"Captain! You see the progress of the mission! "

The five people of the main god space knelt on the ground in humiliation, hearing Jiang Yang's wild roar in the communication channel, the captain subconsciously looked at the main god watch, and saw that the progress of the task above suddenly jumped from nineteen percent to twenty-five percent, his eyelids jumped wildly, and he whispered:

"Guys, even if the progress of the mission jumps to 100% at once, I'm afraid we won't go back this time..."

The black-faced man said with a slight cry: "This world is also too dangerous, masters one after another, Nima a Qin Shi Huang mausoleum, Qin Shi Huang has not yet appeared, the two small characters are so terrible, it seems that my Song life is really going to die..."

The captain also felt a slight numbness in his scalp, and drank lightly to suppress the panic of the team members: "Calm! The exploration mission is not a death mission arranged by the Lord God, since they didn't kill us in the first place, there is still a possibility of survival..."


The next moment, all the voices were silenced, an invisible power overwhelmed, everyone subconsciously looked up, only to see a figure in the main hall of the main palace stepped out, that figure was dressed in a pure black emperor robe, wearing the emperor crown, just appeared, the sound was pervasive, and the power shocked the heart.

His eyebrows are extremely majestic, he is not angry and self-threatening, and his eyes are as deep as a boundless starry river, and like a vast abyss.



Like an emperor standing above the heavens and the earth, standing majestically between heaven and earth, as if he is the lord of the heavens!

This majesty appeared in vain in the hearts of everyone, making people palpitate, tremble, and surrender, which is an irresistible power.

In the face of this emperor position that swept through the eight wastes and six combinations, shocking the starry sky universe, everyone only felt that it became extremely small, and the figure in the black emperor robe was even more majestic than heaven and earth, vast, and it seemed that the meaning of the existence of heaven and earth was only to carry him.

That's all.

Everyone suffered from the oppression of this breath, and their hearts were shocked, but they only felt that the face of the figure was not very clear, it seemed to be shrouded in a layer of hazy light, and when he wanted to see clearly, his gaze swept over, and everyone's bodies involuntarily knelt down a little lower, their muscles clicked, their foreheads only touched the ground, and they couldn't even raise their heads.

But all of them were in disarray.

The First Emperor was resurrected?

This is the First Emperor?

This is the Emperor of the Ages!

The first emperor of China?

Zi Yuan actually asked me to kill such an existence, it was simply beyond her strength! Tired of living!

This is the thought of a brow.

This old boy made Lao Tzu miserable, and Lao Tzu should not be curious to follow.

Shi Jian cursed in his heart.

"It's over... The tomb robber met the tomb owner... Still a living tomb owner..."

Chen Yulou felt an urge to urinate, and he and the tomb owner fought with each other, but it was the first time that he had a dead tomb owner with only bones, and it was the first time that he fought with a living tomb owner.

"Draft! This is not the character of Samsung World, Samsung World should have? Is this a four-star, or five-star character? "

The captain's face changed wildly, his scalp was numb directly, goosebumps hit his whole body, and his heartbeat was like beating a drum.

The other four were also trembling, and Jiang Yang broke his mouth in the road and cursed: "Yuan Yuan! What exploration missions are you TM grabbing! Are you blind, this is Samsung World? I'm afraid this is not even more than the four-star world. "

Yuan Yuan was the man who looked like a dwarf, and when he heard this, he trembled and was extremely aggrieved: "I'm sure it's a three-star world, not to mention, there is a reminder when you enter, this is a three-star world, you all see it, how can you throw the pot to me..."

Song Mei trembled, "Five stars!" Definitely a five-star presence! I have experienced the five-star powerhouse of the main god space several times up close, and the power of this Qin Shihuang is definitely no less than the five-star powerhouse of the main god space... Grandpa, why did you name me Song Mei in the first place, I really don't want to give my life..."

Their squad is just an ordinary squad in the main god space, which is more than enough than the upper and lower, compared to the kind of squad that has entered the main god space for the first time and has experienced one or two worlds, it is considered senior, but compared to the squad that has experienced a dozen or dozens of the main god space, it is a small white.

Originally, before the last mission, there were still ten people in their squad, plus fourteen newcomers, but as a result, nine newcomers died in a mission world, and the losses were heavy.

I finally grabbed an exploration task and was ready to relax, but I didn't expect to encounter such a terrifying existence.

What is a five-star.

A single strand of hair that falls out can kill thousands of troops.

Move mountains and oceans at the snap of your fingers.

Thousands of miles to kill.

Thousands of miles of souls.

Fighting the stars to shift, cutting down the stars, and walking the stars, this is what a five-star strong person can do.

In the face of a five-star powerhouse, don't say that he is a three-star, even a four-star powerhouse is an ant.

He never wanted to run away, because there was no escape.

"Wake up!"

Ying Zheng spoke lightly, and heaven and earth seemed to stagnate for a moment at this time, only Ying Zheng's plain but majestic and vast voice was like a cloud hanging from the sky, covering all directions.

As Ying Zheng's voice fell, a brilliant divine light spread from Ying Zheng's body, covering the entire Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum in the blink of an eye, and did not enter those terracotta warriors.


The city below the Heavenly Palace shook violently, as if an earth dragon was turning over, and even the starry sky dome shook, and it seemed that it would fall down in the next moment, shaking the mountain and destroying the heavens and the earth.


Where did the horse bark come from?

The people who fell to the ground looked down through the interval of the white jade steps, and saw that the patina on the bronze-like terracotta warriors in the ancient city pool began to fall off, and they began to move, a bronze war horse first shook off the patina on its body, raised its front hooves, neighed up to the sky, and then bent its front hooves and knelt down in the direction of the Heavenly Palace.


The rust on their bodies fell off faster and faster, and more and more bronze-like terracotta warriors opened their eyes, looked at the Heavenly Palace, held Changge, stepped forward two steps, rumbled and knelt, the sound was like thunder, and the sound wave shook the heavens and the earth:

"Your Majesty Wangu!!"

"Your Majesty Wangu!"

"Your Majesty Wangu!"

"Thousand Autumn Daqin!"

"Thousand Autumn Daqin!"

"Thousand Autumn Daqin!"

In just ten breaths, all the terracotta warriors shook off the patina on their bodies, and they who could not recover their bodies thundered and bowed down to their king with bronze bodies! Their emperor! Their emperor!

First Emperor!

Winning! _

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