"What's in that thundercloud? Be...... Fist? "

All the masters of the Chinese land looked at Lishan Mountain, and some people vaguely saw the churning fists in the thunderclouds, and their hearts stirred, and they were shocked.

"Impossible! How can it be a fist, how can there be a confrontation between man and heaven? "

Huan Zheng sneered and looked at the sky: "Do you only have such abilities?" "

Hearing Ying Zheng's provocation, the thunderclouds in a radius of thousands of miles suddenly shattered, and then a huge vortex appeared in the center of the thundercloud, and the vortex rotated extremely quickly, absorbing all the broken thunderclouds.

The whirlpool rotated, and huge ripples rippled around, condensing into a thundercloud big eye in the blink of an eye, that big eye hung high, indifferent, and looked at everything like grass.

The deep thundercloud eyes seemed to be brewing something.

"It seems that you are exhausted of donkey skills."

"With this ability, you dare to show your eyes in front of Xuan?"


As soon as Ying Zheng's mind moved, the Tai'a sword was already in his hand, a sword pierced the heavenly dome, the sword light flew into the air, and the sword groaned.

However, in an instant, the hundred miles of sword light pierced through layers of thunder and lightning, wrapped in the momentum of wind and thunder.

Want to penetrate the eye of heaven.

Everywhere the sword light went, all tangible and intangible substances were shattered.

All clouds, all space, all dust, all lightning, all torn apart.

It's like a sword in the sky.

When the Heavenly Master Dao Contemporary Heavenly Master saw this sword light, his body was shocked, and he looked at it blankly as if he had lost his soul, and his breathing stopped:

"This sword... This sword..."

His heart swayed, and in a trance, he seemed to see the Heavenly Court Swinging Demon Heavenly Venerable Optimus Sword slashing towards the big demon that swallowed the stars.


In the eyes of the experts who were watching here, that sword light pierced into the big eye of the thundercloud, splitting the big eye of the thundercloud in half.


The eyes of the thunderclouds shattered suddenly, and the condensed thunderclouds dissipated in the sky like a fish returning to the sea.

The sky was calm again, the sky was clear, and it seemed that everything before was an illusion.

"Who is the man who went against the sky and won? Is there still such a thing under heaven? "

This was the question in the hearts of all those who saw the scene of the sword light shattering the Eye of the Sky.

Tianwei dispersed, and the giant eye that was prying in the underworld also disappeared, and Ying Zheng sneered: "You will also be afraid?" "

However, the vigilance in Ying Zheng's heart has not dissipated, although this day. hurt", but will definitely not give up against his invasion.


Xi'an Overseer's Mansion, Feng Yu's previous lightning and thunder suddenly calmed down the sky, thinking in his heart: "Such a strange celestial phenomenon, could it be the so-called God is something?" "

"Great handsome! Great handsome! "

Suddenly, the adjutant's panicked voice sounded, and then the adjutant ran to Feng Yuxiang as if fleeing for his life: "It's not good!" Great handsome! There are monsters about to attack Xi'an! "

Feng Yuxiang put down the cross on his chest, turned around and frowned, "What monster?" Are you hysterical? "

"Great handsome, the monster is the bronze chariot, the bronze horse, the bronze man, in short, the bronze army, you go and see it." The adjutant hurriedly said.

Feng Yuxiang looked at the adjutant for a few seconds, and saw that he didn't look like he was nervous, and he didn't want to commit hysteria, and he looked serious, and snorted coldly: "Prepare the car!" "

Just as Feng Yuxiang got into the car rushing to the eastern gate of Xi'an City, in the direction of Lishan Mountain, outside the eastern gate of Xi'an, the soldiers could see that on the Guanzhong Plain, smoke and dust billowed one after another, and a million bronze army rushed towards Xi'an City at great speed.

Along the way, many people saw this bronze army, and they were immediately frightened, only hating that their father and mother gave birth to a few pairs of legs, and they couldn't wait to give birth to a pair of wings to fly away.

But the frightened fleeing people found that this bronze monster army did not attack them at all, and some people were so frightened that they stayed in place, and some soldiers on the chariot brandished two feet long and picked his hand, hooked his clothes, threw him to the side, fell heavily on the ground, and fell a lot, but he was not crushed by the chariot.

"Stop! If we don't stop there, we'll shoot. "

Two hundred people blocked in front of the bronze army, this is the Shaanxi militia, armed with live ammunition, one shot in hand, there is not much fear of the bronze army.


Seeing that this bronze army did not pay attention to their meaning, the militia leader immediately ordered to shoot.

Bang bang bang!

The bullet ping-pong shot at the bronze army, whether it was a bronze war horse or a bronze soldier, even the copper chips did not drop a little.


When the rain of arrows fell, the militia group of these two hundred people received a box lunch, and the army trampled their corpses away, leaving a large blur of flesh and blood behind them.

The strength of this bronze army depends on the strength of the national movement, and if this bronze army is connected to the national movement of the Manchu Qing Dynasty ten years ago, it can probably only bully the Boxers.

If it is connected to the national fortune of the Qin State two thousand years ago in this realm, it is probably invincible in the era of cold weapons in this realm, but in the face of today's high thermal weapon era, it is not so good.

But now that this bronze army has been connected to the Great Qin National Movement, it is terrifyingly strong, and it is the strongest army in Daqin today, and there is no one.

Therefore, it is said that the victory in this world has left him a huge legacy.

Xi'an City, already in silhouette.

Feng Yuxiang has appeared in Xi'an City, picked up the telescope, under this look, he was so frightened that he trembled, the telescope almost fell off, he looked back at the adjutant: "This is the bronze monster you said?" "

The adjutant nodded aggrievedly, and said in his heart, you finally believe it.


Feng Yuxiang slapped him heavily on the head: "Since you have found it, you are not ready yet!" Fast! Artillery regiment! Cannons, howitzers, anti-aircraft guns, in short, all the guns for me! "

The adjutant reminded in a low voice: "Senior Marshal, our artillery regiment is not armed with anti-aircraft guns. "

Feng Yuxiang glared at him fiercely: "Don't talk nonsense!" Don't give orders to Lao Tzu yet! "


The adjutant hurriedly ran down the city tower.

Feng Yuxiang picked up the binoculars and looked at the approaching bronze army: "MD, this Raushizi God, and does not bless Lao Tzu, Xin Nima!" "

Saying that, he tore off the cross on his chest and threw it casually. _

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