"How did the passage disappear!"

"How do we get out without a passage?"

The group of thieves who were holding the pearl jade also shouted in panic, and the surprise of seeing the jewelry disappeared, replaced by panic, unable to get out, what is the use of taking more jewelry?

There is a life to take.

Lifeless flowers.

"Hallucinations! It's all an illusion! O'Connor's expression changed drastically, he shook his head vigorously, and when he looked again, the passage still disappeared.

Bang bang!

The group of thieves pulled out their guns and banged and beat them indiscriminately, except for the flying stones, the passage still did not appear.

“MD! Are we all going to die in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang? ",

"you NN! There are so many of us that even digging can dig a passage. "

"I'm starving to death before I dig it out!"

For a time, the group of unloading thieves was driven by a collapse, and some of the unloading group thieves sat on the ground, and the jewels on the wall were ignored, looking sluggish.

"Stand up for me!"

Chen Yulou roared angrily, his prestige was still enough, and those sluggish unloading thieves came back to their senses slightly, and stood up one by one.

"There must be a passage to get out, we can't appear here out of thin air, the passage must exist somewhere in this space!"

"All go find the passage! Give me every inch to touch! Don't slip through any corner, if you can't find the passage, everyone will die! "

With a roar, the thieves did not care about buckling the jewelry, and they all touched the wall in an attempt to find the entrance to the passage.

"Several Dao Elders, what do you think is going on?"

Chen Yulou walked to Yimei and the others.

Mother-in-law Tai Chang spoke, "You are right, the passage must exist somewhere, but it is covered by illusion. "

"Can't even a few Dao Elders break this illusion?"

Tai Chang's mother-in-law shook her head slightly: "The humane deeds of arranging illusions are higher than ours, and this illusion formation is exquisite, and it can still operate so perfectly after two thousand years..."

"Hell's Breath!"

The partridge whistle suddenly spoke: "The qi of the earth is the source of this illusion formation, and the source of the earth is endless, so the illusion formation can run endlessly, without the qi of the earth, this illusion formation will naturally dissipate." "

Chen Yulou's eyes lit up: "Can you break it?" "

The partridge whistle shook his head slightly: "The Qi of the Evil of the Earth is rooted in Lishan Mountain, and unless the Lishan Mountain is destroyed, the Qi of the Evil of the Earth can be broken..."

Chen Yulou's face darkened.

"Are you saying that palace is also fake?" Zi Yuan asked.

"That palace is not fake, but..."

Looking at the extremely unreal palace, Partridge Whistle frowned: "The mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang should not be like this." "

"The mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang was built in a dangerous place of feng shui, and the underground dark river means the dark spring of the underworld, and the yellow spring and the dark river cycle back and forth, going back and forth between the two realms of yin and yang, indicating the repetition of life and death, and the transformation of life and death."

"In those days, hundreds of schools of thought contended, among which there were countless strange techniques, among which the secret art was to reverse life and death with magic, and live another life, and then buried in these yellow springs and yin rivers with feng shui magic, hoping to return from the netherworld to the yang world, from the dead to the resurrection."

"But here, there is nothing but the palace."

Everyone fell into deep thought, but did not dare to act rashly.

"Ge Laozi's, finally came in, it's good to have someone to lead the way, there is no danger, hahahaha..."

Yang Chaoyang's voice stopped abruptly, He Shizu beside him opened his mouth slightly, and his coughing stopped, looking at Yimei and the others on the opposite side, dumbfounded.

Didn't they follow with an eyebrow? Why stand across from them?

"Haha... Hello everyone..."

Yang Chaoyang tried to squeeze out a smile at the corner of his mouth, wanting to ease the atmosphere, but no one paid attention to him.

Shi Jian looked at He Junior Ancestor coldly, containing killing intent: "Junior Brother He, it seems that you are tired of living." "

Master He's dark eyes rolled a few times: "Senior Brother Shi, you came to this Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, can't I come?" "

"Captain, you see, the progress has reached eight percent! A thousand reward points will soon arrive, and when this Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum is explored, it may be able to reach thirty percent... Uh..."

The five people of the main god space appeared on the other side, and the person who spoke seemed to be strangled by someone, and looked at the two centaurs on the opposite side blankly.

This underground space is roughly circular, and the place where the three centaurs appear appears in a triangle.

Tai Chang's mother-in-law glanced at the five people and smiled slightly: "Junior Brother He, if you explore the way with us, someone will explore the way with you." "

He Shizu glanced at the five people in the main god space with compassion, implicitly angry, the mantis catcher yellow finch was behind, they thought they were praying mantises, but they didn't expect that there was a yellow finch behind.

But now cicadas, praying mantises, and yellow finches have met strangely.

Logically, they all came in the same passage and should have appeared in the same place, but now they appear in different places, tripods.

His eyebrows narrowed slightly, and he felt a powerful aura from the leader of the five people, who was tall and strong, his muscles were like dragons, and the roots were twisted together, containing explosive power, giving him a huge sense of threat.

"Weird, really weird, we obviously followed behind them, how did we get to them?" Jiang Yang said strangely in a low voice.

"Not good! Captain! The entryway is gone! The woman's face changed slightly.

Click! Click!

"What a sound!"

The next moment, I saw the jewels on the cave wall turn into powder and fall, and fist-sized holes appeared, and then the sound of bowstring crossbow machines sounded densely.


Chen Yulou had led the crowd to fight backwards before, and he had never missed a single shot, and he had always been very confident in his means of "looking, smelling, asking, and cutting", and immediately knew that this was a sign of the launch of the crossbow, and in an instant, ten thousand arrows would be fired in a volley, and he quickly ordered the group of thieves to erect a rattan grass shield for defense.

The next moment, arrows were shot at the holes in the surrounding cave walls.

There are as many holes as there are jewels on the cave wall, and in an instant, tens of thousands of arrows really burst out.

And this arrow is not shot in the same direction, there are arrows up and down, left and right, even if there is a rattan grass shield defense, the group of thieves will suffer heavy losses.

A flick of his eyebrows, a palm of rune paper flew out, and in the air turned into a palm-sized golden bell, the golden bell rose when it saw the wind, and in an instant it became more than ten meters high, but it was tens of hundreds of meters wide, like a golden bowl, golden light, dazzling.

"All gather together, don't move."

The voice of a brow sounded slowly, which seemed to have a calming effect, and the slightly flustered group of thieves actually calmed down, and according to what he said, they were tightly clinging together.


The golden bell fell, not too big or small, just detained more than two thousand people inside. _

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