"The courage is not small, and he actually dares to come and rob the tomb."

An indifferent voice sounded in everyone's ears, and everyone's cold hair suddenly stood upside down.


Zi Yuan clenched her dagger and stared at the figure deadly.

Everyone looked over, but saw a tall figure appear at the gate of the palace, a man wearing black armor and a strange knife hanging from his waist, the man lowered his gaze, his gaze was indifferent.


In an instant, almost all the people who stepped onto the Heavenly Palace had their legs weak, and they couldn't help but kneel to the ground, some timid, double-stranded battles, and the heat gushed out.


Chen Yulou's teeth trembled, clucking and colliding, only feeling that there seemed to be an extra mountain on his back, and the pressure made his bones all over his body click, and a bone-chilling chill hit his whole body, as if he appeared naked in the ice and snow, and was poured with ice water on his head.

Chen Yulou's legs were soft and he was about to fall to his knees, and if it weren't for the partridge whistle next to him to support him, his leader of the bandits would have been ugly.

"Partridge whistle, you..."

Chen Yulou was about to raise his leg to thank him, but he was taken aback, and saw the partridge whistle hanging his head low, his whole body trembling, his forehead was exposed, his teeth were clenched, and he was obviously under great pressure.

"That man... The strength is too... Strong..."

After the partridge whistle finished speaking, his forehead was already covered with beads of sweat.


Under the huge pressure, Zi Yuan barely kept standing, her body was trembling slightly, and she looked at the man with a black stomach with an incredulous face, and let out an incredible scream:

"How is it possible! Why are the minions of tyrants so powerful! "

The appearance of the black-armored man seemed to break Zi Yuan's mind, two thousand years ago, the tyrant was desperately powerful, but it was only a tyrant, and the generals under the tyrant were not very strong, and she could deal with it completely.

But why are the tyrant's minions so powerful after two thousand years?

Two thousand years of torture, two thousand years of hatred, two thousand years of attachment, were almost shattered at this moment.

The minions of the tyrant are so powerful, what will she take revenge on?

She has suffered two thousand years of torture that life is better than death, why can't she take revenge!

God forbid!


Wanlong City's eyes shone brightly, like two small suns, and the infinite weight fell on Zi Yuan: "Presumptuous! "

"Aaaaaa Despot! I will kill you! "

Zi Yuan's body was shocked, and a stream of blood light burst out from her body, which showed that she had worked hard to break free from this heavy pressure.


A sword roar like a tiger and a dragon groan.

A black dagger pierced straight into Wanlong City.

The sword qi was like a roaring dragon, breaking free from the abyss and soaring into the air.

A sword came out, the sword light bloomed, and in the space of the edge, a sword mark hundreds of zhang long stretched across the sky, as if this sword was going to cut this heavenly palace apart.

"Mother, I'll help you!"

The purple forest also soared into the air, the sword was like a swimming dragon, and the sword qi swallowed tens of meters, slashing towards the Ten Thousand Dragon City.

"Even buy Ka! Even buy ka! "

Seeing this sword, O'Connor was stunned, and he couldn't say anything but "even buy ka".

He made up his mind that he would never come to the East again this time, this land is too dangerous.

Although he did not understand martial arts, he could feel that under Zi Yuan's sword, even thousands of them were reimbursed at once.

Facing this sword, Wanlong City's expression was calm, and his eyes were calm.

When he was first summoned by Ying Zheng, he was the leader of Mo Daowei, only the strength of the grandmaster, and later the border pass fought with the Xiongnu army, broke through at the time of danger, and had the cultivation of the great grandmaster.

And now, as the leader of the palace, his strength has long been the peak of the Shattered Realm.

And this Ziyuan, the strength is at the peak of heaven and man.

The gap of a big realm is already boundless, and Zi Yuan will definitely not be able to erase this gap.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

A sword sound sounded, covering the sound of the sword at once, and in an instant, the space shrouded by the sword light was shattered and extinguished by the ubiquitous sword light.

Then that sword light was cruel and violent, sharp and sharp, with Sen Han's killing intent to exterminate everything, and slashed down on the head.

I only heard the snort, whether it was Zi Yuan's sword gang or Zi Lin's sword gang, they were all shattered.

Laugh at!

Zi Yuan and Zi Lin who soared into the air froze for a moment, and the whole person exploded into a blood light in the air, and the whole person was torn apart by the knife light, and even the ant-sized flesh and blood could not be found.


It was with Shi Jian's unruliness, and he couldn't stop swallowing saliva at the moment, the moment Zi Yuan made a move, they didn't want to make a move, but they didn't dare to make a move.

Because they felt an extremely dangerous edge lock on them, and if they struck, they would surely die.


There is no way to live.

A brow raised his eyes with difficulty, and he could vaguely see that there was also a man standing at the door of the main hall of the main palace, and the whole person was like a giant sword piercing the sky, and his eyes looked at him indifferent,

It was this person who locked them in.

"Kuye, this is simply the Longtan Tiger's Den..."

Tai Chang's mother-in-law secretly complained, but the main lord did not see it, and only with the generals under him, he killed two masters whose strength was not inferior to them.

So how powerful should the Lord be?

Evelyn crawled on the ground, turned her head with difficulty, and said in a trembling voice: "O'Connor, let's give up." "

O'Connor only felt that there was no place in his body that was not trembling, Ziyuan was already a god-like existence, even the Scorpion King was not as powerful as her, but in the hands of the man in black armor, there was no corpse in one move.

Gai Nie stepped out and glanced at everyone indifferently: "Come in, still want to leave?" "

Gai Nie drank lightly, five fingers a piece, the void burst into condensation of a hundred zhang giant palm, grabbed He Shizu, the captain, the two parties were caught by Gai Nie without a little resistance and thrown on the ground.

"Kneel down and greet my emperor."

Gai Nie said lightly.

Shi Jian gritted his teeth, he had never knelt to anyone except Master in his life, why should he kneel to worship this Qin Shi Huang who he had never even seen?

Yimei pulled Shi Jian's sleeve and said softly: "Senior brother, in the end, it is Qin Shi Huang, who unified the world for two thousand years, he can be regarded as our ancestor, and kneeling the ancestor is not natural..."

Mother-in-law Tai Chang said, "But... Aren't we here to kill him? "

With a suffocated eyebrow, he said, "At this moment and moment, with our ability, don't say kill... I'm afraid I won't even see each other, so let's save my life first..."

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