Ring the bell!

The arrows fell, only to hear the sound of gold and iron crashing endlessly, but they could not break through the golden bell wall, and all fell to the ground.

"My God... How are the gods of the East everywhere..."

O'Connor looked at the huge Admiralty above his head and grew his mouth.

On He Shizu's side, his face was ancient and waveless, and with a gentle shake of the Bliss Spirit House, ten paper figures floated out, and in the blink of an eye, they became three feet tall and one zhang wide, like ten oversized shields, covering all sides tightly, solid as city walls, and those arrows could not break through these "shields"

And the captain took a deep breath, this person's internal organs were as strong as his musculoskeletal, at this time, a mouth, tens of meters of air quickly converged towards his mouth, and the space of tens of meters in radius had a feeling of being sunken into it.


The huge wave emptied, and all the air in a radius of tens of meters gathered into the mouth, was compressed to the extreme, and exploded in the moment it was spit out.

It was as if the twelfth-level wind burst out in a small area, and the arrows in the sky were actually blown upside down and flew out, and some flew out upside down at a faster speed than they could be shot, inserting into the cave wall.


The rain of arrows covered for five minutes, shooting hundreds of thousands of arrows, if it were not for the fact that there were a few eyebrows and others here, if the strength was not good, even if 10,000 people came in, they would have died cleanly.

"Finally stopped, thank you Chief."

Chen Yulou touched the beads of sweat on his forehead, covered by a dense rain of arrows, and the pressure in his heart was great.

"Captain, the arrow is gone, you can shut up..." Jiang Yang said softly when he saw that the captain still had a big mouth.

The captain glanced at him unkindly, his mouth still open.

The sportswear woman pulled Jiang Yang and said inaudibly: "The captain probably opened his mouth for too long, and he couldn't close it for a while." "

Jiang Yang's eyes widened, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he looked like he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

Chen Yulou was about to order the group of thieves to continue to find the mouth, there was a loud sound of strings, a sharp breaking wind roared, everyone looked up, they were stunned, a large arrow the thickness of a human arm, like a shooting star, like thunder, sandwiched by a strong wind that tore through the sky.

Everyone spent the rain of arrows, and when their minds were relaxed, this big arrow was fired, and everyone had no time to guard against it.

Laugh at!

The arrow of the three-edged armor cone shattered a man who barely raised the rattan card, and the thief pierced through it, and the remaining momentum did not disappear, and pierced the five people behind him, and the blood and flesh were broken into a string of nails to the ground.

Yu Ren was stunned, and the corpses that were shot through splashed Chen Yulou's face with blood, and he roared fiercely: "It's a crossbow!" Raise the shield! "

Fortunately, this bed crossbow looks terrifying, but there are not many of them, only dozens of arrows, Shi Jian flicked his fingers lightly, and a lightning-like finger wind flashed, except for a few arrows that pierced through the group of thieves, and all the later bed crossbow arrows landed on the ground, without hurting everyone.

In fact, the threat of this crossbow is not as great as the previous arrow rain, but taking advantage of everyone's relaxation, the casualties caused are even greater than the arrow rain.

"Always be vigilant and search the entrance to the cave!"

Chen Yulou was directing the group of thieves, the partridge whistle breathed suddenly rapidly, his figure suddenly moved, separated from everyone, changed several directions, and finally stopped in one place, looked at the palace, looked at it for a while, and said: "I think I should find the entrance to the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang!" "

Chen Yulou was inexplicable: "We are trying to find out the mouth..."

The partridge whistle glanced back at him and paused word by word: "I'm talking about the real Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor!" This is a false tomb! "

"You see, the palace over there, the cornices in this direction are connected in a line... to this place that shoots on the cave wall..."

Everyone stood in his position, and sure enough, all the eaves teeth of the palace roof were in a line, and if they deviated a little, the eaves teeth could not be connected to a line.

"The palace connected into a line is the entrance to the mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, what is the reason?" Zi Lin questioned.

The partridge whistle glanced at him and did not speak.

Zilin's pretty face was flushed, and the partridge whistle's contempt was obvious, and he didn't want to talk to her at all.

"What if this is a trap?" Chen Yulou said.

"I'll give it a try."

An eyebrow slapped on the waist, and a finger-sized paper crane flew towards the wall of the cave where the eaves teeth were shooting, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at the look of a brow tightly, and after a while, the paper crane flew back, and a long sigh of relief was raised: "There is a chain bridge behind it..."

"What do you see?"

Chen Yulou asked.

Yimei shook his head slightly: "There is only so much I can perceive through the paper crane, the chain bridge may be the bridge leading to the real Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum, or it may be a trap, both sides of the iron chain bridge are abyss, up to 100 meters, if there is a mechanism when passing through the iron cable bridge, it is called every day, the earth is not working, even if I wait, it is not good to support you..."

"Brothers have died so much, so I won't let you make a risk, I'll go and check it out first!"

He is not low in danger, not only the authority handed down from three generations, but also often leading the way, at this time, the number of killed and injured has exceeded 100 people, and he is suddenly brave for a while, and is waiting to risk death.

"Boss!" Hua Qiuma and the red girl's faces changed slightly.

The difference between the tomb owner and the tomb robber is a cruel contest between the dead and the living, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a duel, because whoever falls into the hands of whom will not end well.

If the tomb owner's body is stolen, he must knock out his teeth, scrape jade naked, peel the skin and scratch the ring, and pick the intestines to find the beads, even if it is the punishment of burning the body, it is not so cool.

And the anti-theft organs set up by the tomb owner are mostly insidious and vicious, counting the ambushes of those organs that are burned by fire, buried alive in quicksand, broken bones by boulders, and poisoned by rot.

Before arriving at the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, the group of thieves killed and injured as many as 100 people, who knows how many evil organs there are behind.


The mute Kunlun Moller dragged Chen Yulou.

Kunlun Moller is not deaf and dumb, he can't speak, but his ears are still there, and he has followed Chen Yulou for many years, and when he saw the leader's demeanor, he already understood his meaning, and quickly made a gesture to go to the soup for Chen Yulou and explore the way on the chain bridge.

He slapped his chest, glared and stuck out his tongue, and gestured to wipe his neck, which he probably meant: The life of the dumb is the leader's, what is the harm in dying? _

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