tearing the air in the passage and hitting those who had not yet melted blood.


As if the sound of lice being burned by fire sounded, those wriggling blood and water instantly evaporated, and those who had not yet melted were also burned to ashes by these hundreds of thousands of degrees of high-pressure lightning.

The lightning remained unabated, rumbling and spreading, slashing towards the organ that was still spraying blood water, spreading along the mechanism, and evaporating all the spirit devouring insects in the organ.

One punch might! Terrifying!

I am afraid that at this moment, hundreds of millions of spirit devouring insects have been killed.

"Senior Brother's Lightning Rushing Thunder Fist is really unfathomable."

The eyebrow Daoist couldn't help but stroke his palm and praise.

When Zi Yuan saw this scene, her pupils shrank: "I'm afraid that half of this Shi Jian will cross the world limit with half a foot, and this kind of strength, even when a hundred schools of thought were contending two thousand years ago, there were few comparable to it." "

"This Shi Jian is actually so powerful?" Zi Lin exclaimed slightly.

"Even Maika, is this Thor?"

O'Connor's face turned slightly pale, and this foolish eastern land actually had such a thundergod-like existence.

"It's actually a spirit devouring worm!"

At this time, Chen Yulou, the partridge whistle and the two also rushed to the front, seeing the tragic situation, the partridge whistle seemed to sound something, gasped: "Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum is really dangerous, and before he has completely entered, he will give us such a dismount." "

"MD, it's actually this ghost thing, isn't this a legendary murderous thing? I thought it was extinct, but I didn't expect that the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang still exists, fortunately, Shi Jiandao is there, otherwise I am afraid that we will lose a lot. "

Chen Yulou had palpitations, and slapped the horse's butt a little.

These two thousand unloading bandits are elite, and although he is prepared for casualties, it is always good to have one less death.

Shi Jian glanced at him and said in a deep voice: "Don't move first, wait for me to clean up, the spirit devouring insect will not be visible to the naked eye." "

Saying that, Shi Jian's five fingers were forked, and five electric snakes spread out from his five fingers, and in an instant, a two-meter radius of thunder and lightning was formed, covering the passage, sweeping the place where the spirit devouring worm broke out just now.

Sure enough, another snort sounded.

The net of thunder and lightning swept back and forth dozens of times, and Shi Jian took back the net of thunder and lightning, and took a long breath: "Okay, the dead are clean." "

Walking through the passage, it suddenly opened up, it turned out to be a space with a radius of hundreds of meters, which was twenty or thirty meters high.

In this large underground space, there are several halls with heavy eaves, towering halls, pavilions, cornices and arches densely arranged, carved beams and paintings and solemn and solemn, and the lights outside the nave are bright, and the layers are endless, reflecting the golden bricks and tiles are particularly brilliant.

There is stone smoke rising in the rock formation of the cave, making the palace like the sky river full of cigarette smoke, revealing an indescribable remote mystery, no different from the earthly wonderland in the cave heavenly blessed land.

But in the belly of the mountain, it is particularly gloomy, and it is shrouded in clouds and smoke, which looks extremely unreal, ethereal and seems to be an illusion in the water.

The surrounding cave walls are inlaid with hundreds of night pearls, as well as jewelry and jade for decoration, which are reflected by the fire, appearing to be full of colorful streamers, and the eyes of the thieves are straight, Chen Yulou said: "Brothers and my generation are doing the business of excavating ancient tomb artifacts, not only here, but there is no need to have any scruples, watch the valuable ones dig back, don't leave the slightest, but life is the most important." "

The thieves are not like Captain Touching Gold who only takes one or two things in a tomb, and pays attention to a way of advancing and retreating everywhere, there are more than 100,000 brothers in Changsheng Mountain, and it is not enough to stuff everyone's teeth with less weapons.

Since the helmsman spoke, what else are these thieves embarrassed about, so they immediately divided their hands and took a shovel to scrape the pearl jade on the wall.

"This is the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, right?" Chen Yulou looked at the partridge whistle.


Zi Lin stared at the palace deadly, and the killing intent almost burst out irrepressibly.

"What about the passage?" Suddenly, someone exclaimed, and everyone looked back and saw that the passage when everyone came had disappeared without a trace, as if there had never been a passage anywhere. _

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